Chapter 55: Torture

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Y/N's POV. - 

My head is spinning. All I could hear was loud g*nshots. Then suddenly everything went silent. What happened? Where am I?

I remember I was in the room with Eunji when suddenly we heard loud noises coming from downstairs.  I tried to look but Eunji stopped me. I took my phone to call Jimin but before that someone broke in the room. Eunji tried to save me but that man had g*n. He hit Eunji and she fell unconcious. I tried to stop him but he put something on my mouth and after that I could only hear loud noises. I was unconscious but my mind was awake.

I could hear faint murmures around me. Something cold was touching my face and that made me force my eyes to open. It wasn't dark but instead it was bright. My eyes hurt and my body too. My head is heavy as if there's tones of load on my head. I was trying to move my hands, but they were held tightly at a place. I finally opened my eyes and they widen seeing the person in front of me. It was him. Eric.

He was looking at me with that nasty smirk which made me angry but I was helpless. My hands were tide to the chair. "Welcome to hell, angel." He said while dragging his g*ntip on my cheeks. My body was shaking with fear, but I can't let him know it. I looked around the place. It looked like an old building, who's construction is still going on. There was someone sitting at some distance. I has to squint my eyes to see who it was. Maybe that person saw me struggling and stood up before walking closer. As they came near me, I made it out that she was Jasmin. My bl*od boil seeing her smiling at me. My fist were clenched. Now I understand why Jimin was so concern for my security.

Jimin, where are you? My heart screamed as I tried hard not let my tears fall. I can't let them win. "Look at you. All grown up. I'm sure you didn't forgot me." Eric stood straight before walking in circle around my chair. Obviously I can't forget him. He was the one who kidnapped me when I was small and kept me captive, until dad found me. When he again came face to face me, he was holding a lighter in one hand while his g*n was in other. "And even if you did, I'll make sure now you won't." He chuckle before lighting the lighter and holding the tip of the g*n over it.

As he was busy doing god knows what, Jasmin came forward looking at me in very weird way. Her expressions were scaring me. No Y/N. Stay strong. You need to be strong. I kept staring at her actions until she held my cheeks tightly making me whimper. Her nails digging in my flesh making it burn. "I can't see what is in you, that made Jimin reject me." She gritted her teeth while yanking my face to the side as I felt the stinging pain in my cheeks. I again raised my head to the front to see Eric now standing in front of me with his g*n facing me. For a second I thought he's going to shoot me, but then he brought the tip of his g*n near my face as I could feel the heat radiating from it. It was burning hot.

"Oh dear. You don't know how much I've waited for this day. Let's make it memorable." He said while roaming the tip around my face without touching it making my skin crawl. I tried hard not to scream until he dragged it down towards my collarbone. And before I could register, he pressed the hot metal on my skin making me let out a loud scream. My skin burned and I could feel the extreme stinging pain flowing from every part of my body. The tears I was holding finally dropped one by one from my tightly shut eyes as I bite down on my lips trying to surpass my whimpers and sobs.  I know it will only give them the pleasure of victory.

"Oh, did it hurt?" Eric asked in a fake concerning and mocking tone making me open my eyes and glared at him. I kept a strong eye contact with him through my bloodshot eyes as he made a scared expression. "Oooo.... I'm scared." He acted to be scared before bursting into laughter while Jasmin also laughed with him. I took a deep breath so that my voice won't break. "If you want to k*ll me, then do it until you can." They both stopped laughing to look at me. "Because trust me. Once Jimin is here, you can't even touch my heir." I could see Eric's expressions changing to furious one. He slammed his hands on the handle of the chair, bending close to my face. "Aren't you too eager to d*e, angel? Why don't we have a little fun before?" He said tucking his g*n on his waist and pulling out a pocket knife from his pocket.

"I'm hungry for past 8 years for this revenge. Let me enjoy it to the fullest." He pressed the tip of the knife against my neck making my breath hitched. I could feel the sharp tip piercing through my skin.  "And don't worry. No one will come to disturb us." He whispered in my ears before the knife slide against my shoulder to my arm. It was just light touch in the beginning, but soon I could feel him apply the pressure on the knife and it pierced through my arm. I bite my lips refusing to let out any sound, while warm liquid oozed out of the fresh wound, along with my tears.

"Angel, do you remember how my brother k*lled your father?" He asked now tracing my other arm. I looked at him with the same cold and fierce gaze to which he paid no heed. "You know what, I wish you could see Jimin d*ing the same way." He again whispered only for me to hear and smirk while digging in my skin.

"Or maybe you'll be the one to d*e." His hands stopped moving and his smirk was replace with anger. "Shut up." Now it was me who was smirking. He clench his fist going deeper in my skin, but I didn't let my smirk fade. "Why? Are you afraid?" I tont him looking at his furious expressions. He grabbed my throat making me choke while his eyes bored holes inside me. "You think someone can still beat me? Don't forget everything's under MY control." He choked me harder while I struggle to breath. "Do-n't wor-ry. It'-ll be cha-nged soo-n." I stutter at my words but completed my sentence.

"Are you going to k*ll her?" Jasmin asked looking at me probably turning pale. Eric's anger was increasing and feeling frustrated, he left my neck while screaming loudly. I cough trying to breath. Taking few long breaths I looked at Eric's back facing figure. "Admit it. Yo-u're afraid of Jimin. Other-wise you've kidnapp-ed me in front of him. N-ot like this." I chuckle still taking deep breaths and even if he's back was facing me, I could feel his anger increasing.

"Shut the f*ck up b*tch." Jasmin screamed and walk towards me before slapping me. My head turned to the left due to the harsh impact and I could feel my lips bl*eding. My cheek sting and my mind went numb for few seconds before it came back to the senses. I closed my eyes gulping down the pain and not letting out any sound. I again bought my face back to the front to see Jasmin was standing still while her eyes were burning with anger. I chuckled looking at her. "You're nothing less than a b*tch yourself."

"You..." Jasmin again raised her hand to hit me but Eric held her hand stopping her. "No. Leave it. She'll not understand like this." He pulled Jasmin away before standing near my chair. He brought up the knife again and I thought that he'll again cut my skin but instead he cut the rope.

"Enough playing around. Let's start the real game." He grabbed my arm where he have given a cut and pressed it harder while pulling me up as my eyes shut close with pain. He made me stand in front of him and let go of my hand making me stumble but I stood straight and looked at him. He pull out the g*n from his waist before loading it. His lips rose in smirk as he pointed it towards my forehead making my body tremble. I closed my eyes tightly, remembering all the beautiful moments I've spend with Jimin. "Minie." I mumble as a fresh tear roll down my cheek.

"Your so called Minie will not come to save you angel." I heard Eric saying while Jasmin chuckle and I took a deep breath ready to take whatever is coming.

"Say goodbye to the world, Choi Y/N."


I have a test and here I am...🤓

Comment for the next part 💜

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