Roll for Intimidation

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After my slightly awkward chat with Drake, I made my way over to Shanks. He pulled up a chair and gestured for me to sit. Smoothing down my skirt before sitting I smiled.

"I'm glad that you're here, I think I would have lost my nerve standing in front of the class like that."

"Well, I don't think you're gonna like me too much in a bit," he nervously chuckled.

"Why's that?" I asked, getting worried.

"Well, Homeroom doesn't have a seating chart because it's mostly a free period, but Algebra and the rest do, so I ended up putting you next to some more rambunctious kids. I know if anyone can get them to shut up, you can." He ran his hand through his red hair while he leaned back. "You'll see."

I started to get nervous, fidgeting in my seat. "You can't just do that to me, Shanks. Now I'm gonna be panic-y!"

His chuckle eased me slightly. "Deep breaths, (Y/n)-chan. You're gonna be fine!" He gave me his signature silly grin with a wink.

"Fine," I chuckled.


After a bit more doodling good luck and remembrance sigils in the margins of my notebook, students piled in. They quickly began finding their seats with the diagram Shanks and I drew up on the board. Again I was getting odd looks from a few people, but with how Shanks described how rare new students are, it made sense.

With a startling bang, the door slammed open. It drew everyone's attention to a tall red head with a sleek silver prosthetic. His sleeve was rolled up to show the connection to his shoulder and he had pink scars that went over his eye, contrasting with his otherwise perfect porcelain skin. His choice of midnight purple lipstick probably surprised me the most, though.

It looks good on him.

He glared through everyone before his eyes landed on the diagram on the board. With a click of his tongue, he stomped back to the back row... next to where my seat was.

I shot a quick glare to a plenty guilty Shanks as the door slammed open again. I didn't bother looking again until I heard the most beautiful pair of laughs. I turned to see a blond with a burn scar over his eye and a raven with the most freckles I've seen on one person. Their uniforms were a little disheveled, showing their black undershirts, but the blond still somehow carried an air of sophistication.

The blond looked up at the board quickly before dragging the raven to the desk pair in front of mine. I looked at Shanks again in disbelief this time, almost asking out loud if he was serious. A nervous chuckle was my only response before the bell rang for class to start.

He cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "Class! We have a new student! Everyone give her a warm welcome," he said with his usual warm smile. He quickly pat my shoulder to introduce myself.

I felt three piercing stares from the corner, but spoke as leveled as I could. "Hello, my name is (Y/n)! It's nice to meet you all, and I hope we can get along!"

A chorus of "nice to meet you"s and "hello"s met me as I quickly walked to my seat. I was immediately met with a heavy glare and a scoff as I set down my book. The blond and the raven turned in their seats to face me, both with warm smiles.

"Nice to meet ya! I'm Ace and this is my little bro Sabo!" the raven said, animatedly waving and pointing to the blond.

"Only by two months dumbass," Sabo grumbled before turning to me. "Monkey D. Sabo, the pleasure is mine," he greeted calmly as he held out his hand.

"(Y/n) Beckmann, I hope we can get to know each other!" I responded as I gently took his hand.

"Yeah yeah, just shut the hell up. Teach is starting and unlike you nerds I actually have to pay attention to learn this bullshit." My seat mate's voice was a little gravelly, but fit him quite well.

"Sorry, Kidd right?" I recalled from writing it on the board. I got an annoyed but affirmative grunt. I nodded and began taking the light notes Shanks was recapping since it was the first day. We just went over basic algebraic formulas, but I could almost feel Kidd's frustration during his explanation. Shanks finished his short lecture and since we had time until the bell, he let us talk amongst ourselves.

A grumble sounded next to me, "These don't make any fuckin sense."

I turned to Kidd and looked at his notes. It almost looked like he gave up half way. "What's something you like?" I ask.

"What?" he nearly growled.

"Okay, maybe that was bad wording. What's something you know a lot about and is easy to understand?" I try again.


"Sometimes it's easier to understand complicated stuff when you relate it to something you already get. And it helps if you like the other thing if you hate the subject." I look up at him and see he's staring at me surprised.

"I like... mechanics..." he mumbled.

"Oh! I help my brother with his garbage fire of a truck so I know a little," I chime with a smile. "So what we're working with here," I say while pointing at his poor description of the SinCosTan formulas, "would be like a triangular back axel, so think of it like you figuring out what size you need for the third... pipe-thing." I couldn't remember the word for it but he seemed to catch my drift as his amber eyes refocused on the paper.

"Oh, I already know that!" he exclaimed with a wide smile. He quickly froze and glared out at everyone who turned. Then he turned to me and quietly whispered, "Teach me this shit later. You get it, apparently."

I nodded with a small giggle before scribbling out my phone number. I ripped it out and passed it to him. "So we can meet up!" I explained. He nodded and quickly shoved it in his pocket before leaving the class.

"Wow! You've got balls of steel!" Ace joked as he turned to me.

"ACE!" Sabo scolded as he whacked Ace's head.

"Whaaat~" the raven whined, "Its a compliment! She just talked to the school's biggest bully casually and even taught him something, that takes nerves." He turned to me and flashed a mischievous grin. "And she gave him her number no less," he teased with an eyebrow wiggle.

"Oh please, I doubt he took it like that. And I gave it to him as a tutor, not as a flirt," I huffed.

"What? You got a boyfriend or something?" the raven teased again.

"Ha! A homeschool girl like me? Not even close."

"Homeschooled?!" they both exclaimed.

I looked at them and raised a brow. "Yes, is that a problem?" I challenged.

"No! Not at all, we were just surprised is all," Sabo quickly smoothed. He put his hand on the back of his neck before blushing. "Plus, I don't think that would make much of a difference for a guy."

Ace looked at him shocked before his brows furrowed and a small frown graced his thin lips. "I mean, it would in some form. I bet she's never even had a friend before," he said with a sneer.

I was taken aback slightly from the sudden insult, but pushed it aside as a joke. "I mean, yeah. I guess I never have unless you count adults!" I laughed out.

Sabo looked surprised at both of us, while Ace just seemed to be more upset. Without another word Ace stood and shoved his chair loudly into the desk and stomped out, grumbling about something.

Sabo just sat and watched for a moment before turning to me. "I am so sorry about him, I gotta go but it was nice meeting you!" He gave me a strained grin before grabbing both of their books and scurrying out. I made accidental eye contact with a worried Shanks and shrugged quietly.

Well that was something.

A/n~ Two more have arrived! And what happened with Ace? That was definitely suspicious...

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