Chapter 31: "Hate you."

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Author's POV.-

Eunji's head peeked out from her knees to see two brown orbs staring at her worriedly. She inhale a good amount of air in an attempt to stop her hiccups. She adjusted her posture as she sat straight while looking down and playing with her fingers.

Taehyung noticed her every action patiently while admiring how beautiful the girl look even in her worst state. Her eyes were brimming with tears and her lips tucked under her teeths trying not to let out a sob. He smile fondly at her before patting her head, causing her to look at him again. "Are you okay now?" She wonder if he always sound this soft and tender or it was just for her. Obviously it was for her.

Not knowing how to reply, she just nodded her head, resuming to fiddle with her fingers. He sighed looking at her all lost. "Why were you crying?" He asked while getting comfortable on the floor beside her. She took a long pause enough to stop his heart from beating for few seconds. I shouldn't have asked that. He cursed himself for making her uncomfortable. It is obvious that she's still not totally comfortable around him. "I'm sorry-" He brought himself to apologise but she beat him in that. "I'm sorry." He looked at her puzzle but she had a neutral expression. "Why?" He whispered not sure if he should ask her the reason or not cause he didn't want to make her uncomfortable again.

"I'm troubling you a lot, aren't I?" A crystal like tear left her eye with her lips getting back under her teeths. She felt like a burden. His heart scream in pain looking at her fragile figure shading tears sitting right in front of him and yet he failed to do anything. Looking away from her  he stabled his mind before bringin his eyes back on her. She was still crying silently which churn him to the core and he unwillingly shifted closer to her. She didn't noticed it as she was too busy to not let out any sound. His hands gently held her shoulder before laying her head on his chest. He could feel her shaking slightly.

"I..." She burst in tears with her hands clutching his shirt. He tighten his grip as she let out her tears without caring about anything now. He didn't even know what she was apologizing for, but he comforted her knowing that's all she need at the moment. Her cries echoed in the room as he kept patting her head and caressing her back to sooth her.

He wanted to tell her that it's not her fault neither she needs to apologise for anything but he choose to stay silent. Cause that was the best way to say his unspoken words, for now.

Y/N's POV. -

My eyes opened due to the slight pain in my stomach. A rubbed my eyes adjusting to the deem light in the room. The sky outside the window was grey, which mean I slept too long. I sighed trying to shift from my place but couldn't do so making me frown. I looked down to see a hand holding my waist. I look beside me to see Jimin sleeping while his face snuggle in my heirs as he snor softly. I chuckle but my smile faded remembering what happened in the morning. I pouted while looking at his cute sleeping face. How am I supposed to stay mad at him? 

I wiggle around trying to get out of his grip which wake him up. "Princess, are you up?" He asked in his groggy voice as I stopped moving. I gulped feeling his warm breaths tickling my neck and closed my eyes. You're angry. You're angry. You're angry. I keep chanting in my mind while removing his hand from my waist. I sat on the bed and removed the covers as he also sat straight. "What happened? Is it still hurting?" He tried asking me but I acted as if I didn't listen to him. Landing my feets on the floor, I gasp at how cold they were. For a moment I feel like getting back in the sheets and cuddle with him all night. You're angry!!! My mind reminded me as I shook my thoughts and stood up even if I didn't wanted to.

"Princess, are you okay?" Jimin was constantly asking me but I least wanted to talk with him. I directly went to the bathroom before he could ask anything more. Taking a deep breath I looked at myself in the mirror. "Why am I angry at him though?"

Author's POV.  -

Jimin sat there looking at the closed door of bathroom. Is she that angry? But for what? He messed his already messed up heirs while getting out of the bed and waking to the balcony. As he opened the door, the fresh evening breez made him relaxed. He stood there waiting for you to come out of the washroom so he could talk with you. That's when he received a call. He pulled out his phone and groaned looking at the ID. 'Jasmin.'  "Why now?"

Neverthelessly, he picked the call and placed it on his ear. "Hey, Jimin. How're you doing? Are you okay now?" A high pitch excited voice screamed from the other side making him startled. He sigh to himself. "Yeah. I'm good. Thanks for asking." He tried sounding happy which he was not, absolutely. "By the way are you free tonight? I was wondering if we could have dinner together?" Her tone got a little low as she mumble the last part. Even if Jimin couldn't see her, he could imagine her blushing and shying away on the other side. He wanted to deny, but it can be an opportunity for him. "Sure, Jasmin. I'll pick you up at 8?" She squeal from the other side. "Okay done. I'll be waiting. Bye!!" "Bye."

He shook his head at her excitement before turning back but halted looking at the figure standing at the door. "Princess..." Before he could say anything, she was already storming out of the room. "What the f*ck, Jimin!!" He cursed himself while throwing the phone on bed and following you behind as you walk down the stairs. You came in hall while he was still following you. "Princess. Princess, listen to me." He tried to hold your hand but you yank it away. "What should I listen now? That you're going on date with other women?" You sarcastically muttered while folding your arms. The fresh tear rolling down your cheek didn't go unnoticed by Jimin. Your mood swings kicking in.

He walk closer while holding your shoulder. "Baby, it's not what you think. Just calm down." He tried to make you understand but you were nowhere near understanding. "Oh really?" By your tone, he knew you were hurt and angry. He didn't know how to make you understand his view. "Princess..." "Ok fine then, why don't you take me with you?" He looked at your serious expressions and he knew you weren't playing around. "I can't." He look down while mumbling making you scoff. "I knew it." More tears flow as you wipe them harshly. "If you're going then I'm coming too. I don't want to stay here." Jimin's patience were running low at your stubbornness, but he was aware that it's not your fault. "I told you, you can't come with me." He said a little sternly while walking away leaving you dumbfounded. Your anger took the best of you as you angrily stomped your legs while throwing the vase on the floor making a shrill sound. Jimin halted and look back at you who were staring at the floor. "I know why you don't want to take me. I hate you." Your voice raised which made Jimin loose his temper too. "Enough Y/N!!! You're not going anywhere. Go to your room." You flinch hearing him scream your name as you froze on your spot. His eyes were completely different, full of anger. You felt a little scared and hurt as you stared at him.

"I hate you." You mumble while running to your room and locking the door. Jimin just stood there not knowing how to process whatever just happened.

"What I have done?"


Who is wrong here? Y/N or Jimin?

Comment for the next part 💜

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