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➜ "good morning sweetheart." your mother coo'ed as you entered the kitchen, already in your uniform.

soon after smoking that joint last night you were out like a light, one thing you loved about being a stoner was how good the sleep hit afterwards.

"morning mom, you okay?" you yawned.

"couldn't be better." she replied with a smile, however her eyes were glued to her phone and you couldn't help but wonder what she was staring at.

you grabbed an apple to eat before coming up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder in the process. "what's caught your eye this time?"

"these beautiful dresses online are on sale, your winter formal is coming up soon isn't it?" she turned to face you.

"yeah it is, next saturday to be specific." now that you thought of it you didn't actually have a date or dress, not that you cared of course but you often felt left out hearing all of your other friends talk about it.

now that your mother knew the exact date of the formal, things could only go downhill from here. she was a perfectionist and as much as you loved her for it at times, it usually led to a lot of arguments between you both.

"this is perfect!" she beamed whilst standing to her feet. "i'll send the link and you have till the end of the day to decide, let me know once you've made your choice."

"wait i-" but before you could finish your sentence she had already left the room, in actuality you didn't even want to go but your mom would never take no for an answer.

"fuck." you mumbled beneath your breath, only now realising that you had just under twenty minutes to get to school.

"todays gonna be a long day."

"who the hell are you and why're you going through my locker?" you questioned.

the girl quickly turned to face you, startled. her books were hugged closely to her chest and for whatever reason some of her belongings were in your locker. judging by the look on her face however, you could tell this was nothing more than just an innocent mistake.

"shit- my bad.." she adjusted her glasses, only now coming to the realisation that the number on her locker card read 9 and not 6.

"i'm sorry, i must've misread it." the girl was in such a panic that she ended up dropping most of her books, causing everyone to turn back and stare.

"fuck.. i'm so sorry!" but before she could crouch down to pick them up you stopped her, it was evident that she was nervous and since you'd never seen her face before you presumed that she was a transfer student.

"hey calm down, it's fine.. honest." you crouched down to pick them up for her.

a few chuckles resonated through the hallways as your peers watched you assist the frail girl. it would be rude of you not to, after all, she was new here so it only made sense for you to help a person in need.

"it's not even first period yet and i've already made a fool of myself, great." she sighed.

"you'll be ok, just make sure to keep a cool head." you handed her the books. "you're new here right?"

"yes how rude of me, my names nanako kurihara." she bowed. "and you are?"

"(y/n) (l/n), it's a pleasure to meet you." you smiled back.

nanako was beautiful, her curly chestnut hair sat just above her shoulders and her skin was fairly tanned. the spectacles she wore only highlighted her hazel eyes further, someone of her looks could easily pull any guy in the school.

"(y/n)! there you fucking are." you heard a familiar voice call out to you.

upon turning around it came as no surprise seeing your two closest friends rushing towards you. miyu akari who had fair long black hair and melanin skin accompanied by rinko fumiko who had a similar build except she was a lot lighter than her friend stood next to her.

you could've practically fallen over by the force behind their hugs but you stood your ground firmly. "hey you guys!" you replied. the girls paused upon noticing nanako stood right behind you, you expected them to greet her but were instead caught off guard when they disregarded her completely.

"bitch you won't guess what happened between me and oikawa over the weekend!" rinko squealed.

you felt a hand on your shoulder. "i'll see you later." nanako mumbled before quickly hurrying away. you gave her a faint smile before your attention was forced back onto the two girls in front of you.

"what happened?"

"he agreed to be my date for the winter formal!"

both rinko and miyu were popular with the boys, particularly the first year in college volleyballers. they would often brag about them to you but in all honesty you didn't see the hype, it was safe to say that you were the most laid back of the three.

"well then that makes two of us since his friend iwaizumi asked me not too long ago." miyu added.

"that's great to hear! i'm happy for you both." you replied.

there was an awkward silence before rinko spoke up once more, it was almost as if you already knew what she was about to ask and you weren't prepared for it.

"what about you (y/n)? you know you can't show up to the winter formal without a date, that's just fucking embarrassing." she joked.

miyu chuckled at her words, you couldn't possibly say you didn't have a date now..

"don't be silly, of course i have one." you lied.

the girls paused in their tracks as they stared at you in shock, you were never really the type to date guys since these days all they wanted was to get into your pants. you hadn't even told them about your crush on suna for goodness sake.

"what? no way- who!?" they exclaimed in unison.

"just wait and see." you leered.

just as you finished your sentence the bell rang, signalling the beginning of first period. you were in a different class to rinko and miyu so you had to go in the opposite direction.

considering you shared a class with the miya twins and suna there was never a day where you didn't leave that class in stitches, this was only one of the many things that you would miss about highschool.

though today you had a much bigger task ahead of you, it was only now that you were regretting the lie you had told just a few moments ago.

"now how the fuck am i gonna ask suna to be my formal date?"

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