In a Haze

978 39 32

A/N - Now that my moral compass is sated, come get y'all's juice
(PS this one is long, take it as an apology )


After I sat in the bathroom for entirely too long I snuck through the empty hallways out to the overcast parking lot. Cursing at my lack of a vehicle before heaving a sigh, I began a long walk to the one spot that promised peace and quiet.


I walked quickly through the busy midday streets. I couldn't shake the feeling of eyes watching my every step. No matter how fast my pace was, I almost started sprinting the block of the police precinct, or where I went, I made sure to stay on the busier roads, they followed.

I made up my mind to face them at the entrance of the forest as I gripped my bag.

As I finally neared the tree line, I quickly slipped my hand into the front pocket and my fingers found the hilt of my pocket knife. I slid it out of the bag and flipped the blade out in a smooth motion. Quickly spinning and lunging at the stalking pair of eyes, my force sent him toppling with a blade pressed to his carotid.

"Whoa! (Y/n)! It's me!"

I looked up at the unsettlingly familiar voice to realize, "Peng? What the fuck, I thought I was about to get kidnapped!" I sighed, immediately relaxing onto his chest as I moved the knife away from his neck and back safely in my pocket.

His chest rumbled out with a chuckle as his arms slowly caged me to him. "I was looking for you 'cause you weren't at the tree today. I saw you dip out of the bathroom upset as hell so I figured I'd make sure you're okay," he explained as I slowly got up. "However, next time I'm saying somethin' a little sooner," he laughed out.

I just shook my head and waved at him to follow me, "Well since you're here, c'mon."

As our steps quietly crunched the leaves that had fallen, the winding path finally opened to the stream, now in its full autumn colors. Red and yellow leaves peacefully slipped into the icy water that rushed over the colorful stones below. The flowers had begun to shrivel up with the cold but that just gave way for the soft moss below. The grass was prickly but remained a stubborn green as I made my way to a patch that was thinning slightly.

I glanced over to Penguin to see him almost frozen as he looked over the little meadow. "Holy shit, how did you find this place?" was all he muttered as he turned to me.

"When you grow up in an orphanage, not many adults care if you're there or not, at least until an appointment happens." I plopped down onto the grass before continuing, "And I had a lot of free time after I was adopted, so I know this place inside and out."

He sat down next to me, letting out an impressed hum. He shuffled through the pocket inside his outfit as he started, "Y'know, I was saving this for after school," he pauses as he seems to find what he's looking for, "Aha-"

He pulled out a small glass tube, having what looked like a furry cone in it. "As a stoner who loves nature, I can't not take the opportunity to smoke in Eden, can I? No less than the best for this spot," he joked with a smirk as he showed me the unlabeled  tube. "Would you do me the honor of partaking, Yome-chan?"

I carefully opened the top, unsealing it and taking a quick whiff, quickly realizing it was weed. "I didn't know you smoked this stuff. Smells terrible," I joked with a fake gag to top it off.

His laugh made me look back at him. "It's an acquired taste," he agreed, "but would you like to try it?" All nervousness I might have been feeling melted away as I caught his eyes under his hat. They had none of the cunning, lust drunk aura of the last men I trusted.

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