Chapter 42: Forgave?

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*Warning: This series contain mention of blood and abusive words. Skip this if you are uncomfortable. Some readers may find it explicit.

*This is pure work of fiction. All the events mentioned in the story are imagination. Don't take it personally.


Author's POV. -

You couldn't move. Your whole body went numb when you hear him sobbing on your shoulder. You were angry, very angry at him. But still you never wish to see him like this. Your eyes weld up with tears when he started to hiccup while sobbing. First time ever he cried so much in front of you. And you couldn't help but place your hands on his back trying to sooth him. "I'-m so-rry." The only thing he whisper was sorry. He was guilt, devastated and frustrated for not being able to tell you the truth. But now that he have a chance, he won't let that slide.

After few minutes of crying, Jimin finally left your waist. Creating enough distance between you both so you could see his face. Red, swollen and tear stained. Your heart ached looking at his state but you couldn't bring yourself to wipe his tears. The pain and misery he caused you was still hurting you and you couldn't let it go that easily.

You step a little more further from him making him look at you. But obviously your gaze was somewhere else as you can't even look at his eyes. He sigh trying to calm his breathing and then wipe his tears. He looked at you and took a step further yet again to hold your hands gently. You didn't budge at all cause you wanted to hear what he have to explain. He lead you to the bed and made you sit there while he sat beside you.

"Princess, I...I don't know where and how to start. I know I've been hurting you a lot this days. And trust me I've hurt myself more than you. Your every tear is like a punishment to me. Your every heartbreak have squeezed the life out of me. And I can't be more sorry for this than I already am." He tighten his grip around your hands as you took a deep breath.

"I know I'm already late for explaining, but please just once listen to me. After hearing me, if you still think that I'm wrong, then I'm ready to take any punishment you'll give me." He continued while searching for your eyes but you didn't moved your gaze from your lap. Jimin slowly lift your head by holding your chin and when your eyes mate, his breaths stopped seeing the tears in your eyes. He gently wipe your tears with his thumb and placed a firm kiss against your forehead. You closed your eyes letting more tears to escape. "Please just once. Listen to me." He whisper while resting his forehead on yours and you nodded your head slowly.

"It all started when I first mate Jasmin in my birthday party. At first it was just a normal meeting, but I didn't knew that her intentions are not at all normal." Jimin explained everything to you while you listened to him patiently. As he told you more about Jasmin and her nasty tricks, the more disgusted you felt about her. From spiking your drink to trying to creat misunderstanding between you two, everything she did was now in front of you and you couldn't believe that a girl can go to this instinct.

"I know that if she wants to get closer to me, she'll try to keep me away from you. And as much as I have known her, she would have done something very horrible with you. That's why instead of letting her do something, I started to pretend that I'm drifting away from you. Whenever she witnessed us fighting or arguing, her believe about her plan increased. That's why I kept arguing with you whenever she was around. But everything I said to you was nothing but a pure lie. I never felt anything but love and affection about you. You're my only comfort place and I can never think about anything but you." Jimin looked down making you stared at him as you felt a little relieved but guilty at the same time.

"Why didn't you told me this then?" You asked making him grab your hands again and gave you an apologetic look. "I wanted to. Trust me. But she didn't gave me a single chance. Everytime I decided to let you know, she had some other plans ready. And then I found out that she's almost stalking me and you. So it was dangerous for you to know anything about this. She could have done anything and I can't bear if anything happens to you." He whispered the last part while kissing your knuckles as your eyes teared up more. You felt extremely guilt for judging him so fast.

"Is t-hat why yo-u didn't too-k me with fo-r the dinn-er?" You asked through your hiccups as he chuckled sadly before wiping your cheeks. He nodded his head slightly while heaving out a sigh. "I didn't wanted her to be around you. And moreover, I needed to know her next moves and also find out who's helping her in all this. That's why I agreed to go on dinner with her. After I made her drunk, I took her to the hotel room. Once she was completely unconscious I got her phone and found out about her partner." He said while clenching his jaw causing you to squint your eyes. "Who?" You asked being curious. "Eric." Your eyes widen hearing the name.

Obviously you know him. His brother was the one who k*lled your father in front of your eyes. You have heard about him from Chan-Yeol too. "He..." You stutter while clutching the sheets under you making Jimin worried. He immediately held your hands and scooted closer to you. He cupped your cheeks making you look into his dark orbs. "No princess. Don't worry about him. I have everything under my control. He can never reach you." He gently caressed your cheeks making you calm. You stared at him as he gave you a small smile. "But w-hy didn't you cam-e home tha-t night?" You hesitantly asked while fiddling with your fingers making Jimin think about that night. "Because after I found about Eric, I also got to know that they're planning to kidnap you." Yet again your eyes widen at the new information. "They're planning to kidnap you so that Eric can take his revenge and Jasmin can get closer to me." He said while sighing for the 10th time. You looked at him through your wet lashes and your emotions burst through you. "M-inie... I'm sorry." You sob while covering your face with your palms making him looked at you. He gently held your palms and removed them from your face to see your red face. He chuckled before scooping you in his arms and you instantly snuggle in his chest. He held you closer while stroking your heirs. "Shh!! Don't cry princess. It's not your fault. I could have explained you before. We could've avoided this, but anyways. Now everything is fine, right?" He asked while looking down at you as you raised your head to stared at his eyes. You couldn't help but smile and hugged him tightly feeling relieved.

You felt like as if your heart beat came back after a decade. You felt at ease. You kept snuggling in his neck while he whispered sweet things in your ears. "I love you princess. Only you." He said making you smile through tears. "I love you too." You both smiled with the tears in your eyes enjoying the warmth of each other.


Was this enough? Or do he need to say more? (I'm confused, hehe😁)

Comment for the next part ❤️

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