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I walked ahead of Shanks when we finally got home from the party, my ears still adjusted to the loud music leaving me feeling muffled. As I stumbled into the house everything seemed blurred. I reached out a shaky hand as I mumbled, "Shanks?"

"Hey, I'm right here, just lean on me." His voice was low, but close behind as I grasped his hand.

I nodded slowly, leaning back into his warm chest. "You know, I really love you Shanks. You're always looking out for me," I whispered as I fiddled with his hand. He faltered for a moment, but he caught me before I fell back.

"(Y/n), you need to be more careful with men in your state," he rumbled. His hand left mine as he gently turned me to lean back on the wall.

I looked up at him confused. "But I do love you, and I want you to know that," I chimed with a dopey smile and a giggle.

He locked the door as his face got closer and closer until I could feel his shallow breaths on my lips. "Do you mean that?" he whispered.

My mind cleared for one moment to warn me of what could happen as I nodded, before promptly being silenced by his lips on mine.

The kiss started gently while his slightly chapped lips danced with mine. His calloused hand moved to my waist as he pushed me against the wall. He pulled on my lower lip when he broke for air.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to see you like this, just for me," he rasped against the shell of my ear.

(Lemon Start)

He tossed me in the air for a moment so I could sit on his knee, his hand grazing down my back. I heard a zip and my dress began to fall off my shoulders.

"Just as beautiful as I imagined," he mumbled as he kissed my jaw. "My cute," he moved to my neck, "and sexy," then a little further down, "and loving," down to my collarbone, "and smart," along my shoulder, "and beautiful," then finally to the corner of my mouth, "princess."

His hand slipped my dress farther down my torso, my mind blurring at the amount of feelings in my mind.

One thing was for certain. There was an ache between my legs and I needed him to fix it.

I shifted up his leg a little only to nearly crumple at the added friction. "Shanks! I need you to fix it, I- I can't think I just need you to fix it," I whined, gripping onto his shirt. My breathing was heavy and my mind was fogged as he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear, removing the pin keeping it up and out of my face.

I trust him, so he can help, right?

"Mmmn, you're so pretty when you beg, sweetheart," he groaned, running his fingertips over my skin. His lips caught mine while he lifted me with his arm. We made our way to a room and he opened the door roughly with his foot.

He gently tossed me onto the mattress and pulled the dress all the way off, leaving me in my underwear. He nearly ripped off his shirt with how fast he moved before hovering over me, kissing up my abdomen, leaving light bite marks as he went. His bites turned into nips and then sucking as he got closer to my chest. My voice had a mind of its own as I let out whimpers with every touch he gave me, setting my nerves on fire.

"I haven't even gotten to the real stuff yet, sweetheart. Don't tell me you've never been with a man?" he whispered against the soft skin. He kissed closer to my sternum as he waited for my response. I shook my head slowly, trying to calm the spinning before he latched onto my nipple.


I squirmed under his fervent touch, feeling my body getting warmer. I could feel every light brush of him against me as my eyes shut tight. That was probably my first mistake as everything felt ten times more intense. I felt how his calloused fingers glanced over my stomach before he slipped his fingers under my waistband. He stopped completely as he hovered over me, almost in waiting.

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