Chapter 48: Love declaration ❤️

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Eunji's POV. -

I walk out of the mansion with Taehyung holding my hands in his. His gentle touch made ny heart do backflips but I contained my emotions. Keep your thoughts sane. I warned myself. He opened the car's door for me and waited for me to get in. I walk towards the door and was about to sit when he said something which made me look at him.

"You're looking beautiful." Such a simple complement yet he manage to made my heart skip multiple beats with his small words and boxy smile. I mumble a small thank you which I don't even know if he heard or not and hurried myself to sit on the passenger seat. He closed the door and walked to the other side taking the seat at the driver's place. He looked at me briefly making me stop breathing. He lean in making my heart stop too. I was so ready to freak out until he held the seatbelt and tucked it in with a small whisper. "Security first." My cheeks heated for no reason and my heart was already racing like a bullet train. He wore his seatbelt before starting the engine and driving towards the destination.

The car ride was silent but it wasn't awkward. I felt peaceful. I don't know if it was because of the atmosphere or because HE was beside me. But I was liking it either way. My eyes unknowingly glanced at Taehyung. He was focused on road and his side profile was glowing. I couldn't help but admire him. Since the day Seyung started to mentally ab*se me, I was never able to trust anyone else. I always thought everyone is trying to take advantage of me. Seyung made me think like that, so I'll never leave him. And it did work in some way. But whenever I looked at Taehyung, I wonder if someone could really be this selfless and kind? Or is it again just my hallucination that will lead me to another trauma?

Author's POV. -

"You're staring, sweetheart." His deep voice made Eunji snap out of her thoughts and blink her eyes out of her habit. She turned her head to the other side with her cheeks burning with embarrassment which made Taehyung chuckle deeply. "It's fine. I love whenever you stared at me like this." He looked at Eunji's direction and even if her face wasn't visible to him, he was damn sure that her face is all red. Taehyung bite his lips trying to surpass his growing smile.

The ride went on for half an hour with Eunji staring out of the window and Taehyung stealing glances towards her. The car finally stopped in front of a lavishing hotel and Eunji's eyes widen looking at the building. She heard the door unlocking sound and look towards the driver's seat but Taehyung wasn't there anymore. Her anxiety increased and she turned her head to the other side only to see Taehyung opening the door for her. She removed her seatbelt ready to get down.

"Come on." Taehyung again held out his hand for Eunji as she hesitantly held it and stepped out of the car. The driver took the car for parking and Taehyung looked at Eunji who was anxiously looking at the entrance. Her palms were sweating and she was clutching her dress tightly. He squeezed her hand lightly making her look at him as he gave her a sweet reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I'm with you." Eunji just nodded her head while looking down which made Taehyung to aww at her cute face.

He started to walk while holding her hand and they entered the place which was more glorious from inside. Eunji kept looking here and there while Taehyung passed through the corridors leading towards the VIP room. The guard standing outside the door bowed to Taehyung and opened the door for them. Taehyung halted in his steps and first time in his life, he felt anxious. Unconsciously he clutched Eunji's hand which made her look at him. She saw him taking deep breaths before he entered inside. Eunji wanted to ask him if he's fine, but she didn't got the chance when she heard a female voice.

"Oh, there he is." She look towards the voice and saw a women in her 40s sitting on the dinner table. That's when she looked around and noticed that they weren't alone. The whole table was filled with people and that made her anxiety level increase. She held Taehyung's arm with her both arms while scooting closer to him. Taehyung noticed her getting scared and placed his palm on her which as clutching his arm. "Don't be scared." He whispered towards her and she did nothing but just nod.

Taehyung walk closer to the table and Eunji noticed how everyone's eyes turned surprised looking at her. "Tae, how are you?" The women stood up and hugged Taehyung making him let go of Eunji's hand. "I'm fine mom. How are you?" Taehyung hugged her back and kissed her head causing Eunji to look at him. "How am I supposed to be when my son don't even come to visit me?" She pinched Taehyung's cheeks making him whine. "Mom!!" It's Taehyung's mother. Eunji assume and roamed her eyes around the table and saw Taehyung's father who she saw in Jimin's party sitting on the chair. On the opposite side there were Kiya sitting with two more people and it wasn't hard to understand that they were Kiya's parents. Eunji looked at Kiya who was staring at Taehyung and that somehow made Eunji feel something weird in her heart.

"How are you Taehyung?" Taehyung's father also stood up and hugged him while he did the same. After the little family moment, Taehyung looked towards Kiya's parents and bowed to them. "Good evening, uncle and aunty." They great him back and asked him to take a seat. Taehyung took a glance at Kiya who gave him a smile but he just looked away. Taehyung looked towards Eunji who was standing there awkwardly. "Oh, sorry. I didn't introduced. Mom, Dad this is Eunji. And Eunji this is my parents." Eunji bowed with respect and greeted his parents while they looked at each other confused but still smiled. "Hii dear.  Tae you didn't told me that you're bringing a friend." Taehyung looked at his mom and then at Eunji. "Mom actually-" "Let's have a seat first." Kiya's father cut off Taehyung making him sigh. He pull out a chair for Eunji and motioned her to sit. She was hesitant but got seated on the chair while Taehyung stood beside her. Kiya's parents looked at each other but shrugged of their thoughts before resuming the conversation.

"So when should we arrange the engagement?" Mr. Sung, Kiya's father asked while taking a sip from his glass. Mr. Kim looked at Taehyung signaling him to speak, but when he didn't said anything he sigh before speaking. "Well, it should be their decision as they are the one getting married." He gestures towards Taehyung and Kiya while speaking. Eunji clutched her dress tightly keeping her gaze down not liking the conversation at all. "Right, Taehyung?" Mr. Kim emphasise his name making him look up at his father. "Yes dad." He said finally giving Kiya his whole attention.  A small smile formed on Kiya's lips as she tucked a heir strand behind her ear shyly.

"But isn't it more important that the people who are getting engaged should be happy with it?" He questioned looking at his parents and then at Kiya's parents. Kiya's smile faded and her eyes raised up to see Taehyung's expressions. Eunji's head also turned towards Taehyung hearing his words. "I don't think Kiya have any problem." Mrs. Sung said making Taehyung chuckle. "And what about me?" "Taehyung." Mr. Kim raised his voice a little knowing where it is going as he didn't wanted him to creat a scene. "No dad. You called me here to know my decision, right? Then let me be clear with it." Taehyung said looking directly at his father's eyes as Mrs. Kim held her husband's hand trying to calm him.

Taehyung looked at Kiya who was already staring at him. "I'm sorry Kiya. You're a very good friend of mine and always will. And anyone who'll marry you, will be really lucky. But I'm not the one. So it's better to stop this talk here." Kiya's heart dropped as she stared at him with her burning eyes. Taehyung's each word sink in her mind making her eyes weld up with tears. "What are you saying Taehyung?" Mr. Sung asked being furious but he stopped when Kiya held his hand. "Why?" Kiya asked in her shaky voice as Taehyung also breath in a big sigh.

He looked at Eunji who's eyes were fixed on him and that face of her made his anxiety fade a little. He intertwined his hands with her and stared straight at her eyes.

"Because....I love Eunji."


That went a little too long. 🥴
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