Chapter 22: Changed

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Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Author's POV.-

"Tae, I think you're overthinking. Just relax." Jimin spoke looking at Taehyung who gave him a confused look. "I'm overthinking? Sure. Just don't say I didn't warn you." "Calm down Tae. You're misunderstanding Jasmin. Didn't you saw now?" Jimin tried to approach him but he just back off from Jimin. "I don't even know what to say." Taehyung storm out from the cabin as Jimin stood there looking at the closed door. A sigh left his mouth as he sat on his chair, looking at your picture on his desk, unaware of the fact that someone was smirking after hearing the two best friends fight.

After few days-

Since the argument between Taehyung and Jimin, both didn't tried to talk with each other. The only time they interact with each other was on the business meetings. Once Taehyung tried talking with Jimin, but he cut the conversation short causing him to give up on trying.

On the other hand, you were worried for Eunji. She was healing but the scars on her soul will not leave easily. You were cheering her up at every moment you got, but the sadness she hide under her smile didn't go unnoticed by you. On top of that, Jimin's changed behaviour didn't help at all. He was overworking a lot. Coming home late, having short conversations, not spending time together made your relationship drift. But you know it's just for a little period of time.

Today you decided to wait for him for dinner. But as usual he was late, which made you doze off while waiting for him. When Jimin entered the house he found it silent. But as he walk further, your tiny figure dozing at dining table caught his attention. He sighed and walk towards you. A smile curved up his lips when he saw your lips pouted and your cheeks squish on the table. He saw the food on the table being untouched and his smile disappeared. "What am I doing?" Jimin thought as his fingers caressed your cheek which made you woke up. Looking at Jimin your eyes lit up as you jumped out from your seat hugging him tight. "When did you came?" You asked while parting away. "Why didn't you ate?" Instead of answering you, he throw another question at you. "I wanted to eat with you." You grin while making him take a seat and you sat beside him. Having your diner as you talk about your day and he just answered your questions, you both enjoyed the little time you got to spend together.

Finishing the dinner, Jimin went to freshen up and got ready to sleep. But his eyes got stuck on your figure laying on his bed as you wait for him to join you. When you saw him staring at you, you chuckle patting the space beside you. "It's been so long we've cuddle." Your puppy eyes making him walk to the bed and flopping beside you as his hands snuggle your frame in his embrace. He waited for this moment. "I'm sorry, princess." He mumble causing you to turn around and give him a sweet smile. "It's ok Minie. Good night." Giving him a good night kiss you snuggled more in him and drifted to sleep while he kept staring at you. "I'm sorry for everything baby. I'll make everything right." He kissed your temple and left the bed to take care of some important work.

Taehyung's POV.-

My hands gripped the wine glass but I couldn't bring myself to gulp it down. "What the f*ck is wrong with me?" I slammed the glass on table and relaxed my figure on the couch in the expensive club's VIP room. As I was trying to keep my brain together, a figure sat on my lap making me look at her. A waitress wearing a sl*ty  outfit sat on my lap giving me a seductive smirk. "Are you tired sir? Should I help you?" She asked ready to kiss my neck but I held her neck choking her as she struggled to breath. "Just leave me alone." I yanked her away from me as she just hurriedly walk out of the room making me message my forehead.

Jimin's behaviour nowdays bothers me a lot. Like how can a man who's madly in love with someone ignores the fact that, that someone's life is in danger. Either he's being totally clueless or he's just pretending to be. As I was sitting in the room my eyes fell on the girl in crowd. She was wearing the same white dress as Eunji, which she wore on that day. My mind went back to her and suddenly I was missing her like hell. "I'm going crazy." I mumble and stood up to leave the place. I sat in my car and starting the engine.

The beautiful face of Eunji kept flashing in front of my eyes and unknowingly my car stopped at a familiar place. In front of Eunji's house. I stared at the house for few seconds before my hands gripped my phone and dialled a number.

Author's POV.-

Eunji, who was sitting on her study table flinch when her phone rang at the unusual time. She hesitate to pick it up looking at the unknown number, but did it anyways. "Hello?" A long sigh could be heard from other side before her eyes widen hearing the voice of the person. "Come out of your house now or I'm coming in." "T-Teahyung..?" She couldn't processes the situation as the call was already ended. She looked out from her window and saw a familiar car standing there. She gasped before hurriedly but carefully walking out of her room and sneaking out from the house.

She saw Taehyung standing while resting his head on the car roof. She stood behind him before gathering her coverage to talk. "What are you doing here? And how did you got my number?" She asked rubbing her palms on her forearm, as Taehyung turned around taking her in hug. She gasped feeling his body so close to her. "W-What?" "I just need to calm down." He whispered tightening his grip as she just stood there.

After few minutes, Taehyung let her go but when his eyes got a glimpse of her, his eyes darken and anger rushed through his body.

"Who did this?"


What happened with Eunji will be revealed in next part. And also what's happening with Jimin.

Comment for the next part 💜

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