Chapter 3: Flustered

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.



"Ya...How many time I told you not to scare me like that."

Jimin spoke while placing his hand on his chest trying to ease his heartbeat while you were busy laughing at his face.

It's been 2 years since you're living with Jimin and his father. It was very awkward at first because it was only you who used to talk to him and annoy him. He used to ignore you as if you didn't even exist but as time passed he got used to your existence. Infact he started to like your company. He didn't like to admit it but somewhere he had developed a sweet spot for you in his heart. Jimin's father is always out for missions which made you both stay alone in the house with the badyguards and maids, which was also a reason why you annoy him.

"C'mon Mini, It wasn't that scary." You were talking while controlling your laugh. Jimin just gave you a side eye before walking into the kitchen as you follow him behind. You saw him opening the cabinets searching for something. Your lips curved in a smirk knowing exactly what is he looking for. You sneakily went after him and opened the middle shelf. Taking out the packet of gummy bears which he loves the most. You hoped on the counter. Opening it as silently as possible, you shoved some in your mouth as you saw him still going through the cabinets.

"Are you looking for this?" You asked him while showing him the now half empty packet of bears and saw how his eyes widen looking at you chewing on his favourite candies. "Y/N!! Didn't I told you not to touch them." He was about to snatch it from you but you were fast enough to dodge him and held it at high. "Give it back to me. You've already finish half of them." He was trying hard to reach your hand but as you were sitting on the counter it was hard for him. Finally looking at you with dead serious eyes which you found extremely cute, you giggle at his attempt of looking intimate. Well, he was intimating. His eyes, his face, his features, his voice. Everything about him was intimating. But you were to naive to understood it. For you he was just a cute boy who gets annoy easily but never shouts on you.

You tease him while waving the packet infront of him. Taking this as an advantage he tried to snatch it from you but you forcefully pulled it towards you making him lean forward as he got closer to you. Your faces were inches away as a tint of blush spread across his face. You were giggling looking at his shocked face and put some more candies in your mouth. Jimin was fluster by the sudden closeness. He back off as his cheeks flushed even more. Your cute dimple smile was still there as you were busy stuffing your mouth.

Jimin's POV. -

Why is my heart beating so fast? I put my hand on my chest feeling my heartbeat racing like a train. It's so weird. Everytime I'm around her, I feel different. I have never been this close to a girl. It feels like I know her for years. Her every little habit attracts me towards her.

I saw how she stuffed her mouth with that candies. To be honest, I never like to share anything. But I can't get angry at her doesn't matter whatever she do. What are you doing to me Y/N?

I was lost in my thoughts when I saw her hand waving infront of me. "Where did you get lost?" She giggled at the end as my heart skipped a beat. Her giggles are so cute. She herself is a definition of cuteness. "You finished them all." I said coldly. She looked at the empty packet and then back at me. She was about to say something when the doorbell rang. I heard the door being open and close. After few seconds I heard my father's voice. "I'm home." As soon as his voice reached till us, Y/N was already trying to jump of the counter. Ah, this girl. She knows how to climb on it but don't know how to get down. I sighted before moving towards her wiggling figure. Holding her waist she looked at me with doe eyes. I avoided looking at her eyes and held her securely until her legs landed on the floor. She hurriedly planted a kiss on my cheek before disappearing from my sight while mumbling a small thank you. I just stood there dumbfounded.

Author's POV. -

Entering the hall, Jimin's eyes landed on you who were smiling ear to ear while talking with his father. He cleared his throat to gain your attention. "Oh, Mini. See uncle brought your favourite gummy bears. You wanted them right?" You asked while walking towards Jimin and showing him his favourite candies. Jimin didn't react but just stared at the packet in your hands. "These are....for you, Y/N." He said in monotone making you pout. "Noooo." "I brought them for you Jimin. Y/N's favourite candies are already in her room." Hearing his fathers words Jimin looked up to see him smiling warmly. Jimin hesitate to take them but took it anyways. A small thank you left his lips as you grin at him. Chan-Yeol just looked at him as he couldn't stop smiling.

After Jimin left you walked towards your uncle who were still staring at the place were Jimin stood earlier. "What happened uncle?" You asked as you saw him looking at you with moist in his eyes. "This is the first time he accepted something from me." You could feel the happiness in his voice. "Don't worry uncle, he'll be back to normal very soon." He just nodded at your comforting words.

Next morning-

Scribbling at the pages Jimin tried to focus on the words but couldn't as the only thought in his mind was you. He expected you to annoy him as it's holiday today, which means you will non stop nag him to play with you but he was so wrong. Today you didn't even come to wish him a good morning. He was trying to concentrate but couldn't help but think about you. Is she fine? Did something happen? Should I check on her? Fighting with his own thoughts he didn't even realise the maid calling for him twice.

"Jimin!!" "Huh?" He snapped out from his thoughts hearing his name being called so loudly. It didn't took him long to understand that something is wrong by looking at the maids expressions. "What happened aunty?"



"Did you found her?"

"N-No boss..."


Banging the table loudly the male stood in front of the shivering figure. "Sir, we're trying to find her. But she's not seen anywhere after her father's d*ath. I think she's with Chan-Yeol. Because he's the only one to know about her." Another men spoke trying to convince his boss.

"That Chan-Yeol. First he k*lled my brother. And now this. Ugh!! I don't care how, just find her at any cost." Both the males bowed towards their boss before leaving the room.

"Wait for me Choi Y/N. I'll definitely find you."



What should have happened?
Who's the person behind Y/N?

I know this so not so good. But trust me next parts will be really interesting 😉

Comment down for next part.

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