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warning : sexual content

➜ your back quickly lost its arch as kenma continued to finger your cunt from behind, spreading your ass cheeks so his digits could go impossibly deeper. he practically had to hold you in place because you couldn't handle the pleasure.

"ken.. i'm gonna cum!" you gasped.

"hold it." he demanded as he pulled his fingers away, from there he licked them clean before laying down and pulling you onto his face.

"cum on my tongue, pretty."

the thought of fully sinking your weight down on him sparked panic through you, your thighs burned from the exertion as you swayed on your heels but kenma was determined to get you to cum in his mouth.

he gripped your hips and slammed them down, causing your muscles to give away and plush pussy to collapse onto his eager mouth. your fingers entangled themselves into his blonde locks, tugging and pulling on them to help you ride his face.

"mmh, let me taste you." kenma mumbled. your eyes rolled to the back of your head and mouth fell wide open as those final words was all it took to trigger your orgasm.

"kenma- fuck!" you fell forward and gripped the head board, panting as he continued to eat you out which enabled you to ride out your high.

once you eventually settled you looked down and locked eyes with him, making your cheeks immediately grow warm in embarrassment as you climbed off him and laid on his bed. kenma chuckled at your sudden shyness, like say you weren't screaming his name a few seconds ago.

"first name and i haven't even dicked you down yet? god damn (y/n)." he scoffed as he tied his hair back properly.

"shut up." you replied whilst sitting up, your boyfriend was certainly not about to get cocky with you on the first fuck.

"we'll see if you've still got the same energy once i suck the living soul out of you."

kenma didn't say anything back, almost as if he already knew that he was about to be humbled. he'd already felt your lips on his and couldn't imagine how good they would feel wrapped around his cock.

kenma sat himself at the head of the bed and rested his hands on the back of his head, watching how beautiful you looked as you adjusted yourself and tied your hair back. all he could do was smile and stare, coming to the realisation that he really had won in life.

you tugged at kenma's briefs and pulled his dick out, seeing that he was achingly hard and his pink tip was already oozing with precum. you were about to have a field day with this one.

you started by jerking him off, stroking his erection painfully slow so he could get a taste of his own medicine. kenma's brows furrowed upon realising what you were trying to do, you couldn't help but laugh at his expression.

"stop." he murmured.

"stop what?" you continued and looked up at him, batting your lashes innocently.

"stop teasing me and just get to it.. please?" kenma pleaded.

you then pulled your hand away, causing kenma to sigh from the loss of sensation. his dick was pulsating and it was obvious that he didn't get much physical affection which made you smile to yourself, you knew a rookie when you saw one.

"well, because you asked so nicely.. of course baby." you grinned.

you palmed his dick once more before licking his tip, lubricating it a bit. from there you continued to swirl your tongue around it before taking him into your mouth, kenma was just slightly above average size but had a large girth, making it a struggle to keep him in your mouth.

you proceeded to bob your head up and down, forcing groans and grunts to emit from your boyfriends lips the more you lowered your head. his hand gradually snaked round to the back of your head, pushing and tugging on your low pony tail so he could fuck your mouth.

"aghh shit, just like that." kenma threw his head back, revealing his throbbing adam's apple.

the throbbing sensation between your legs only grew stronger as you took him out of your mouth, making a 'pop!' sound.

"like this?" you spat on his shaft and continued to stroke him off which made his eyes widen, kenma didn't know you were this nasty.

"mhm." he nodded, pushing your head down to take him into your mouth once again.

you continued for the next few seconds but were interrupted the moment your phone started ringing. you ignored it and carried on however kenma was intrigued as to who could be calling you at such a bizarre time.

he picked up your phone and scoffed the moment he saw that the incoming facetime call read 'suna'.

you noticed the look on his face and pulled away. "who is it?"


"answer it." you simply told kenma before taking him back into your mouth.

"was already going to, pretty." kenma laughed before accepting the call.

"hey (y/n) i-" suna paused. "what the fuck?"

"why're you calling my girlfriends phone?" kenma asked.

there was a slight pause. "girlfriend?" suna scoffed.

"did i stutter?" kenma spat. "now answer the question."

"look i'm not tryna argue, could you please just hand the phone to (y/n)." he demanded.

"can't." he replied. "she's busy right now."

"busy doing what?"

kenma waited until you gave him a look of affirmation before flipping the camera. he held your head down until the sound of you gagging around his cock could be heard, tears were brimming in your eyes and drool was spilling from the corners of your lips.

even the make-up you had so perfectly done earlier was ruined, you looked like a complete mess and kenma was loving it.

"doing me."

there was a silence which lingered on the other end of the call, suna was completely speechless and you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel satisfied right now.

suna didn't say a word and ended the call a few seconds later. right when he did, kenma let out a deep groan as he shot his load into your mouth. you swallowed it all and pulled your head away, breathing heavily from the lack of oxygen you'd received.

kenma's abs were still tensed and you could tell he had seen stars just then, the adrenaline of suna watching you made you deep throat kenma even better than you would've thought.

he sat up properly a few moments later before pulling you into his lap, pecking your lips shortly after.

"you did good baby, now get on all fours so i can slut you the fuck out."

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