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➜ you stared out the window as atsumu drove you through the unfamiliar setting. at this point you were nearer to the suburbs so you didn't know what to expect, and before you knew it the setter was parking his car on a street next to an apartment complex.

the three of you stepped out and you were practically blown away at the sight, the buildings were so tall and it was unlike anything you'd ever seen before. however, your thoughts were interrupted the moment osamu threw you a blindfold.

"put this on." he demanded.

you stared down at it before giving him a confused look. "what for?"

"just trust us, it'll only be a couple minutes." he reassured you.

"okay.." you nodded before hesitantly tying it around your head.

you had grown severe trust issues and anxiety since the kenma situation but the love you had for the twins outweighed them, you were a fool to believe that they would ever put you in danger.

you felt atsumu stand behind and guide you through the apartment door, an elevator and up a few steps before eventually coming to a halt. it was then osamu knocked on a door and after a few seconds it eventually unlocked.

you could hear rustling as the twins walked in, with you following shortly after. the door then shut behind you and atsumu finally told you to take off your blindfold. you were shocked that the room was in complete darkness until..

"SURPRISE!" everyone yelled as the lights turned on.

you were astonished to see suna, kita, aran, nanako and the twins wearing party hats and holding confetti cannons. suna was holding a birthday cake which had your name and a few candles on it.

the whole group started singing for you as he lit them up.

looking at the clock on the wall you noticed that that the big hand had just struck 12, indicating that it was indeed your birthday. all you could do was stare as your friends sang for you. no one had ever done something like this for you before.

"happy birthday to you!" they sang the final sentence.

the whole time your hands were clasped around your mouth, not knowing what to say and before you knew it tears of happiness were descending down your cheeks. nanako embraced you in her arms, it was almost funny to them how overwhelmed you were.

"well, aren't you gonna blow the candles out?" aran jokingly asked, snapping you out of your thoughts.

you smiled and blew them out which resulted in the six of them clapping and cheering for you. kita took the cake away and you were suddenly bombarded by suna's forehead kisses, it felt like forever since you'd last seen him.

"i missed you too rin." you chuckled at the ticklish feeling, trying to push his head away.

"happy birthday my love, i hope you liked the surprise." he eventually pulled away and smiled at you.

"liked?" you gawked whilst still taking in the decorated apartment. "this is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me, you guys are the best.. really."

it all made sense now, perhaps the twins had intentionally messed up the dinner so they'd have an excuse to take you out and eat before bringing you back here.

"it's your day (y/n) and we're all here for it, every single one of us."

the seven of you ended up playing games, drinking, smoking and partying right until sunrise with the others leaving early in the morning. although the celebration wasn't big, you still had the time of your life and were incredibly grateful to have these people be a part of your life.

you ended up falling asleep right until the afternoon and were awoken to the atonal scent of something being made in the kitchen, you sat up and stretched a little before getting out of the king size bed.

the apartment wasn't that big but not too small either, you presumed that it had been rented just for the occasion so the moment you saw suna in the kitchen preparing an english breakfast, you were completely dumbfounded.

"morning rin." you rasped, walking up to hug him from behind. you laid your head against his back, taking in the scent of his cologne and warmth.

"morning baby, you sleep alright?" he asked.

"best sleep of my life.. i'm so hungover i can hardly remember anything."

"well, it's a good thing we're home then."


"huh? what do you mean?" you pulled away from him in confusion.

"check the front door." he chuckled.

you rushed there and to your surprise sat all 4 of your suitcases, the very same 4 you had brought along with you to live at the twins' house just two weeks ago. you felt your heart drop as you took in the reality of the situation.

"wait.. what're you saying?" you asked a final time.

"this apartment is ours." suna grinned. "we live together now."

you wasted no time running into his arms to hug him properly, this had been your dream from the moment you first fell in love with suna and now it was finally a reality. although you would miss living with the twins, nothing could ever compare to this.

"there's no way you really moved back here." you replied.

"well i was planning to for our second year of college, but the moment you told me about the situation with your parents i knew i had to move back as soon as possible.. sorry it took a while."

"oh my god." you whimpered into his shoulder, not realising that you were crying now.

suna noticed this and rubbed your back, you had been through so much within this past year but the suffering was finally coming to an end. with suna by your side you knew that nothing could make you happier.

"hey don't cry, it's still your birthday remember?"

"i know." you replied. "it's just- i don't know.. i'm just so glad to be here right now."

"oh don't worry, this is only the beginning of our real journey." suna pulled away. "now let's eat up, the fun i've planned today is only getting started.

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