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➜ it was nearing the end of the day now and suna had practically gone all out on you at the mall. he'd bought you everything from shoes to jewellery to 4 new lingerie sets, no words could express how grateful you were right now.

though, there was still one place that he wanted to save till last and so it came as no surprise when the two of you arrived outside of what looked to be a sex shop.

you looked at suna and he looked at you, a smug look on his face.

"i should've expected this." you chuckled to yourself.

"of course." he replied. "i wanna make tonight one that you'll remember for good."

"just when i thought the day couldn't get any better." you smiled before following him in.

the two of you roamed around for a bit and looked at the various toys that the store had in stock. this store practically had everything, ranging from anal plugs to sex swings to vibrators. all you could do was stare in mesmerisation until you suddenly had an idea.

you stopped at the dildo section before looking at one which caught your eye in particular. "i could take this." you joked.

"oh, for real?" suna asked whilst picking it up and holding it out in front of him to see for himself. "i'll get it for you then."

the purple dildo was easily over 8 inches in length and not even suna was that big, you were obviously bluffing but you hadn't expected suna to take you as seriously as he did.

"babe i was just kidd-" but by the time you could finish your sentence, suna was already far out of your sight looking for other toys to experiment you with.

"shit." you mumbled to yourself before following after him.

by the time you caught up, he was back in the vibrator section and you had to admit you had never seen suna look so concentrated before in his life. you could tell he didn't play about when it came to making you feel good.

he picked up a few before eventually coming across one, his eyes practically lit up as he realised what brand it was from.

"fuck, i've been meaning to get you this." he finally spoke.

"what is it?"

"a 2 in 1 rose toy."

you practically gawked, although you'd never actually used the thing yourself nanako had told you about plenty of her pleasurable experiences both alone and with tsumu. you couldn't wait to see if the damn thing would live to the hype.

"jheeze suna.. could we please just head out already?" you pleaded, already in fear for how badly he was going to edge you tonight.

"we already have two toys." you continued.

"nah, i'm not done yet." he replied, not even turning back to look at you.

you let out a deep sigh as you felt your belly churn, you couldn't tell if you were feeling nervous or excited but one thing you knew for sure was that suna was about to flip your whole apartment upside down with how good he was gonna to fuck you tonight.

suna had spent a total of ¥25,000 at the sex store today and you were honestly scared that you wouldn't be able to take the amount of pleasure he was about to give you.

thankfully, before the two of you made it home he drove into a drive through so you could both grab a bite to eat. the two of you were currently in the car park, reminiscing about your high school days whilst feasting on some chick-fil-a.

"do you remember the first time we came here together?" you asked before taking a sip from your drink.

"mhm, it was the first time i ever took you out to eat after we got the munchies from smoking with one another." he smiled.

"god last summer was so fun." you sat back in the car seat. "we spent almost every day together."

"yeah." suna laughed. "yet i was too pussy to admit how i truly felt about you."

"tell me suna." you paused. "when was the moment you realised you genuinely liked me?"

suna had initially planned to take this one to the grave but since you asked, he had to be honest with what he was about to tell you.

"it was the night after we first had sex, whilst you were fast asleep in my bed i went through your phone." he confessed. "i remember you posting a video on your instagram story that day so i decided to go through your dm's and it was there i saw boys from all over tokyo trying to flirt and get to know you."

your eyes widened, not because suna had gone through your messages but because you feared he'd also gone through your camera roll at the time. the amount of pictures and screenshots that you had of him because you were crushing was concerning.

"so i messaged back telling them that you had a boyfriend before blocking their profiles and deleting their chats from your dm's."

you couldn't help but smile to yourself, knowing that suna wanted you all to himself from the very beginning made you feel warm inside.

though, he'd made it extremely clear the moment he finished on your stomach that very same night.

"wait hold on- how the hell did you know my passcode?" you quickly asked.

"oh come on (y/n), having your passcode as your birthday is the easiest way to give someone access to your phone." he chuckled.

you rolled your eyes. "whatever, at that time i hadn't even told you my birthday so how the hell did you know hm?"

"the twins told me.. they wanted me to do a star sign compatibility test." he mumbled in embarrassment.

you couldn't help but laugh out loud after hearing that sentence, star signs was the last thing you ever thought someone like suna would believe in.

"gosh suna, you're such a weirdo." you grinned.

"but you love it don't you?" he suddenly held your hand, still facing forwards.

"yeah." you paused to hold his hand properly. "i love you rin.. so fucking much."

"i love you so much more (y/n)."

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