Chapter 59: Worry💟

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Author's POV. -

Jimin's car stopped in the parking of his mansion as he turned to look at you and found you in a deep slumber. His lips twitched upwards while he got down from the car and came towards your seat. Without making any noise he opened your side of door and removed your seatbelt before scooping you in his arms. He walked inside the mansion while holding you bridal style. As he reached the hall, he found Eunji sitting on the couch while fiddling with her fingers.

"Eunji. Why are you sitting here? You can rest in one of the guest room." Eunji stood up after hearing Jimin's voice and her eyes caught your sleeping figure in his amrs. She sigh while closing her eyes, as all the worry she held for you up till now disappear in thin air. Jimin sensed her worry and smile at her. "Don't worry. She's fine." Jimin reassured her as she smiled back at him and he told one of the maids to take her in the guest room.

Jimin also went in his room and made you laid on his bed. He slowly removed his hands and tug you under the sheets. But as soon as he retrieved his hands from you, yous stirred in your sleep and opened your eyes. "Minie." You mumble while tugging at his sleeves as Jimin who was about to get up again sat back on the bed and held your hands. "What happened princess? Is it hurting somewhere?" He asked in soothing voice while caressing your cheeks to which you just leaned in his touch. You sat on the bed straight before snuggling in his chest as he couldn't help but chuckle at your clinginess. "Don't go." You whisper while tightly tugging at his shirt as his heart soften at your words. He made you comfortable in his embrace before he started to stroke your heirs . "I'm not going anywhere baby." He tried to comfort you as you kept snuggling in his chest.

After sometime, Jimin made you leave his embrace with a lot of efforts and whining. He made you sit on the bed and went to bring the first aid box as your wounds were still fresh. When he came back to you, he couldn't help but giggle looking at your puffed up cheeks as you pout in anger. "Why is my princess angry, huh?" He asked while sitting beside you and opening the first aid. He looked at you and you immediately shaked your head vigorously after you saw him taking out the cotton and antiseptic liquid. Your eyes were already moist and now your lips also were quivering. "I'll do it slowly." Jimin said while pulling you close but you didn't budge. "No!! It'll sting." Looking at you, Jimin sighed and put down the kit, before he held your hands and pulled you on his lap. You circled your hands around his neck while digging your head in his neck. "I'll make sure that it won't sting." He tried to move you away but you didn't listened. You were too scared to get away from him. "Please princess."

Letting out a huff, you finally got a little away from him so he could treat your wounds. "That's like my baby." He planted a soft kiss on your forehead making you smile a little and started to treat your wounds. You hiss when the cold liquid came in contact with your skin and it burned a little. But Jimin kept blowing on your wounds while whispering sweet things to you. With his calm and soothing voice, you didn't realise when he had cleaned all your wounds. Your eyes felt heavy as you lean on him and closed your eyes. When Jimin finished treating you, his eyes went towards your face and he saw you sleeping. He sighed before laying you on the bed and cuddling with you. He wanted to freshen up but he knew that if he left, you'll be awake again. So he waited for more time to let you get in a deep slumber.

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