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➜ 3 days had passed since your suspension and you had been on house arrest ever since, your parents obviously weren't happy about the news but your mother in particular was more hurt than disappointed by the news.

she never would've imagined that you would be the one beating people up and assumed you'd been influenced by friends when it wasn't even like that, for that reason she had put a few ground rules in place.

1. no cellphones.
2. no leaving the house without permission.
3. no computers or laptops unless they were to be used for school work. (your mother had installed parental control on all of your devices)
4. no activities that aren't related to school.
5. no home visits from any of your friends.
6. no locking of any doors in the house.
7. you were to complete house chores every day.
8. you were to cook your own meals.
9. you were to be physically active for at least an hour every day.
10. if any of these rules were broken then your grounded period would be extended by another week.

to make matters worse you had run out of weed, you weren't even on talking terms with suna so it's not like you could just text him to buy some. bored wasn't even the word to describe how you were feeling right now, doing nothing all day had honestly been taking a huge toll on your mental state.

you hadn't heard or seen nanako since the day of the fight which bothered you too, you would hate for her to get any longer than the 10 day exclusion period you'd already been given.

it was now late in the afternoon and you were home alone since your parents were at work, you had just finished doing laundry and had chosen to relax for a bit until you were interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

you hadn't ordered anything and your parents weren't supposed to be home anytime soon, even so they both had the house key so it baffled you as to who could be knocking right now. nonetheless you got up to check who it was.

as you looked through the peep hole your heart dropped, having not expected to see who was on the other side of it. you instantly unlocked the door and opened it. "rin?"

"hey (y/n)." he said hesitantly, you could tell he was embarrassed by what you had to witness last weekend.

you wasted no time running forward to embrace him, even though it had just been half a week you'd missed him so much. for once suna hugged you back, evidently missing you more than you missed him.

"i came to apologise for my behaviour over the past few days." he pulled away.

"no-" you grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside first. at this point you didn't care if you broke a ground rule or not, to you suna was more important than a stupid rule or two.

"i wanna apologise for what you had to see, terushima got dared to kiss me and that's all there was to it- he tried to initiate a few things afterwards but i shut him down because i wasn't comfortable... you're the only one that i want suna, and it'll always be you." you confessed.

it fell silent for a moment, suna observed you for a few seconds before smiling to himself. you hadn't realised that you'd just confessed your feelings for him. he then grabbed the side of your face before tilting your head up so you were facing him properly.

suna leant in and so did you, his delicate lips danced across yours as they both fought for dominance. all the pent up anger he'd held inside was showing in this very kiss, he hated it when other men had access to you the same way he did.

suna had now switched positions so you were pinned against the front door, you didn't wanna stop but you knew you had to. your mother would kill you if she knew suna was in the house and so you pulled away, leaving suna with a seductive smirk.

"you don't have to apologise, atsumu's explanation of the incident and the whole fight video already says a lot about how much you care for me." he spoke.

"fight video? oh fuck- you saw it too?" you quickly asked.

"mm and i have to admit, you do pack a good punch- i'm glad to have taught my girl well."

"shut the hell up, you didn't teach me shit." you laughed.

"you know what they say." suna crouched down to whisper into your ear. "good vitamin d makes you stronger."

"hm, like say you can't go a day without thinking about my pussy." you retorted.

"damn, you got me there." he mumbled.

"but seriously suna, when i came over to your place early sunday morning i noticed the date you had set out and i'm sorry about that too- if i had known that was your plan from the beginning then i wouldn't have gone to the formal in the first place."

"hey it's fine, we could always just reschedule it for another time." he kissed your forehead. "enough about me though, what's the whole deal with you being grounded and all?"

"i'm grounded until my suspension period is over, my phones been taken, i can't leave the house and you're not even supposed to be here right now." you told him.

"fuck that does sound serious, you and nanako have been the talk of the school since you both left." he said.

"really?" you raised a brow. "what have people been saying?"

"that you were bad ass for confronting and fucking her up, considering you mind your business no one expected it at all."

"oh." you paused. "well in actuality i only really fucked her up because of you, i never wanna have to see that side of you again rin.. do you understand me?"

"yes, baby." he nodded, lazy smirk resting on his lips as he looked down at you teasingly.

"good now come with me." you grabbed his arm and made your way towards the stairs. "there's one more thing i wanna do for you as an apology."

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