Chapter 53: Trouble

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Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Author's POV. -

Even after talking with Taehyung, Jimin's mind wasn't cooperating with him. He was getting a lot of negative thoughts. He was afraid that something might happen to you and he'll not be able to do anything. He kept pacing back and forth in his office for god knows how long. Until, he received a call, from Mr. Shin.

"Hello?" Jimin asked confusingly as he wasn't expecting anything from him. He helped Jimin last time but he wasn't sure if he'll be willing to help again, as Jasmin is his only daughter.

"Jimin, I don't have much time to talk with you. But keep in mind that Jasmin is going crazy. I don't know how to stop her or make her understand. She's been thinking nonsense lately. Just make sure that you and your loved ones are safe."

Mr. Shin spoke non-stop and without even hearing Jimin's response, he cut the call. Jimin stood there for few minutes processing every word Mr. Shin said. "Just make sure you and your loved ones are safe." When those words sank in his mind, he shook his head vigorously. "I have to do something." He mumble while ready to leave his office but his phone rang again making him halt in his steps. He looked at the unknown number and after few rings, he answered the call.

"How're you doing Jimin?" The voice on the opposite side spoke. It took Jimin few seconds to understand who it is. His eyes widen when he recognised the person.

"Eric?" He mumble with an unknown fear rising inside him.


At Kim's Mansion -

Taehyung was talking with the guards about the security of the mansion since Jimin have instructed him about it. After making sure there are sufficient amount of guards are around the place, he walk back inside. He walk in the kitchen thinking what could be Jasmin's next move, when his eyes captured Eunji's figure in the kitchen. She was tiptoeing trying to get the snacks on the upper shelf which made him chuckle. He silently walk towards her and stood behind her. Reaching up to the shelf, he pulled out the snacks as Eunji turned around to see him standing close to her. She tried to back off but she was already leaning on the counter. After taking down the snacks, Taehyung looked down to see Eunji staring at him. He smiled putting the things in his hands on the counter before holding her waist and pulling her closer.

He was gazing at her with loveful eyes while she was looking here and there with her pink shaded cheeks. "What happened?" Taehyung asked while leaning down a little as his actions made her cheeks to heat up more. "N-othing." She mumble while removing his grip and walking towards the fridge. He turned around and leaned agaisnt the counter examining her every action with folded arms. She took out the water of bottle and took few sips from it. Taehyung was just staring at her which made her heart beat faster. "Stop staring." She finally said it out loud while standing her back facing him. Taehyung giggle and walk towards her before back hugging her. "I can't help." He whispered above her ears making her stop her efforts of getting away from him.

It was a peaceful moment until, Taehyung's phone rang and he groan. Letting go of Eunji's waist, he pulled out his phone and answered the call. It was an unknown number. He frown but answered it anyways.


"Hello. Am I talking to Mr. Kim Taehyung?" The person from the other side asked as Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed. "Yes." He hesitantly answered but the next words of the person took away the land under his feet.

"Mr. Kim, I'm talking from xxx hospital. Your father is under an accident and admitted here. Can you please come here as soon as possible? He's condition is critical."

Taehyung couldn't believe his ears as he stood there frozen. Eunji looked at him worriedly as she held his hand taking him out of his thoughts. "W-What are you talking about? How's this possible?" The panic rushed through his body as he blabber everything that came in his mind.

"We don't know about it sir. Police is investigating about it. Please come as soon as possible." The call got cut as Taehyung's whole body was shaking due to shock. Eunji got more worried looking at his eyes pooling with tears. "Tae, what happened?" She tried to understand his condition while he just kept taking deep breaths. "Dad had an accident." He said after a lot of efforts and Eunji also froze hearing his words.

"I have to go." He said walking out of the kitchen as Eunji followed him out. "Should I come too?" She asked hesitantly which made Taehyung stop in his tracks. He turned around and held her hands giving her forehead a gentle peck. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Just stay here with Y/N." She just nodded while he left leaving her alone in the mansion.

Taehyung's POV. -

I walked out of the mansion while calling Jin hyung. I sat in my car and he received the call. "Hello, Taehyung?" I heard his voice and I immediately informed him to come at my place as soon as possible. He agreed and I cut the call. While driving towards the hospital, I kept trying to call mom, but her phone was switched off. It made me even more worried as I drived as fast as I could to reach the hospital..

Y/N's POV. -

I was sitting on the bed, waiting for Eunji to come back with snacks so we could watch the movie. But she hasn't returned yet. "Where's she -" I was about to get up when I saw her entering in the room. I smiled but my smile faded seeing her eyes shading tears. I worriedly walk towards her and held her cheeks.

"Hey babe. What happened? Why are you crying?" She looked up at me and burst in tears which made me even more worried as I held her close while consoling her. "Tae...his dad....he got in an accident." She spoke through her hiccups and my eyes widen. "What?How?" I asked cupping her cheeks and wiping her tears as she shook her head. "I don't know." And she again burst in tears. I kept rubbing her back. I made her sit on the bed and gave her some water. After she calmed down a little, I held her hands trying to ease her. "Don't worry Eunji, his father will be fine." I tried to make her understand as she just looked at me blankly.

"I also got the same call." She mumble with sadness in her voice, and my eyes soften knowing what she's afraid of. Loosing your parents is not an easy thing. I've went through it too. I kept consoling her for a while as she stopped crying. "Did Taehyung oppa went to hospital?" I asked as she nodded her head. Does that mean we're alone at home?

I thought but that's when we heard sound of breaking something downstairs. "What was that?" Me and Eunji looked at each other with wide eyes until another loud bang was heard.

"Did someone broke in the mansion?"


I'm late!!!!!?😀

Many many happy returns of the day to our lil meow meow.😻❤️💜😚

Comment for the next part 💜

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