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➜ it felt like hours before the van door opened again, out of everyone who had been taken in there you were the only one who was still conscious and this whole time all you could do was think about how kenma had set you up.

yes you still felt bad for cheating but you would never go as far as this for a person you had love for, something about this whole thing just didn't sit right with you. your mouth had been taped so you had no way of speaking right now.

everyone got out of the van and you were taken from behind, escorted to what looked to be an abandoned warehouse. you would be lying if you said you weren't scared for your life right now, you didn't even know why you were here.

the johzenji boys carried atsumu and suna whilst miyu and clarisse carried nanako. once you were inside they placed you all on the floor and bound your hands to the metal fences from behind.

"bet you're wondering why you're here hm?" rinko spoke, laughing at your startled expression.

you furrowed your brows and nodded, to which she took as her cue to rip the tape off your mouth.

"yeah i am, neither one of us have done anything that severe for you to have literally bound and kidnapped us." you spat.

"well you see (y/n), we all have our own separate reasons but i'll start off with my one." she stroked your chin. "you and nanako ruined mine and miyu's reputation and you see something as big as that.. is just inexcusable."

you rolled your eyes. "be fucking for real, it was never that deep and you sound so dumb right now-"

you were silenced the moment rinko landed a harsh slap on your face, making your cheek practically throb from how hard it was. the anger you felt within you right now was unlike anything you had ever felt before in your life.

"show some respect when i'm speaking to you, i wasn't done." she spat.

you sighed and looked up at her, it's not like there was anything you could do anyway. "i'm listening."

"the only thing people know us for is being beat up by you and that bitch nanako over there, i thought long and hard about this and figured it was best we taught you a lesson." rinko kicked you in the stomach, instantly winding you.

"so you better be ready." she scoffed.

you coughed in pain, in actuality you found it embarrassing that they would go as far as this to ruin your life but that was one thing. you hadn't done anything to yuji or clarisse so you didn't understand why they were in on this too.

"so why the hell are they here?" you looked up at clarisse.

"myself and terushima both despise suna for different reasons whilst rinko and miyu hate yours and nanako's guts so why not work together?" she chuckled. "atsumu tried to intervene by saving his little girlfriend over there so we just took him along with us."

terushima came towards you and crouched down so you were of the same height level, he moved your hair out of your face before smirking.

"i always knew you weren't in love with kenma but that's besides the point, suna's out of the picture now so you can finally be mine again- now give me a kiss baby." he leant in.

you moved your head to avoid him but just as his lips were about to forcefully meet yours, suna had woken up.

"don't you dare fucking touch her." suna demanded, spitting blood from his mouth.

his face was bruised but he was overall still conscious and breathing, suna was confused by his surroundings but it was obvious that he would never forgive kenma for dragging both you and him into this mess.

"or what?" clarisse scoffed. "what're you gonna do? throw a vase at me again?"

you looked back and forth between the two and you could undoubtedly sense the tension in the air. this whole time you'd thought they were getting along but it sounded like they had been at each other's throats for a while now.

"shut the fuck up, this has nothing to do with you." suna told her.

"oh yes it does." clarisse persisted. "because i could've sworn you were the same person asking me for rounds the night after we first had sex, and now you're out here begging for (y/n) to take you back."

"you were nothing but a fucktoy to me clarisse, what more don't you get? i never wanted a relationship with you and i genuinely don't know what else you want me to say." suna spoke.

"still doesn't excuse the fact that you messed with my feelings." clarisse walked towards him and slapped him in the face before picking up a metal bar and holding it in front of him. "how fucking dare you." she hit him.

clarisse was more or less in the same position as you a few weeks ago, the only difference is that suna actually liked and confessed to you but not her. it was a horrible feeling and you knew that but it was still no excuse to try and kill him.

she was one psycho bitch.

clarisse continued to sob relentlessly whilst hitting suna with the bar over and over again, every hit sounded worse than the last. you flinched at every sound it made until terushima finally intervened.

"that's enough, i wanna deliver the final blow." he spoke.

clarisse backed away and blood was dripping from suna's forehead by the time she was done, it was a heart breaking sight but despite all this he was still fighting to stay conscious in fear of what they would do to you.

"now where was i." yuji coughed and turned to you. "oh yeah, come here pretty girl."

you ended up kicking him in the balls to keep him away which kept him off you for a few seconds but you regretted it quickly after hearing what he had to say next.

"you know what, since you wanna be a little bitch- i'll treat you like one." he backed away.

before you knew it rinko had taken her phone out and was about to record you, terushima put the gun down for a moment and untied your hands from behind your back. none of this made sense until you heard his next words.

"i want you to play with yourself for me." he held the gun to your head. "or else this bullet goes straight to your skull next."

a/n : to clear any confusion, miyu and rinko kidnapped (y/n) and nanako because they wanted to ruin their lives by 'teaching them a lesson' for what they'd done. yuji kidnapped suna bc he wanted him out of the way so he could have access to (y/n) since he's 'in love w her' and clarisse had developed a deep hatred for suna because he didn't reciprocate her feelings towards him :D

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