Chapter 68: Scars

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Eunji's POV. -

The sky was clear and the stars were twinkling. I was gazing at them while Taehyung went to take care of something important. He did asked me to go in the room first, but I couldn't help but stand alone and look at the sky. It made me feel free for the first time. I smile softly before finally moving my legs as I walk through the silent hallway towards our room. 

Jimin and Y/N left a while ago as I was waiting for Taehyung. I don't know why but whenever he's around me, it makes me feel safe. I opened the rooms door and entered in the dark room. Switching on the lights, I let out a sigh and plopped on the bed. I let my heirs down and closed my eyes taking in a deep breath. Today was one of the best day.

I was smiling to myself while thinking about everything I did today, when I heard phone's ringing breaking through the silent room. I flinch a little and looked around to find the phone's bright screen on the side table. I squinted my eyes before picking it up and realised it was Taehyung's phone. I saw his mother calling him. I contemplated whether to answer it or not, but before I could reach any conclusion, it got disconnected. I sighed again but saw that there were several missed calls from her. I bite my lips as I remember Taehyung's words from earlier. He was supposed to spend time with his family, but because of me.....

*Buzz buzz*

His phone again started to blow up as I felt my heart beating in my mouth. What if it's something important? I thought and took a deep breath, before I answered the call and placed it on my ear.

"Oh Tae!! How long does it take you to answer your phone, huh?"

She sounded a little angry but more than that there was worry in her voice. It reminded me the fading memories of my mother. I was so small when she passed away. Yet I couldn't forget how she used to scold me when I did something. My lips stretched in a little smile but that disappeared as I heard her voice again.

"Hello? Taehyung? Are you there?"

I licked my lips before answering her in a low tone. "It's me, Eunji. Taehyung forgot his phone in the room." I closed my eyes as there was a long silence on the other side. I was about to say something more when she beat me in it. "Oh. I guess that's why he didn't answered my calls." Her voice sounded low and soft but I felt like she was angry, at me. I couldn't form words to say anything more. "Fine then. I think I'll call later." She said and I just hum while she cut the call. I took a deep sigh before placing the phone back on the table as my hands trembled for unknown reasons.

What if she misunderstood me? I shouldn't have answered the call. Urgh!! Why didn't I talked with her properly?!!

I rubbed my face feeling frustrated with myself and got up to get fresh. I walked in the closet and opened it to take out some comfy clothes when my eyes landed on the bag Taehyung gave. The dress inside was extremely pretty. But I felt like maybe I'll ruin it. It won't suit me. Still, my hands unknowingly went to the same bag. I took it out and pulled the dress out of it while walking towards the mirror. I placed the dress in front of my physique and glanced towards the mirror and saw myself. I don't know if it was looking good or bad, but the thought that while buying this, Taehyung must have imagined how will I look in it. Will I look the same if I wore it?

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