Chapter 56: Punished

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Author's POV. -

Eric stood there holding the g*n pointing towards you, while Jasmin smirk looking at your face. Your tears were flowing continuously with your hands clutching your dress tightly.

"I dare you to pull that trigger." A loud, familiar voice echoed in the silence making your eyes snap open. You turned around to find the owner of that voice. The tears which were flowing due to sadness up til now turned into happy one seeing the person standing at the distance. "Minie." You mumble with tears in your eyes and that sight made Jimin's heart broke in pieces.

Jasmin's smirk vanished and Eric's eyes widen looking at the furious figure of Jimin walking towards him. "What did you came inside?" Eric look around to see if he could spot any of his mens. "GUARDS. GUARDS!!" He screamed on top of his lungs but in response just heard a chuckle. "No one can hear you. They all are sleeping." Jimin's voice sounded closer causing Eric to look at him and found him standing just at few steps away from you and him. Looking at Jimin and then at you, Eric instantly pulled you towards him and put his g*n on your head making Jimin's steps to halt. "Don't you dare to come any closer Jimin. I'll k*ll her." He said while making his grip on your arm stronger causing you to whimper.

Jimin's blood boil looking at his hurtful actions as well as the multiple wounds on your body. He roamed his eyes from your head to toe and stopped at your face. Your cheek had a red mark and your lips were bl*eding. Your collarbones also had few cuts which were fresh and bl*eding, with a burn mark. Jimin's fist clench as he restrain himself from ripping off Eric's head then and there. "Let her go, Eric. You've already hurt her enough." Jimin warned him with his eyes but that didn't seemed to affect Eric. He just chuckle while pulling your body closer to his. "Why? Is it hurting you too?"

You tried to surpass your whimpers and sobs while looking down. You didn't wanted to look at Jimin because you know that if he saw the pain in your eyes, then no one can stop him from destroying this whole place. Eric's grip on your arm was hurting you like hell. You tried to wiggle but that only made him held you more tightly. At last, giving up you tried to stay calm, waiting for Jimin to take you away from Eric and hold in his arms.

Jimin kept glaring at Eric but then he caught a glimpse of Jasmin standing at the side. She was just staring at him which made his eyes to shut in annoyance. "This is all because of you." He said looking at her which brought a smirk on her face. "Well it haven't happened if you've cooperated with me. But I must say, you made me believe your lies." She said now confidently walking towards him. Your head raised a little to see Jasmin standing near Jimin while Jimin's eyes stared at her with utmost hatred.

"It's still not late. Let her go. I'm here for you." She tried to grab Jimin's hand but in reflex Jimin pushed her hard making her fall back on the floor. Jasmin whimper and sat on the floor looking at Jimin with her widen eyes. "No one can ever take her place in my heart and my life." Jimin said in a loud voice causing you to stared at him while some more tears fell from your eyes. Even in this worst situation, he didn't failed to make you fall for him deeper. Jimin looked at Eric and brought his hand behind his waist pulling out the g*n. He pointed it towards Eric making him hold his g*n tighter. "It's a last warning Eric. Let. Her. Go." Jimin's voice held the dominance which screamed danger as he took one step closer towards you.

"Jimin. Don't take me lightly. I'll really shoot her. Just stop there." Eric started to walk backwards along with you making you stumble. Jimin kept his g*n pointed towards Eric as Eric's g*n was on your head. You started to feel dizzy and suffocated which made your head spin. "Min..." You whisper with your eyes closed and suddenly your body felt light as a feather and that's when you heard a loud g*nshot.

Eunji's POV. -

My head was spinning as I slowly opened my eyes to see myself in an unknown place. I opened my eyes fully and saw two males standing in front of me while I was on the floor with my hands tide behind my back. I heard them talking when my senses came back.

"She's gonna d*e anyways. Why not to have some fun?"

"But what if boss gets angry?"

"He himself told me to do whatever we want to do with her."

As they were talking, one of them noticed me waking up and immediately crouched in front of me. "Oh, are you awake babygirl?" He asked while pushing back my heirs falling on my face making me move my face away. "Don't touch me." I tried to shout but it came out as a whisper. That man smiled wickedly while holding my face forcefully and making me force to look at him. "Don't be so stubborn with your master." He said pulling me up and making me stand on my legs. My head was hurting but I balanced myself and tried yanking away his hands off of me. He chuckle making my heart drop.

This things triggered my memories as some cruel and worst parts of my memories came in front of me. My eyes started to pool with tears and I suddenly felt so helpless. "No babygirl. Don't cry yet. You still have time to cry and scream." That man came closer and closer making me stumble backwards until my back touched the wall. I stood there frozen with tears flowing from my eyes. No. I can't take this again. I can't go through this pain again. I might d*e.

My eyes shut close when that person touched my cheek to wipe my tear gaining a sob from me. "I like to destroy fragile dolls." He whispered in my ears making my body flame with disgust. I felt his breaths against my neck, as I tried to fight against my fear. "Please leave me..."

"How many do I really have to k*ll today?" My eyes shot open when I heard that deep voice. No ways I'm mistaking the owner. Taehyung. My mind screamed as my heart started to beat again. The man got away from me giving me a clear view in front of me. "What? Who the f*ck are you? How did you got in?" The other man walk towards Taehyung, ready to punch him. But in a second, he fell on the floor with bl*od coming from his head. "Like this." Taehyung said holding his g*n which had a silencer I guess. It didn't made a sound when he shoot that person.

The man who touched me, stood there trembling looking at his friend laying on the floor lifeless. "I had a thought of letting you go, but..." Taehyung walk towards him as he gulped with fear. "You dare to touch my girl. You NEED to d*e." He said while shooting him right through his chest as my eyes shut close. I took few deep breaths, when I felt those familiar embrace engulfing me in a tight hug.

"Calm down sweetheart. I saved you. Again."


The more I want to end it, the more it gets extended. 🙄

Comment for the next part 💜

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