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➜ "truth." you replied to his question.

nishinoya leered to himself, knowing that what he was about to ask would definitely raise a few questions in the room. to be honest not even you were prepared for what he was about to say.

"so (y/n).. when was the last time you made a sex tape?"

your eyes widened slightly but if you were being honest, you had expected a question like that anyway. you thought to yourself, thinking back to the time where you and suna had been cross faded in his room a few weeks back and he had you record him whilst he gave you head.

you felt yourself throb from just the memory alone, the look on his face after you came in his mouth was one you'd never forget - his narrow red tinted eyes glistening at the flash as your release spread all over his lips.

"three weeks ago." you spoke.

practically everyone gasped, mainly surprised at the fact that you'd even made a sex tape in the first place. no one in the room knew that you and suna were friends with benefits so you found it amusing how they were all trying to figure out who it was you made it with.

"shit." bokuto chuckled. "i never knew our good old (y/n) had a freaky side, what a lucky guy that person was."

you couldn't help but laugh at terushima's agitated expression, unfortunately for him though you wouldn't trade suna for a thing in the world. yuji had his chance and fucked up and so he had to deal with the consequences.

"oikawa you're up next, truth or dare?" noya asked.

"well obviously dare."

"ok.. i dare you to dry hump whoever you find most attractive in this room right now."

oikawa licked his lips before getting up, you expected him to choose rinko but were instead taken by surprise when he locked eyes with you. although you had seen and heard a lot about tooru over the years, this was the first time he'd actually seen you in person before.

he held his hand out so you took his lead, expecting nothing but a few playful thrusts but were shocked the moment he laid you down on the bean bag in a mating press. from there he grinded his hips against your cunt, causing a few whines to escape your lips.

everyone cheered and chanted which only boosted his ego, you could make out rinko's expression in the background and she didn't look too happy but you didn't see the problem. as stated previously, oikawa had also been balls deep inside of her best friend so you didn't see why you couldn't have a little fun with him too.

he held your legs open and carried on for the next few seconds before eventually backing away, the gaze in his eyes was intense and you couldn't help but feel turned on by his actions. he was of average size but real girthy and it was evident by the bulge in his pants that he too had gotten turned on.

"shit, looks like you were enjoying that one hm tooru?" hajime joked before slapping his back.

"how couldn't i?" oikawa smirked whilst taking a seat. "just look at her."

as much as you appreciated his compliments you couldn't help but feel a little bad for rinko, she didn't show it of course but you could tell she was burning right now just by the way she was staring at oikawa.

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