Chapter 29: Fight

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


In the Evening -

You were sitting on the sofa with sulking face while staring at the TV. You again sighed before throwing your head back and closing your eyes. Jimin haven't returned yet. Jin told you that he went for an important work and told him to look after you. He even told you that you can't leave the mansion for next few days as it's Jimin's orders. You wanted to ask him the reason but he wasn't there. Giving up on your thoughts you picked your phone before dialing Jimin's number and putting the phone in your ear.

The number you've trying to call is currently out of reach.

You groan hearing the same thing again and again. You throw your phone on the couch before folding your hands. "Let him come. I'll not talk to him." You pouted while mumbling to yourself. The doorbell rang making your lips stretched and you excitedly stood up from the couch completely forgetting about your determination.

You march towards the door where a servant went to open it. You smile widely thinking it's Jimin, but your smile faded as you saw Jasmin walking in the mansion. You frown while looking at her up and down. She was wearing a short dress which reach up til her mid thighs and had a v-neck line. You kind of felt uncomfortable just looking at her attire. You weren't judging her, but that just didn't attracted you. You shrug your thoughts before trying to smile at her when you saw her walking to you.

"Hello, Jasmin. What brings you here?" You tried to sound polite even if you wanted to kick her out. "Where's Jimin? I want to meet him." Her tone didn't reach the level of politeness which it should have which made you perplexed. You took a deep breath trying to keep your nerves calm. You were already pissed at Jimin's behaviour and now this b*tch was testing your nerves. You were moody more than necessary today.

"Well, if that's the case then you should visit him in office. Cause it's not at all professional for you to barge in someone's house just because you're desperate to see them. And he's not the only one to live here. I live here too. You should be careful." Your tone was full of sarcasm which you didn't mind at all. Jasmin was taken aback by your sudden outburst but before she could reply to you Jin entered the scene.

"Miss. Jasmin? What are you doing here?" Asking the same question as you, Jin made his way towards where you both were standing. He saw your expressions which was not at all normal. He looked between you and Jasmin and saw you both sending daggers at each other. He gulped before looking at you. "Y/N, I think you should go in your room. I'll inform you when Jimin will back." You looked at him with your furious gaze making him silent. You huff before closing your eyes and then again opening them. You looked at Jasmin with cold eyes. "Oppa, tell Jimin to keep his business work outside of the house. I don't want unwanted guests roaming inside OUR mansion like it's a picnic spot." You walk away leaving Jasmin and Jin with wide eyes at your unusual behaviour.

Jin look back at Jasmin who was just staring at your disappearing figure making him shook his head. "Miss. Jasmin. It will be nice if you just left and meet Jimin in his office." He politely asked her to leave to which she gave him an 'are you serious ' look. "I came here to meet Jimin. And I'm not leaving without meeting him." She flipped her heirs while walking inside the house and sitting on the couch as Jin just stared at her in disbelief. "Jimin is not here." Jin inform her while following her until hall. "That's fine. I'll wait." She got comfortable while blowing her nails. Jin was now getting irritated by her behaviour.

"Miss. Jasmin-" his words left unfinished when the doorbell rang again. Jin frowned but then realise it can be Jimin. He walk faster towards the door and open it and he was right. It was indeed Jimin. But...

"Oh God, Jimin. What happened to you?" Jin asked worriedly while holding his hand which was hold by a guard supporting his body. Jimin had some bruises on his face and arm and he was limping while walking. Jin hold him firmly while taking him in. Jasmin who was sitting on the couch gasp and stood up. "Oh my God. Jimin!!" She hurriedly went to him and held his hand even if he was held by his guards. Making him sit on the couch Jin asked ths maids to bring first aid box. "Jimin. What happened? Who did this?" Jasmin asked before Jin could say anything which made him roll his eyes. He just started to treat Jimin's wounds without caring about her non stop blabbering.

Jimin spare a glance at Jasmin making her go silent. "What are you doing here?" Jasmin was taken aback by Jimin's question as she look around before looking back at him. "Um... I came  to say sorry. I'm sorry behalf of my father. Whatever he said yesterday. I'm really sorry." She looked down while showing her fake sadness making Jimin rolled his eyes at her acts internally. "And also sorry for invading your privacy. Even if your closed one are plotting against you, I shouldn't be interfering in your life. But I just couldn't help but be worried for you. That's why I trid to warn you. I'm sorry for everything." She looked at Jimin with her puppy eyes filling them with water. Jimin stared at her few moments while Jin stopped treating his wounds hearing Jasmin. He looked at Jimin who was staring at Jasmin which didn't felt right to him. He cleared his throat making Jimin looked at him. He realised he was staring at her which made him close his eyes. "It's...fine, Jasmin. You were just trying to help me." Jimin's words made Jin pressed the cotton on Jimin's wound a little harshly making him wince. "Sorry." He mumble while resuming his work but his ears were fully on there conversation.

Suddenly Jimin took Jasmin hand in his making her widen her eyes and looked at him. He gave her a gentle smile which made her cheeks flushed. "Thank you so much Jasmin. Because of you, I was able to see the real faces of people. The people which I assume to be my closed one. You don't need be sorry for that." Jimin finished speaking but he saw Jasmin's whole focus was on their intertwine hands. He tighten his grip making her lips stretch in a small smile. "It's ok Jimin. You don't have to thank me. I'm always there for you. But who did this to you?" She bring her hand to his face touching the scar on his lower lip making his body stiff, while he wince again looking at Jin. "Sorry." Jin dryly whispered while still harshly rubbing the cotton over the scratches on Jimin's leg.

"Taehyung." Jimin sadly said while looking down trying to hold his tears as Jin and Jasmin both, widen there eyes. "What?" Jin asked being totally amuse. "Yes. When I tried to confront him about the things which he have been doing behind my back, he completely denied them." This made Jasmin gulp as she removed her hand from Jimin's grip. "But then suddenly he got so furious and attacked me. He was trying to hit me and in my defence I have to hit him too. That was.... completely unexpected." Jimin let out a deep sigh while wipping his tears. Jasmin patted his shoulder while Jin couldn't proceed a single thing.

"You're telling me that Taehyung did THIS?" Jin pointed at the bruises on Jimin's legs, to which Jimin nodded slightly. "I can't believe it either." Jimin tone was full was sadness "Jimin-" Jin stood up ready to speak but Jimin didn't let him. "Hyung. I want to be alone for some time. Please." Looking back at Jasmin, he saw her nodding her head with a light smile.

"It's ok. I'll come back to visit you." She stood while grabbing her purse. "Take care." She gave Jimin's shoulder a light squize while leaving from there as her smile never left hr lips. After she was out of the door, Jin looked at Jimin who was staring at where Jasmin went. "You can't be serious about this, Jimin." This made Jimin turn his gaze at Jin. He chuckled looking at his hyung's 'I'm so ready to k*ll you' gaze.

"Relax hyung. Just tell me how was my performance?"


Early posting 😚

Comment for the next part ❤️

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