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(3 years later just before your graduation party)

➜ "god i'm so nervous rin.. i really don't know how they'll react." you mumbled, rubbing your stomach in anticipation.

"everything'll be fine baby, they've supported us for years.. what makes you think they won't do so now?" suna rested his head on your shoulder and hugged you from behind.

"yeah.. i guess you're right- oh my phones ringing." you broke from your boyfriends grip and reached to pick it up, furrowing your brows a little the moment you saw 'no caller id'.

suna stood back against the kitchen counter as you answered the phone, watching as you put it on speaker so he could hear the conversation too.


"hey, is this (y/n)'s number?" the voice replied.

your mouth immediately went dry upon hearing akaashi's voice, it had been so long since you'd even heard him speak. suna's eyes widened too, after his last encounter with akaashi there was no way he'd let him have access to you so easily.

"i-" you couldn't even speak, your startled reaction caused suna to intervene immediately.

he took the phone from your hand and answered in your place. "yeah it is, what do you want?" he asked.

"oh.. suna." akaashi said, having not expected him to reply.

i guess that answered his question.

"i called for (y/n) so could you hand the phone over to her?" he continued.

"over my dead body." was all suna said before hanging up.

"i'm surprised he isn't locked up or anything yet, he's really changed for the worst since we last crossed paths with him." you spoke.

"yeah, i heard he runs a drug cartel now.. though i don't know which one. there's thousands of chains here within tokyo."

"i should've known he'd turn out like this, i wonder what he wants though."

"don't stress yourself out worrying about that fucker, we've got a dinner to attend." suna said before grabbing his car key off the hook. "come downstairs when you're ready, i'm gonna go start the car up."

"alright i'll join you in a few." was the last you said to him before he left the apartment.

you couldn't believe that the two of you had made it this far, from being friends with benefits to lovers to him now being the father of your first expected child. you were currently 3 months pregnant and you couldn't wait to break the news to your friends and see how they'd react knowing that they were about to be baby natsumi's uncles and aunties.

you smiled in satisfaction at the notion, however your thoughts were interrupted when your phone began to ring once again.

despite suna telling you to ignore it you couldn't help but wonder what the hell akaashi wanted, especially considering it had been three years since you'd last been in contact. and so you took a deep breath before answering the phone.

"hello." you spoke calmly.

"(y/n) shit.. is it really you?" he said in disbelief.

"well you clearly got my number somehow.. now what do you want?"

"i wanna talk things out with you."

"talk things out?" you tsk'ed. "what could you possibly have to say to me after three years akaashi?"

"that i'm sorry for everything i did and whether you accept my apology or not is fine, i'd just feel a lot better getting my feelings off my chest once and for all." he pleaded.

"you drugged me into having sex with you, what kind of person do you truly think i am to fall for your bullshit once again?" you spat.

"see that's the thing, it was fucked up i know but i just want you to give me a chance to prove to you that i've changed.. just one talk.. that's all i'm asking for."

you rolled your eyes and internally groaned to yourself, just after everything had been going well this had to happen. you didn't know what to think at the moment and certainly couldn't risk making any dumb decisions since you had a baby on the way now.

"fine but suna's coming with me." you finally replied.

"that's fine by me, if anything he can be sat right beside you whilst we have the talk." akaashi suggested.

you thought to yourself before eventually agreeing, since suna would be right by your side surely everything would be ok. "yeah ok but i'm pretty busy this week so whatever you wanna say is gonna have to wait till sunday."

"i understand, just let me know when you're free."

"i will.. oh and one last thing." you continued.


"promise me that after this final talk.. you'll cut all contact from me and suna and finally leave us alone forever."

there was a long pause on the other end of the phone before he eventually responded. "i promise."

"thanks, well- i guess we'll see you this weekend then." you concluded.

"mhm.. good night (y/n)." he spoke.

"night." you replied bluntly before ending the call.

you hadn't realised how fast your heart was beating until now, the amount of unease that man brought you was honestly abnormal. you didn't know what you'd just gotten yourself into but you hoped this 'talk' would end things between the three of you once and for all.

"it's always something." you mumbled to yourself before taking a seat to put your heels on.

"why the hell did you agree to meet up with him?" suna asked in a stern voice, you could tell he was pissed off about your decision but that was only because he cared about you. he cared a lot more now since he didn't want to risk anything bad happening to neither you or his upcoming child.

"because i want him to leave us alone once and for all, you know he wouldn't let up until he got an answer right?" you replied.

"yeah but still, your safety comes first (y/n) and that's not something you should jeopardise." he retorted.

you sighed and sat back in your car seat. deep down you knew he was right but in all honesty you were just scared, you feared that something bad would happen to the both of you later if you hadn't accepted his request now.

"yeah but we'll be together and at the end of the day i know he wouldn't try some sneaky shit whilst you're around."

"mhm." suna hummed in agreement. "we can only hope."

i'm back :) !

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