Chapter 70: Home

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Author's POV.-

The sun shone brightly through the curtains as you squinted your eyes and turned to other side, snuggling in Jimin's chest. He was wide awake caressing your heirs and admiring your sleepy face.

As you snuggle in him, he kissed your crown. "Good morning princess." You smile before looking up at his face. A tint of blush appear on your face when you saw him staring at you as you mumble good morning in your morning voice. He chuckle looking at your heated cheeks and pulled you closer. "Did you sleep well?" You nodded at his question whilst he brought his hands to your lower abdomen caressing it softly making you hum. He massaged your thighs while giving soft kisses all around your face as you giggle feeling ticklish.

"C'mon, let's get ready." He said while getting up as you lazily stretched your body but got up nevertheless. "Ok love." You sat on the bed while rubbing your eyes as he ruffled your heirs. "I'll take shower first. Or do you wanna join?" He asked with a teasing smirk making your cheeks turned darker as you threw a pillow at him making him laugh and ran into the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Taehyung kept staring at Eunji who was also snuggling in his arms. He couldn't stop the growing smile on his face as he admired her. As Taehyung was staring at her, he felt her squirming and slowly opening her eyes to find Taehyung looking at her with a tender smile which made her smile too. "Good morning." Taehyung whispered while pecking her forehead as she hummed while closing her eyes and enjoying his warmth.

The peaceful silence spread across the room as they both stared at each other without exchanging a word. "I love to see you like this." Taehyung broke the silence while nuzzling his nose in Eunji's neck as she bite her lips to surpass her giggles. "Like what?" She asked making him pulled back and stared at her before smiling. "In my embrace." He whispered making Eunji's cheek turned pink and hide her face in his chest as he enjoyed teasing her.

2 Days Later-

Enjoying your stay in Paris and visiting multiple places together, finally y'all came back to korea. You took a deep breath as you step out of the car and looked at your mansion. Taehyung and Eunji went to his place as you come to yours with Jimin. Jimin held your hand and brought you in as you lazily took your steps. But your face lit up when you spotted Jin standing in the hallway with a big grin on his face. Letting go of Jimin's hand you ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Oppa!! I missed you so much." You spoke making Jin chuckle as he patted your head as you apart from the hug. Seeing at his smile, you crashed your eyebrows. "Are you this happy to see me or there's something else?" You asked wiggling your eyebrows as he shook his head with a light laughter. "Well, I have a good news for you." He said making you excited as you eagerly looked at him. You blink your eyes as he looked at Jimin who was as eager as you to hear the good news.

"Ok. So the thing is that, I'm a dad now." He said making your smile fade as you stared at him without blinking while Jimin had complete opposite reaction of yours. "Really? Congratulations hyung!!" Jimin hugged Jin as Jin thank him. But you were still at your place. "What?" You muttered looking at them both making them look at you and then back at each other. "Wait. You, dad. That're... MARRIED?" As you reach to the realisation, your eyes widen as Jin chuckle while scratching his neck. "I think so."

Covering your mouth with shock plastered on your face, you made a face of disbelief. "You are married AND became dad, and I'm knowing this NOW?!!" You pointed your fingers dramatically at Jin while faking an angry expression to which Jimin chuckle and shook his head. "AND you know about this?" You glared at Jimin as he stopped smiling and let out a nervous laugh. "Y-eah." You send daggers towards Jimin to which Jin came between you both. "Y/Nie, you can get angry later. But you know what's special?" He said while looking at you as you shookyour head lightly. Jin smiled brightly before continuing. "She's born on your birthday." He said with a tender tone as your lips twitched in a cute smile as Jimin also smiled.

"And guess what we named her?" He asked raising his eyebrow as Jimin spoke from behind. "Y/ N?" Jin looked at Jimin and nodded in approval as you covered your mouth. "She's just like you. Cute and adorable." Jin pat your head as you made a pouty face before again hugging him.

"I wanna meet her. And my sister-in-law too." You demanded after parting from the hug. Jin nodded with a bright smile. After having a moment, Jin left as Jimin insist him to go to his wife while you come in your room and plopped on the bed. Jimin followed you after some minutes. "I can't believe he's married." "Me too." Jimin agreed to you as he sat on the bed beside you. "But why didn't you told me?" You ask sitting straight as Jimin turned to look at you. "I found out when you were at Taehyung's place and everything was so messed up that I didn't got a chance." He said while tucking your heirs behind your ears as you nodded understandingly. Jimin stared at your face more than needed as you felt shy all of sudden.

"What?" You looked away as he didn't budge his eyes away from you. "Nothing. I was just wondering, how our baby will look." He said biting his lips as you widen your eyes before pushing his hand away and running inside the bathroom leaving a giggling Jimin behind.


Next part is final.

This is a short part but I was sick so this is all I could write.

Comment for the next part 💜

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