Lunch Shenanigans

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I patted Luffy's head as the bell rang and tried to peel him off of me. He was very stubborn about it, but eventually his blond friend yanked him off. I shouted a quick thanks as I hurried out of the class. That left Luffy to do all of the cleaning but as far as I was concerned he could handle it.

I did do all of the cooking so it's only fair.

Finally making it to my locker with a twinge of guilt, I yanked it open and snatched the lunch that Benn made me. There was a note in the slits of my door so I grabbed it since it was probably from Shanks again, shut the door, and made my way to the courtyard. I hummed as I walked, no particular tune to it, but it ended up sounding like that one song from Howl's Moving Castle.

I made my way to a large tree in the middle of the square and plopped down under its shade. The weeping willow's drooping branches looked like curtains, shielding me from the ruckus of the school. The energy coming from the scene was peaceful as I leaned against the old trunk. I continued my humming and slipped the note between my fingers.

I opened the carefully folded paper to see decently nice handwriting and the smell of cedar. I only recognized it because I used it quite a bit in cleansing since it's easy to get and there's plenty of it.


I may have skipped my lesson to write this, so I do hope you enjoy it.

Your hair reflects the sun as though it was the light's only purpose. Your eyes, deep and thoughtful, reflect the knowledge behind them. The melody of your name brings my heart to you as it is uncanny in its beauty. Your gentle hands draw others to you, but I hope to be the only one they touch with such tender care as I fall apart under your gaze. Kindness becomes you, but I wonder how deep your thorns can pierce. My dear, what makes you fatal?

-Your Admirer

It left me feeling watched, but I couldn't help but appreciate the description of myself. To think someone could look at me like that. The last line left me thinking, but I could only shake my head as I gently refolded the note and brought out my lunch. As I unwrapped the cut sandwich Benn had made I lost myself in thought.

Maybe I really shouldn't have done that glamour. That was probably the biggest red flag I've ever seen.

I chuckled lightly as a rustling to my right drew my attention. A pair in full black uniforms walked in and stopped as they made eye contact with me. Well, I assume so with the one in the hat. A deep shadow covered the top half of his face but his mouth soon broke into a smile.

The one next to him was much less enthusiastic. His ruffled black hair made him look stressed, the deep shadows under his eyes made him appear eternally tired, and the untrimmed scruff along his chin made him seem mature. All in all, he looked done with today and it was only half over.

"I'm sorry if this was your spot, I just thought it was peaceful and I needed a bit of that today," I explained quickly in the growing silence.

The nearly anonymous one spoke next. "No worries, our name isn't anywhere so you wouldn't have known. I'm Penguin!" He seemed too excitable to be friends with the serious man next to him.

Nonetheless I greeted him, "Nice to meet you, Penguin. I'm (Y/n)." I gave him a smile as his cheeks turned pink.

"A little rude to ignore the other person here, don't you think (Y/n)-ya?" His voice was surprisingly deep, but just as tired as I had assumed. He didn't seem irked unlike his statement insinuated.

"I figured you wouldn't want someone bothering you, and you seem the type to speak first if you want a conversation," I explained.

I wasn't going to tell him he was intimidating or that he seemed to just want a nap.

"Well aren't you observant." He paused to look me up and down. "And correct. I'm Trafalgar Law, second year. Now if you'll excuse me," he mumbled as he sat against the tree a few feet away. He almost immediately fell asleep.

Penguin sat down next to me and shook his head. "Sorry about him, he's a bit... antisocial."

"It's alright, he just needed some sleep. This is a good spot for a nap, though." My eyes trailed up to the base of the branches, watching a few of the leaves trickle down with patches of sunlight. "What about you?" I asked.

"Huh?" He whipped around to look at me. "Me?"

My eyes looked into the shadow of his cap as I chuckled at his expression of shock. "Yes, you. Why do you come here?"

He seemed to be buffering for a moment before a bashful smile graced his features. "W-well, um, I mostly come here to make sure Cap'n wakes up for class. The tree is always a pretty view though," he whispered as he looked up, finally showing his dark eyes. "No one ever really asks about me though."

"I can't see why they wouldn't, you seem pretty cool. And 'Captain'? Why do you call him that?" I wonder aloud.

He let out a quiet snicker. "Well, he's pretty much the leader of our group of friends, and he's also the official Captain of the school's Science Olympiad team," he boasted proudly.

"Oh? And what do you do?" My eyes met his as he sat there shocked.

"Well I'm the Anatomy ace, but he's the all-rounder. He gets top scores in all of the events," he rambled.

"Anatomy ace, huh that must be pretty hard. But I bet you practiced pretty hard to get there!" I smiled again, seeing him nearly malfunctioning from a simple compliment.

"You should be prouder of yourself, you're pretty cool and I've only known you for what, five minutes?" I patted his shoulder. "It's good to boost your friends, but don't bury your good qualities doing it, okay?" I advised as I stood up.

The bell rang as I waved back to him while he remained stalk still at the base of the tree.

When I stepped out into the sun I was nearly blinded. Squinting, I made my way to the doors and walked to the library to read (f/b) until my next class started.

A/n~ And another one! I love Penguin so much so he got his own moment. Also, yes, I participated in the Science Olympiad and hot damn is it hard. I wanted to bring back up the fact everyone forgets, the Heart Pirates are a bunch of nerds lmao

Jinchou Penguin - Unlocked!

Have a great day/night and thanks for reading!

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