Chapter 18: Suspicious

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Before we start,



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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


"This is so boring~" You sighed making Eunji to nod in agreement and rest his head on your shoulder. It's been a while you guys are here and all you saw was people dancing crazily through the glass wall. Inside the room, it was only few people. And most of them are just there for the business talk.

You again sighed looking at Jimin, who was busy talking with god knows who. Having nothing else to do, you started to stare at him. The way his jaw muscles flex everytime he speaks made you feel something in your stomach. His neck veins popping out was a sight to see. Your eyes travel down to his physique but you immediately shook your head. "Stop thinking like pervert." You mumble to yourself as your actions made Eunji flinch. She looked at you weirdly. "Are you ok?" She asked making you smile awkwardly. "Yeah. It's just hot." Obviously it was hot.

Few minutes passed by you and Eunji talking about random stuff while you kept glancing at Jimin time to time. Finally he got free from those people as he walked in your direction while giving out a smile. "Are you guys comfortable?" He asked taking a seat beside you. You just roll your eyes pouting your lips. "Well, our school hosts better parties than this." Your comment made Eunji chuckle as you looked at her and you both burst in giggles. Jimin shaked his head. "Oh, really?" Taehyung who was outside for some time came back and also sat with you all. "What you guys are doing?" He asked motioning the waiter to place the drinks on table which entered just after Taehyung. "Nothing special." You took the glass of orange juice as Eunji took the apple one. The waiter gave Jimin the glass of mixed fruit juice same goes to Taehyung. You all clank your glasses together taking sips. But you being the clumsy girl, choked on your juice at the very first sip.

Jimin panicked and place his glass down before rubbing your back as you cough. "Princess are you okay?" "Y/N!!" Jimin and Eunji tried to help you while Taehyung asked the waiter for a glass of water. He gave the water to you as you gulped down some which finally stopped your coughs. "Take it easy." Jimin spoke making you node. "I'm good. But the juice doesn't taste right." You said making Jimin looked at the glass of juice. "It's ok. Take mine." He exchanged your juices as you took sip and hum. "Hum, this is nice."

Unknown POV. -

"Are you sure it will work?"

"It have to work."

"Let's see."

20 minutes later-
(Sorry for so much time skip😁)

You felt bored while sitting on the same place for too long, so you decided to take a walk. Eunji went to the washroom so you were alone as Jimin and Taehyung was also busy with there partners. You stood up and walk around the lavishing place eyeing every antic piece present there. It wasn't something new for you as your mansion is already full with a lot of antic things. But to keep yourself entertained you kept walking. Until you stood infront of where jimin was. You smile looking at him and was about to walk towards him but a voice stopped you. "Y/N, right?" You turned around to see who it was and saw Jasmin standing there with a glass in her hand. You gave her awkward smile cause at the moment you least wanted to talk with her.

"Yes " you spoke playing with your bracelet. You couldn't understand what it was but there was something about her which doesn't felt good. You again look back at Jimin and fortunately he looked at you too. He excused himself and walk towards you, being your saviour as always. You felt relief seeing him approach you but then you felt your head spinning. You grip your head lightly and tried to balance yourself when a hand grabbed your waist. Pulling you in his embrace, Jimin held your fragile figure looking at you worried.

"Princess, what's happening? Are you okay?" He caressed your cheek making you look at him as some tears gathered in your eyes. Your body suddenly felt really hot as you started to sweat. Your breathing got shorten and uneven which didn't went unnoticed by him. He held you more securely when you dropped your wait on him clutching on his clothes. "Min..." Your voice came out weak and shaking due to the sudden exhaustion you were feeling. Taking deep breaths trying to normalize your breathing, you felt something weird happening to you. You never feel like this before. "Princess..." Your knees gave up making him pick you up and took you to the place where you were sitting before. Placing you on the couch, he tried to keep you conscious. "Y/N, don't close your eyes. Are you okay?" He layed your head on his shoulder and rubbed your hands. His heart beat increased when he sense your body heating up. You clutch his clothes even tighter pulling him close as you felt your body carving for him.

"Min, it's hurting." Yet another whisper left your mouth but he heard you. While taking care of you Jimin failed to notice the burning gaze on him. But someone else did. "What's happening?" Jimin looked at Taehyung who came with Eunji looking at you worriedly. "What happened to her?" Eunji took a seat beside you and gasp feeling your skin burning. "She's burning." She whispered which made Taehyung knit his eyebrows in confusion. "How did she got sick suddenly?" He asked making Jimin nod in denial. "I don't know. She suddenly felt sick and now she's burning. I think we should go home." Jimin's word made Taehyung nod even if he felt something suspicious.

"You take her home. I'll drop Eunji." Jimin nodded in approval before looking at Jasmin who stood there like a statue. "Thanks for the party Jasmin. But I think we should leave." "Yes, that's fine. Take care of her." Jimin smile at her before taking you bridal style and walking out of the club, while Jasmin stood there clutching the glass in her hand in anger. 


This is pure sh*t. 🥴

Comment for the next part 💜

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