Chapter 63: French

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Author's POV. -

After freshing up, you all mate in the garden of the hotel were the staff arranged lunch for y'all. You and Eunji were too much excited to explore the place while Jimin and Taehyung were busy in their secret talks. You got suspicious about the way they were acting up but that didn't last long when the food arrive.

As you and Eunji dig in the food, Taehyung and Jimin talked with signs which went unnoticed by both of you. When the lunch finished, Jimin took you with him saying he needs to tell you something important, while Taehyung brought Eunji with him saying he had to go somewhere. Eunji were confuse but went with him.

"Minie, what do you want to tell me? Why did you brought me in the room?" You asked while looking at him with a pout on your lips. "Do it need to be something important only? Can't I just spent time with my girl?" Jimin asked while being fake offended and turned around as his back faced you,  while you chuckle and circled your hands around his waist, back hugging him. "Ok sorry." You whisper while turning him around and kissing him on his lips. Jimin smile in the kiss and held your waist pulling you close.

"Are we here so that we can romance?" You giggle feeling ticklish, when he brushed his nose on your neck. "Um hm. Why? Is it bad?" He back off looking at you with raised eyebrow as you stretched your lips in wide smile. "Not at all." You boop your nose with him, making him smile too. "But I left Eunji alone." "Don't worry about her. She's having really good company."

In the Mall-
Taehyung's POV. -

I was walking in the mall towards the shop, where Jimin asked me to pick up the gift he booked for Y/N. Eunji was walking beside me with confusion, but she didn't asked anything and just followed me silently. "Will you follow me the same if I walked in hell?" I suddenly stopped and turned towards her making her took a step back avoiding herself from crashing to me. Her wide eyes blink multiple times before she looked around her. "This doesn't look like hell." She mumble while bringing her eyes back at me as I stared at her for few seconds before we both burst into giggles.

I again started walking but this time kept my pace slow so she could walk closer to me. As we were heading towards the shop, my eyes landed on the coffee shop in the neighbourhood. "Let's have a coffee?" I asked while taking her hand in my hold and before she could understand and reply to me, I've already drag her in the coffee shop with me. We stood in front of the counter as the girl from opposite side spoke.

"Bienvenue Monsieur! comment puis-je t'aider?" (Welcome sir! How can I help you?)

"Puis-je avoir un café américain glacé et un café normal?" (Can I have a ice americano and a normal coffee?)

"Bien sûr Monsieur. Veuillez vous asseoir et attendre quelques minutes. votre commande sera bientôt prête." (Sure sir. Please take a seat and wait for few minutes. Your order will be ready soon.)

"merci beaucoup." (Thank you so much.)

I turned around to look at Eunji as she looked at me with her eyes full of amusement. "You can speak French?" She sounded way to surprised which made me surpass my laugh. I just nodded and gesture her to take a seat at one empty table. We both sat on the table as she kept glancing at me. "Do you wanna say something?" I asked looking at her closely as she bite her lips and her cheeks started to heat up. Looking at her face I got a flashback of the incident that happened back in the hotel. The way her soft lips felt against mine, the way they tested, the way I held her. Feeling like I'm making her uncomfortable, I broke the kiss but she was still holding my t-shirt making me smile.

"Um..." I broke out of my trance when she started to speak. "C-an you....can you tea-ch me?" She hesitate to ask while looking at me with her beautiful dark orbs making me feel flustered. "So-rry what?" I asked back not getting her words as I was too distracted by her features. "Can you teach me French?" She again asked loudly while looking down as I guessed her fingers were already clutching her dress. I chuckled making her look at me. "Are you interested?" I asked while leaning on the table as she nodded her head slowly but her eyes didn't faile to show how excited she is. I couldn't stop smiling seeing her innocent acts which were literally testing my patience.

"Ok then let's start." I straighten my back as she looked around us with her big eyes. "Now? Here?" "Why not?" I shrugged my shoulders as a waiter came and put the coffee on our table as I thanked him. "merci." "merci." Eunji copied my words as the waiter smiled at us and left. "Do you know what does that mean?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee. "Thank you, I guess." She wasn't sure but I smile and nodded making her smile widen. Just looking at her smile made me happy.

"How about you try this?" She looked at me while hearing me with full concentration. "Je vous aime." "Je...vos..?" "Je vous aime." I repeat myself as she heard me carefully.     "Je vous aime." She said without stumbling and my heart skipped a beat hearing her words. I'm so sure that my eyes have turned heart shape the way I'm looking st her. "je t'aime aussi mon amour." The words slipped out of my mouth, as her smile faded and she just stared at me.

"What does that mean?" Her sudden question made me startled as I realise what I've said. She looked at me with questionable eyes as I felt fluster to say it again. "Ah... you'll find it out soon. We're getting late. Let's go." She was about say something but I just stood up and went to pay the bill. I internally smiled while taking a glance at Eunji as she was trying to figure out what does that words mean.

Author's POV. -

Taehyung and Eunji went to the shop to pick up Jimin's gift. When Eunji saw it, she realised that she haven't brought anything for her best friend's birthday. Looking at her distress expression, Taehyung placed his hand on her shoulder. "Something wrong?" "I didn't brought any gift for Y/N." She said feeling bad and here Taehyung just felt like squishing her cheeks at how cute she looks. "That's it? Then let's buy one now." Saying this he took her to the clothes shop even though she refused. Obviously there's no way he'll not fulfil any wish she have.

While, in the hotel room, you and Jimin cuddle while watching a movie. As the sun went down, the city lights started sparkling and the weather went chilly. You snuggle more in Jimin's arms as his body was giving the warmth you needed. In between, Jimin kept giving you butterfly kisses and caressing your skin under your clothes. It was peaceful moment which you both enjoyed in each others embrace.

"Minie, I'm hungry." You turned to look at him as he smile and pecked your nose before removing the covers over your bodies. You felt the shiver running down your spine at the sudden loss of warmth. "Let's go have dinner. Taehyung and Eunji must be back too." While saying this, Jimin walk around the room and picked the coat placed on the couch and made you wear it. After being sure that you'll not freeze, you both walk out of the room hand in hand. Jimin messaged Taehyung and informed him to came to the restaurant in the hotel for dinner.

When you both reach there, Taehyung and Eunji were already sitting on the table as you left Jimin's hand and did a little run towards Eunji. "Hey." You side hugged her seating figure, as she smiled and hugged you back. Taking a seat beside her you started talking while Taehyung secretly handed the gift to Jimin making him smile. They both fist bump with each other and smile before going back to being normal.

"Come on, let's have dinner fast." Taehyung said making you and Eunji glanced at each other. "Why?" You asked as he looked at Jimin who nudge him by his leg as Taehyung chuckle. "Just because. It's getting late and we need to get proper sleep too. So we can enjoy tomorrow to the fullest. Don't you want to enjoy your birthday?" Taehyung asked with a slight grin making your smile widen. "Obviously!!" You squealed making Eunji chuckle. "Oh, and isn't it's your-" Jimin spoke while looking at Taehyung but his words were cut off by the waiter who brought the food.

"Everyone, let's enjoy the food for now."


Something is missing up. Can you catch it? 😉

Comment for the next part 💜

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