Chapter 37: Kidnapped...?

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Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Author's POV. -

"Finally!!! The day had come. Today, you have to come to me, little doll."

Eric spin the glass of wine in his hand while looking at your picture hung on the wall. He was smirking while staring at your picture when his men entered the room with grin on his face.

"Sir, there's a good news." He said which made Eric's smirk grew wider. "Hm. Go ahead." He turned his chair to look at his men. "Sir we got a message from Miss Shin. Our plan is ready to execute and this is the best time." The man said everything in one go as Eric's eyes roamed around the room . "Then keep our people ready. You know what to do, right?" The man nodded while smirking and left the room as Eric again turned back his chair to look at your picture.

"Just a little more, dear."

Park Mansion -

"Fine. If you want to leave, then go. But don't ever think about coming back here again."

Your steps halted and your body went numb. Did he mean it? Your mind asked you which made you turned around to look at Jimin, but he was fast enough to turned his gaze somewhere else. Your lips trembled as you stare at him while Jasmin stood there enjoying your fight. "Y-You didn't mea-n it....right?" You mumble while taking slow steps towards him but he moved away and walk towards the table. He placed his both hands on the table and looked down trying not to shade tears. His heart was beating like crazy when he said everything that he never meant.

"M-inie..." A sob came from you which made him clench his fist, as he shut his eyes closed. "You're not going anywhere." You heard a voice and turned to see Jin standing at the entrance and staring at Jimin with a furious gaze. Jimin lift up his head and looked at Jin. Jimin looked between you and Jin and shook his head signaling Jin not to interfere. But Jin couldn't see the tears in your eyes. "Y/N, go to your room. No one is going anywhere." Jin sternly said as you divert your eyes back to Jimin.

"I don't think he want the same anymore." You said looking at Jimin but he stayed silent. Jimin's eyes sneakily went towards Jasmin who was holding her phone and was busy texting someone. His face turned serious as he looked back at you with empty emotions. "No one will follow her if she goes out. And make sure, I don't see her around again." Jimin looked at the guards who hesitantly nodded and spare glances at each other. Jin was burning in anger. He walk to Jimin and held his shoulder but before he could say anything, Jimin cut him off. "Don't make me behave like a boss hyung." Hearing him Jin couldn't help but step back and you broke down completely.

"Fine. If that's what you want." You wiped your tears before turning around and storming out of the mansion. "Y/N!!!" Jin was about to follow you but Jimin stopped him. "I said no one will follow her." Jimin raised his voice which made everyone flinch including Jasmin. She looked at Jimin with wide eyes but then she smile internally. Walking towards him she stood right beside him. "I'm sorry, because of me-" She started to speak in her dull voice but Jimin shut her up. "Please Jasmin. Stop blaming yourself and just give me some time." She nodded and started to walk out when Jimin held her hands. She looked at him and then at his hand which was holding her. "Um...Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. But it's just..." "I can understand Jimin. It's fine." She placed her hand on top of his making him smile at her.

As they were conversing, Jin was glaring at Jasmin, but he was more angry on Jimin. He kept looking at the door but couldn't walk to it as he didn't had the right.

After few minutes Jasmin walk out of the mansion and stood near her car. She look around her and pulled out her phone before calling Eric.

"I hope you've done your job perfectly, because I did mine." She smirked on the call while Eric on the other line laugh like an evil. "You're really smart." She flipped her heirs before sitting in her car and driving away.


You walk aimlessly on the street as tears kept flowing from your eyes. People kept giving you judgemental looks but you could care less. You walk until the park and then went inside. It was empty, surprisingly. But you were too engrossed in your thoughts to notice anything. You sat on the bench and cried out loudly. Your fist clenching you clothes and your whole body shaked. You were breathing heavily. You had cried the most today. You just wished for this moment to break like a nightmare and you wake up beside Jimin as he softly caressed your head.

"Why??" Your cried in agony while sitting there until you didn't remember how long you've been sitting there.

"Boss, we found her." The man in all black spoke through his phone. "Good job. Now you guys know what to do." The guards hum and ended the call. They all walk to where you were sitting. You flinched and look up to see those tall and buff mens wearing black mask gathered around you. "W-ho are yo-u?" You stood with your weak legs while starring at them. "I'm sorry." The men said making you confused but before you could understand anything, someone placed a piece of cloth on your mouth as you struggled to get out of their grip. But obviously, they were too strong for you. And in a minute, you fell unconcious. "Let's take her to the boss "

Back to Park Mansion -

"Are you out of your mind?" Jin didn't cared about anything at this point. All he was thinking about is your safety. Jimin just sat on the couch with emotionless face which add fuel to Jin's anger. "Now would you speak?" Jin was pacing back and forth being frustrated. But Jimin didn't budge at all. He was sitting like a statue looking at nothing. Jin groan looking at Jimin and slammed his hand on the nearby wall.

A guard rushed inside the mansion while panting and sweating which made both males to look at him. "What happened?" Jimin asked making the guard sweat more.

"S-Sir...." He stutter making Jin loose his patience. "Just speak." He growled making him flinch. "Sir actually I saw Mis-s Y/N....getting.....kidn-apped." Jin's eyes widen while Jimin's heart beat dropped.

Eric's POV. -

I was sipping on my wine while sitting in my room, waiting for the good news. That's when my phone rang and I picked it up.


"Sir, Choi Y/N is kidnapped."

I smirk in victory while taking another sip of my wine.


*Dramatically gasping* Now what???😲

Comment for the next part ❤️

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