Chapter 15 : Invitation

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Author's POV. -

It's been a week since the party and Jimin become the CEO. Everything becomes more hectic for him. Even if he's handling everything professionally, still being new in this things he have to manage a lot of things. Which made him so much engrossed in his work that he barely gets the time to spend with you.

The only time he gets a chance to see you is at night. Sometimes you wait for him but sometimes you fall asleep while waiting for him. Jimin never asks you to stay awake for him. He knows that you are also having your exams in next month, so he always tells you to focus on your studies and school.

Nowdays whenever he gets home, he finds you sleeping on the couch or your study table. He just smiles fondly at you and takes you to the room. Laying you comfortably on the bed and giving you a forehead kiss he admires you for sometime before going to his room and sleep. That's the only time he sees you. In the morning he lefts early for office, making you sad but you understands his situation.

Today you got ready to leave for school. As usual Jimin have already left. While Eunji came to pick you up as you told her to. She was standing in the hall looking at a painting which was hung on the wall. That's when she heard the doorbell ringing. A maid went to open the door and in few minutes Taehyung walks in with his one hand in a pocket and other one busy using phone. She was shocked for a second but immediately changed her expression in a cool one.

As Taehyung's eyes landed on her he gave her a sweet smile making her smile too. She looked away instantly feeling her heart flutter at the mare eye contact. Her cheeks dusting pink. "Hii." He greeted coming towards her. She also bowed to him and mumble a small 'hi' to him. "What are you doing here?" He aksed looking at her as she just avoid making any eye contact. "Umm..." Before she could say anything, you walk down the stairs gaining there attention.

"Hii, oppa." You smile widely and gave Taehyung a friendly hug as he also hugged you back. "Hii, Y/Nie, how are you?" He asked and patted your heir. "I'm good oppa. But what are doing here. Jimin already went to office." You asked while standing a little afar from him. "I know sweetie. But he forgot an important file for todays meeting. So, I came to take that." He explained as you made an 'O'.

"Ohh, meet her. She's my best friend, Eunji." You said while pointing towards Eunji as she just smiled a little. "And Eunji this is Taehyung oppa. He's Jimin's best friend." You finished introducing them as they just gave each other small smiles . "Btw, are you two going to school? Should I drop you?" You shook your head in denial. "No oppa, it's fine. Jin oppa will drop us. You can continue your work." Taehyung just nodded at your words and again patted your head. "Take care, sweetie." As you walk ahead to leave, Taehyung patted Eunji's head too making her stunned. "You also take care." He chuckled looking at her flustered state and walked towards Jimin's study room to take the file.

Time skip-

Taehyung entered the meeting room with the files as he saw the clients were already present there. He walked towards Jimin and handed him the files making him sigh in relief and gave his soulmate a genuine smile. He patted his back and took a seat beside him. "So, shall we start the meeting." Jimin asked the collaborators. "Ohh, juat a minute, my daughter- oh there she comes." The collaborator cut himself in between and looked at the door. Jimin also followed his gaze and saw a women entering the meeting room. She was the same girl Jimin mate in party, Jasmin.

"I'm so sorry for the delay." She bowed in apology. "That's ok you're on time." Jimin said and smiled reassuringly at her. She mirrored his actions and took a seat beside her father. Soon the meeting started. Everything was going perfectly. Until Jimin felt a constant gaze on him. Whenever he looked around he didn't found anyone looking at him. He just shrugged his thoughts and focused on the meeting. After 2 hours of discussion, the meeting ended with a positive response. The collaborators were impressed by Jimin's skills. "Mr. Park, we're really impressed. And we're looking forward for this amazing collab." Mr. Shin said while shaking hands with Jimin. "We're also expecting for a great teamwork ahead." Everyone signed the deal and started to leave one by one.

Jimin was discussing something with Taehyung when he heard his name being called. "Mr. Park." Jimin turned to look at the person and saw Jasmin standing there. "Yes, Miss. Shin.?" "Oh, don't be so formal. We're partners now. Just call me Jasmin. And I wanted to invite you for a little party tonight. To celebrate our collab?" She asked with the hopeful eyes as Jimin glanced at Taehyung. He just shrugged his shoulders making Jimin sigh internally. "Sure. We'll come." "Great. I'll send you the location." She chirp excitedly and hugged him. Jimin stood there awkwardly. He just cough a little as she back away and walk out after bowing at both the males. Jimin and Taehyung exchange some looks before resuming their work.

After finishing the work Jimin walked out from the room along with Taehyung but his steps halted looking at the two figures standing near his personal cabin. He frown looking at them and walked closer to them.



Let's have some drama😁

Comment for the next part 💜

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