Chapter 26: Escaped?

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Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Author's POV.-


A scream left your mouth as you sat on the bed, shaken from the nightmare you just had. Your heavy breaths echoed in your empty room as you recognised your surroundings which was nothing like you saw few minutes ago. You closed your eyes trying not to let your tears fall. The door of your room burst open as you look up expecting to see Jimin but your hopeful eyes turned gloomy seeing Jin standing at the doorframe with worried expression.

"What happened Y/Nie? Are you alright?" He asked while standing beside your bed as you looked at your lap. "Did you had a bad dream?" His tone become softer as he patted your head making you burst in tears remembering the dream you just had. You hiccup while nodding your head like a cute child. He chuckled lightly making you look at him. "Where's Jimin?" You asked wiping your nose with your hoodie paws. "He went to office for an important work. Don't worry he'll be back soon. Until then I'm here." You smiled at him before he made you lay down again and cover you with duet. You close your eyes trying to forget the memories and sleep as Jin sat on the couch in your room so you won't feel terrified.

At the office-

"WHAT!!" Jimin stood from his place staring at Mr. Shin in disbelief. "Are you hearing yourself Mr. Shin?" Jimin's tone raised a little higher making Chan-Yeol raised from his seat and walk towards his son. "Jimin, calm down." He patted Jimin's back trying to make him calm and looked at Mr. Shin who also stood up after Chan-Yeol. "Mr. Shin, we appreciate your interest in our company, but I don't think this is actually appropriate for you to assume things from our side." He spoke in a calm but intimating tone which made Mr. Shin's face pale. "Sorry Mr. Park, but did I said something wrong?" Mr. Shin asked not getting why he got such a violent reaction on such a beneficial request.

Chan-Yeol sighed but before he could say anything, Jimin spoke. "Before making any requests you should make sure that it's not gonna hurt someone's feelings. And I'm not sorry for saying this but I can't marry your daughter. We're just business partners and it's better if it stays like this." Jimin didn't raised his voice, instead it dropped an octave making him sound dominant. Mr. Shin gulped while looking at Jimin's cold eyes. "Ohh. But what's the reason to reject my daughter? She's beautiful, intelligent and-" "But she's not the one I love. So there's no point." Jimin cut Mr. Shin in middle and walk out after giving him a final glance. Chan-Yeol excused himself before following Jimin.

"Jimin, wait." Jimin stopped on his tracks as his hand stroke his heirs. "What's with the violent reaction Jimin? He just gave us a proposal. Why did you react like that? You could have just simply denied him." Jimin let out a frustrated sigh before looking at his father. "I'm sorry dad. But right now my mind is mess. That's why I reacted that way." He look down trying to calm his racing heart. "Jimin, is something bothering you?" Chan-Yeol's questions made jimin gave his father a blank look, but he covered it up with a small smile. "Don't worry Dad. I'll handle it." Chan-Yeol nodded in understanding before Jimin gave his father a hug and left the building. Chan-Yeol walk back to his cabin where Mr. Shin was seated. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. But Jimin's decision is final." Mr. Shin nodded and left the cabin with heavy heart, while Chan-Yeol sat on the chair thinking about Jimin.

At Eunji's place-

"Where's Eunji?" Taehyung's deep voice made Seyung gulp and shiver with fear. He looked at Taehyung and then at his hand which was holding the black metal. "Sh-e's n-ot hom-e." He stutter badly while staring at the gun as his legs tremble in fear. He have mate few gamblers before but non of them ever had a gun or any kind of weapon so this was the first time Seyung saw a real gun which made him scared to death. Taehyung sighed hearing Seyung' s reply and scratched hos forehead with the tip of gun. "You really didn't understand what I mean right?" His eyes bored holes in Seyung as he did nothing but tremble with fear. "I-I..." Before he could say anything, Taehyung pressed the trigger which made a loud sound making Seyung flinch. He crouched down while covering his ears as a loud scream left his mouth. His forehead covered with sweat and his hands were shaking as he stayed on the floor not daring to look up. Eunji, who was cooking in the kitchen flinch hard after hearing the loud gunshot which made her drop the glass jar she was holding as it scattered on the ground with loud sound.

Taehyung's ears perked up hearing the other sound coming from the house a he abruptly stood from his place to follow the sound. He roam his eyes everywhere until he reached to the kitchen. He saw the glass pieces scattered on the floor and Eunji's little figure curled up near the kitchen counter. She was covering her face in between her knees as a soft sob left her mouth which made Taehyung's eyes soften. He walk through the glasses crushing them under his shoes until he reached upto Eunji's figure. He crouched down in front of her before placing his hand on her shoulder. But he retrieved it immediately after he heard her whimpering. "Pl-ease d-on't hur-t me." She chocked on her tears while trying to scoot away from his touch. Taehyung's fist clench looking at her miserable state a he closed his eyes and took few deep breaths trying to surpass his anger. "Hey, sweetie. Calm down. Look it's me Taehyung." He softly spoke trying not to scare her as her sobs stop. She peeked through her knees making an eye contact with him. His heart clench looking at her bruised face with swollen eyes and tear stained cheeks. His eyes looking at her ever so softly made her doe bamby eyes tear up more as she just throw herself in his arms making him hold her tight.


"Calm down sweetie. I'm here. No one can touch you."


Not so cool.😶

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