Chapter 28: Comfort

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.



Jasmin screamed on top of her lungs startling her father.

"What do you mean why? I have heard how much you love Jimin. So I thought that maybe I can help you. But I didn't know that he already have someone." Mr. Shin sighed while looking down. But his head snapped towards Jasmin after hearing her words.

"You don't have to worry about it. That someone will soon be gone."

"W-What do you mean?" Mr. Shin couldn't understand what his daughter was trying to say. He walk closer to her before holding her hand and snapped her to face him. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" But she just grinned like an evil. "He reject me, right? Now he'll be the one to kneel in front of me and ask me to marry him." Mr. Shin's eyes widen and his grip loosen around her hand. He stared at her in disbelief but soon his eyes filled with rage. "Jasmin!! Are you out of your mind. I know you like him but he DON'T. So stop thinking like that." He tried knocking some senses in his daughter's head but she just looked at him with unreadable expression.

"Oh really? Then I'll make sure he do like me now." She smiled like a psycho before walking away leaving Mr. Shin in faze.

Taehyung's POV. -

I was struggling to sleep on the couch in my room as the bed was occupied by Eunji. I didn't wanted to disturb her but neither I wanted to leave her alone. So I decided to sleep on the couch so I could stay beside her. But that was s horrible decision.

"Ahh!!" I lowkey groan getting on another posture trying to get comfortable so that my back won't hurt in the morning. "F*ck. Was this couch always this small?" I mumble to myself while finally feeling a little peace. My eyes landed on the fragile figure laying on the bed. She was soundly sleeping making my lips twitched upwards. The calmness on her face was enough for me to feel relaxed, even on this not so comfortable couch. Her face was full of bruises but it still glowed under the moonlight. Just like a fairy. God, I'm getting romantic day by day. I chuckled shaking off my thoughts and closing my eyes trying to get some sleep. But that didn't last longer when I heard a whimper.

I shoot my eyes open and sat on the couch looking at Eunji. Her face showed some discomfort as she was mumbling some inaudible words. I stood from my place and walk until I was standing a little afar from bed. I didn't wanted to scare her. I sat on my knees near the bed and held her hand which was clutching the bedsheet tightly. She must be having a nightmare. I thought while caressing her knuckles.

"Eunji." I softly whispered trying to wake her up without startling her. But to my surprise she started to whimper loudly. She tried to snatch her hand away from me and now her sobs got louder. "P-lease, don-t hurt m-e..." My heart hurt seeing her like this. Her cheeks were now stained with tears and she was breathing heavily. I got up and sat on the bed beside her holding her shoulders. I shaked her body a little vigorously trying to wake her up. She whimper and sobbed before opening her eyes.

She stared at nothing for few seconds before her eyes diverted towards me. Looking at me her body reacted violently as she sat straight while yanking my hands away. I retrieved my hands and scooted a little away from her as she kept pulling the bedsheets towards her chest. She's terrified. "Hey hey, it's ok. Clam down. You're fine. Everything is fine." I tried to reassure her from distance as she kept looking around her as if trying to find someone. I got what she was searching for. "Don't worry. Seyung is not here." Her pupils diverted to me as she starred at me for few good seconds. Her shoulders slumped down and her grip around the bedsheets loosened. She was still breathing heavily while looking at her hands.

I got up to take the glass of water from the nightstand but regret it immediately as she flinch and shield her hands in front of her face trying to defend herself. Oh, How much that b*sturd have traumatized her. "Hey, it's ok." I held the glass of water in front of her as she peeked at me before looking at the glass. She tried to hold it but her hands were trembling. I couldn't take this anymore. I slowly shifted a little closer to her holding her small trembling hands in mine. Her body stiffen a little but thankfully she didn't flinched this time.  I brought the glass upto her lips as she gulped down some water in it. Her glossy big eyes stared at me with so much emotions that I feel like embracing her and never let her go away. She pushed my hand taking me out of my thoughts as I placed the glass on table and again started caressing her hands. "Are you okay now?" I was talking so softly that I'm sure no one standing in the room could hear me. But she did. She nodded her head slightly while removing her hands from mine. I cleared my throat before looking around the room. It was quite dark. " should take some rest. And don't worry. I'm here. No one will hurt you." I gave her a sweet reassuring smile as she did nothing but stared at me. Looking down she nodded again. I sighed knowing she needs more time to get comfortable. I stood up ready to get back to the couch.

"Tae..." Her voice barely came out of her throat as she whispered in a small tone. I turned around instantly. "Yeah?" I saw her fiddling with her fingers. "It's okay. You can say it." She sigh before looking up at me. "C-an you ..can you tur-n on the lights? It's too....d-dark." She stumble with her words but successful completed her sentence. I walk towards switch board and flipped it turning on the dim lights. Her eyes squinted adjusting to the light. "Thank-s." She whispered again making me smile. "It's ok. Anything else?" She nodded negatively before laying down and covering herself with the sheets. She didn't questioned about anything and i assume she's still in a shock. I hope she recover soon.

I looked at her sleeping figure for few minutes before getting back to the couch to sleep. Or should I say struggle.

Park Mansion -

Author's POV.-

You yawned before sitting on the bed and rubbing your eyes. The sunlight was peeking through the courtens as you adjusted with the light. Looking beside you, you find it empty as a small pout formed on your lips. "Where did he go?" You mumble while lazily dragging your body to complete your morning routine.

Jimin was walking towards the kitchen to tell the maids to prepare your favourite food. As he crossed the hall he saw Jin talking with other guards. Guilt immediately rushed through his body making his steps divert towards Jin. "Hyung." Hearing Jimin, Jin turned around to look at him. He signaled the guards as they bowed and left. "Good morning Jimin." He flashed him a sweet smile making Jimin feel even more guilt. He didn't thought before hugging Jin tightly. "I'm sorry hyung." Jin knitted his eyebrows in confusion. "Sorry for what?" Jimin parted from the hug  while looking down. "I behave very rudely yesterday. I should have control myself." Hearing his younger one, Jin chuckle. "It's ok Jimin. I know you didn't mean it. You were stressed. But I hope everything is fine now?" Jimin look up to see his hyung giving him a tender smile making him smile too. "Yes hyung. Thank you." They both talk about some stuff when Jin suddenly asked.

"Jimin, are you sure everything is fine?" Jimin know what he was referring to. But he couldn't tell him anything right now. "Yes hyung. For now everything is fine. But I want you to take care of Y/N more now. Don't let her leave the mansion. Not even for school. Just make sure she doesn't go anywhere." Jin nodded while reassuring him that he'll always be with you.

After the talk, Jimin started to walk towards the kitchen while taking his phone to message Taehyung.

Jimin- Tae, meet me at xxx place. I want to talk something important.

Taehyung - Ok.

Jimin sighed after reading his replay. He told the maids about your breakfast before leaving the mansion.


Quite lengthy, but it's ok. It's more about Taehyung and Eunji 😁

Comment for the next part ❤️

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