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➜ "we'll be hosting a 100m freestyle race today so make sure to take this class seriously." the teacher announced. the classes had been merged for this occasion so you unfortunately couldn't avoid miyu and rinko this time round.

not that you would be able to anyway, the bikini's they wore were nothing short of erotic and you often couldn't help but wonder if they'd forgotten this was a class and not the beach.

clarisse on the other hand had chosen to keep things simple, the swimsuit she wore was undoubtedly alluring but she hadn't gone as far as the pair you despised did. as much as you didn't like her, at least she still had some form of decorum.

"ready to get wet?" suna joked, patting your lower back.

"shut the hell up and stop acting like a horny teenage freak, it's fucking weird." you cringed at him and backed away.

"what? i was talking about the water." he raised a brow.

"yeah whatever, keep lying to yourself rin." you mumbled.

suna suddenly came up behind you, his face just inches away from your earlobe.

"but i know you get wet at the thought of me, it's no use denying it (y/n)." he smirked before walking off to join the twins.

he was right but you would never let him know that, it would feed his ego too much. suna could have you drenched within seconds if he really wanted to and that was the sad truth of the reality.

"(y/n)! you ready to get in?" nanako spoke, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"uh.. yeah!" you smiled and tagged along.

suna had already made himself comfortable in the pool, as well as osamu. there was usually a set timer for everyone to get in and warm up before things got serious. right now atsumu was the only person who hadn't gotten in yet and it didn't take long for you to figure out why.

"CANNON BALL!" he abruptly yelled before recklessly running in.

of course he had his eyes closed.

"hey isn't he a little close to- oh SHIT.. GET OUT THE WAY RIN!" you managed to shout but it was too late.

the moment suna turned he was met with atsumu's foot, instantly knocking him out cold. everyone was in shock as bubbles began brewing up in the pool, no one knew what to do. and to make matters worse, the three of them were in the deep end.

"fuck! is he dead!?" someone yelled.

as of now suna was sinking to the bottom and you knew it would only be a matter of minutes before it was too late. the teacher wasn't a trained lifeguard and with rin sinking to the bottom of the pool, things were only getting worse.

now you weren't the best swimmer but it wouldn't help to try, however the moment you took a deep breath you saw clarisse run to the other side of the pool and dive in. within a matter of seconds she was already halfway to the bottom and before you knew it she had fished suna out with his arm over her shoulder.

"help me get him to the surface!" she exclaimed.

a few classmates helped her and by the time you had gotten out of the pool suna was already laid down on the tile ground, evidently unconscious. it broke your heart to see him practically lifeless, he still had a pulse of course but just wasn't moving and it was scaring you to death.

"he's not breathing!" a girl shrieked, not even the teacher knew what to do.

"what're you waiting for sir!? do something!" another person added.

the poor man was terrified, he obviously hadn't been in a situation as serious as this before and you honestly had no idea how he had even secured this job in the first place.

"i'll do cp-" your sentence was cut short the moment everyone stood back and clarisse got on her knees in front of you.

this seriously wasn't about to happen right now.

clarisse pressed her lips on his and blew into him profusely, applying pressure to his chest every so often to aid in the process. you were grateful that she was helping save his life right now but if you were being honest you'd much rather have suna hospitalised than have to witness this.

everyone stared as the room fell silent, with the only sound being clarisse's occasionally deep breaths and the school pool swishing in the background.

about ten more seconds passed until suna finally showed signs of life, coughing and gasping deeply when he came back to his senses. clarisse backed away and everyone seemed to sigh in relief at the same time, coming to the realisation that their swimming class could've just turned into a crime scene.

"holy shit-" suna coughed out, slowly sitting up. "did i just drown?"

after seeing that he was okay, the majority of people made their way back into the pool leaving you, nanako, clarisse, miyu, rinko and the twins behind.

"no stupid." you crouched down beside him, slapping his back to get the excess water out. "or else you wouldn't be here right now."

suna's vision wasn't the best right now but anyone could tell the blonde haired setter from a mile away. suna wasted no time punching atsumu in the abdomen who was crouched nearby, winding him almost instantly.

"you fucking moron, i almost just died because of you." he rubbed his eyes.

"fuck." tsumu groaned whilst holding his stomach. "i'm sorry, ok."

suna turned to face you, he blinked a few times before staring at you properly. "did you save me just then? god damn your lips felt good."

was he being for real right now?

"uh no.. i actually wasn't the one who-"

"it was me." clarisse stood forward and smiled awkwardly. "i used to take cpr training classes back in france."

"fuck, my bad." suna mumbled, feeling embarrassed.

he knew that comment had ticked you off.


"no problemo." she chuckled.

miyu and rinko scoffed before clinging her arm and walking away, it was silent now and even nanako knew that suna had fucked up.

suna attempted to grab your arm and pull you back but it was already too late. "(y/n), look i didn't-"

"i don't wanna hear it right now rin." was all you said before walking away.

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