Chapter 51: Real Face

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Taehyung's POV.-

It's not easy. But I have to think about her feelings too. That's why I asked her this favour. Maybe if she said it out loud that she don't love me, I can stop my heart from growing more fond of her. Or maybe it's just my expectations. I'm aware of the fact that I can never stop loving her. I've already came too far.

She stared at me with her moist eyes and first time ever I saw something different in them. She was staring at me until her lips parted and she mumbled. "No." And before I could understand what she meant, she started to shade tears while shaking her head. Next second, she had thrown her hands around my neck and hugging me tightly. My hands instinctively went around her waist as she cried louder in the crook of me neck. I couldn't understand the reason of her reaction but it was because of me. I'm sure.

"Sweetheart, what happened? Did I said something wrong? Did I hurt you?" I asked while caressing her heirs as she shook her head lightly still clinging on me. Her behaviour sometimes confuse me. Did she want me to go away? Or to stay close?

She finally raised her head slightly peeking at me with her bamby eyes and red nose making me stared at her innocent face. "Pl-ease do-n't leave m-e." She hiccup between her words but that words of her made my heart race 1000 times faster. Her fist clutched my shirt tightly as she sob again while resting her head on my chest. I didn't realise my eyes were brimming with tears until a drop trickle down my cheek. I smile widely before scooping her closer and inhale a deep sigh.

"I'll never leave you, sweetheart. I promise."

Author's POV. -

After having breakfast with you, Jimin left you with a tender kiss on your forehead and an assurance that he'll be back to see you again soon. He directly went towards his company where he knows who's waiting for him, Jasmin. Although he wasn't bound to tell her everything, to keep her thinking that it's all HER plan and everything is going according to HER planning, Jimin have to give her fake tidings.

He exited the lift and saw his secretory standing outside his office with an anxious look. Jimin knows that look very well. "She's here again?" His secretory just nodded his head with an apologetic look making Jimin sigh. He took a deep breath and entered in his office to see Jasmin leaning on his desk while holding the frame of the picture he had on his desk. Your picture. Jimin glanced at it before looking at Jasmin. She looked up hearing the door opening sound and smile widely. She carelessly placed the frame on the desk and excitedly took step towards Jimin without caring about the glass thing slipping away from the desk and meeting the floor with a loud shattering sound.

"Jimin, where were you? Are you okay? What was the emergency? And why was your phone off?" She bombarde him with questions completely ignoring the shattering sound. Jimin's eyes didn't left from his favourite things which laid on the floor all broken. "Jimin..?" Jasmin lightly shook his shoulder trying to talk with him. "Are you-" "What the f*ck you just did?" He cut her off with a piercing gaze making her go silent for a second and retrieve her hand. She crossed her eyebrows in confusion not understanding the cause of his reaction. "What?" She asked acting clueless which made Jimin even more angry.

"Who gave you permission to come in my office without my presence?" Jasmin's eyes widen as she gave Jimin a surprise look. First time ever, Jimin talk with her with such a rude tone. She opened her mouth but couldn't formed the words as she just looked here and there. "I th-ought we're friends." She mumble looking down with the tears in her eyes which did nothing but just added fuel in Jimin's anger. "Stop assuming." He spatted harshly before walking towards the broken frame. He picked it up carefully and removed your picture from it. He caressed the picture which he adore a lot.

Jasmin stared at him with confusion but soon her face turned furious. "I can return you thousands of that frames. Why are you making it a big deal?" Jimin closed his eyes inhaling sharply not to lash on her. He just turn around to look at her with his cold gaze. "You can never give back something as previous as this." He made her go speechless with his words. Jimin ignored her presence and continued doing his work after putting the picture in his desk drawer. Jasmin was clueless as what happened suddenly that he was behaving like this. He never ignored her neither talked with her so rudely and coldly. It was hurting her but more than that, it was hurting her ego. A man behaving with her like this. Specially that one man who she wants to have.

"Jimin I came here to talk with you. To ask you if you're alright. Because I care for you. Then why are you behaving so rude?" She burst at him who was busy fumbling through some files. Going deaf towards her yelling, Jimin kept looking through the documents. Furiously, Jasmin walk towards him and snatched the file form his hands before throwing it on the desk. Jimin grown before turning to look at Jasmin who was sending him glares.

"What is your problem?" Irritatingly Jimin folded his arms in front of his chest which made Jasmin to reach her peek. "What is my problem? What is your problem Jimin? I'm here to check on you and you're like this. Why are you hurting me?" She asked on the verge of tears which made Jimin scoff internally but he content his cold expression. "I'm not doing anything Jasmin. You're being delusional. I never asked you to do anything for me. I don't understand why are you even bothering yourself?" She gasped at his words. Her expressions changed each second as she stared at him while he stared back. He studied her each action.

Jasmin's eyes were pooling with tears a second ago but soon her lips twitched in a smirk. She walk closer to Jimin while keeping the eyes contact. Jimin didn't react at her acts but he was aware that she's trying to be smart. She placed her hands on his chest while looking at him with a seductive gaze.

"Are you sure about it? You really can't understand what I mean?" She asked making Jimin shook his head as she chuckled which wasn't normal. "You're so naive Park Jimin." She laugh out loudly while Jimin rolled his eyes because he was aware of her every act. Unfortunate for her.

Jasmin suddenly stopped and pulled his collar making him stumble and held the table behind Jasmin for support. She got trapped between Jimin and table which was unintentional for Jimin but she was enjoying it. Jimin tried to move away, but Jasmin didn't let that happened as she held his torso pulling him close. Her eyes suddenly changed soft and affectionate. "You really can't understand?" She asked making Jimin fade up with her act. "Understand what Jasmin?"

"That I love you."


Someone is being delusional😀🙊

Comment for the next part ❤️

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