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➜ after dropping suna off to the coach station a few hours later, all you could think about was how crazy today went. you went from meeting up with an old friend and finding out he wasn't who he seemed to fucking your boyfriend in a restaurant restroom.

you were satisfied either way but were just a little bummed out about the whole akaashi incident. though, if suna didn't want you associating yourself with him anymore then you had no choice but to respect his wishes.

but all in all, you'd had a pretty good day.

however it wasn't until you put your keys through the front door that you were startled by a phone call. you immediately reached into your bag only to see that nanako was the one calling and given that it was past midnight, you had a feeling it was serious.

"hello?" you spoke.

"(y/n)!" nanako yelled frantically. "it's about samu, he's at the hospital right now."

"what the fuck?" your brows furrowed. "what for?"

"i don't know." she quickly replied. "but i'm freaking out- tsumu told me he tried to overdose or some shit!"

"oh my god."

you really couldn't catch a break anymore.

"wait- where are you right now?" you asked, pulling your keys out of the door.

"on my way to your place, we're going to the hospital now."

the moment you arrived you swore your heart could've dropped, you weren't even allowed to enter the room from how critical osamu's condition was. the only thing you could see however was his brother sat outside, head in his palms as he waited anxiously.

"oh fuck." nanako sighed deeply. "what happened to him tsumu?" she instantly sat by his side.

"i don't know.. i had woken up from a nap and noticed that he wasn't responding to me, when i went to go check on him he was passed out with a bunch of pills in his hand." he mumbled.

"this is all my fault." nanako proclaimed. "if only i hadn't-"

"no, don't blame yourself." tsumu interrupted. "it's my fault, i was being a selfish sibling and didn't take the time to acknowledge his feelings." he sighed. "as much as i was pissed over what happened, i'm most likely the whole reason why he thought to do the unthinkable in the first place."

the two of you fell silent as you took in his words, you refused to believe that atsumu was the sole reason as to why osamu had done this to himself.

there just had to be more to the story.

"well right now all we can do is hope he's ok- did the doctors update you on his condition?" nanako asked tsumu.

"the last they updated me was an hour ago and that was them saying that he had a 90% survival rate."

"shit." you shuddered. although it was unlikely that anything bad would happen, a part of you still feared for that 10%.

"i'm a horrible person." atsumu murmured. "i shouldn't have gone as far as i did."

"don't blame yourself tsumu." you sighed and rubbed his shoulder. "we'll never know the real reason until he chooses to tell us himself."

"yeah." he replied.

a few seconds later the door opened, making the three of your stomachs churn. the doctor had no expression so you couldn't tell what he was thinking, nor what he was about to say.

"if you could please follow me." he said calmly.

and so the three of you made your way into the hospital room, seeing osamu laid down on the bed. his skin was pale and he had an oxygen mask on, not to mention he looked a lot thinner than usual too.

although you'd helped and consoled osamu a bit during his hardship, you just wish there was more you could've done to prevent all this from happening.

atsumu wasted no time and immediately rushed to his brothers side, breaking down the moment he saw the state he was in. although he rarely showed it, atsumu really did love his brother.

"so i have good and bad news, which would you like to hear first?" the doctor asked.

"the good news." nanako quickly said. "please."

"we were successful at reviving him and he should be expected to make a full recovery." they spoke.

"thank goodness." you sighed in relief. "wait so then... what's the bad news?"

"due to the quantity of the pills and the quick absorption of their effects into his blood stream, he was left partially paralysed in his left arm."

atsumu gawked and rested his two hands at the back of his head in shock, this could only mean that osamu would have no choice but to retire from volleyball.

"what the fuck."

"however," the doctor continued. "after a few months of physio therapy he should have his full mobility back."

"oh thank goodness." you fell to your knees, feeling your heart practically pound outside of your chest.

nanako didn't say anything, in fact she was silent the whole time. all she could think about was how differently things could've played out if she had just been sober that night.

now a part of osamu's volleyball career would be robbed because she didn't know how to contain herself.

guilty wasn't even the word to describe how she was feeling right now.

"we'll let you know when he's eligible to be dispatched but for the time being, you have 15 minutes left of your visit remaining." was the last the doctor said before picking up his clipboard and leaving.

once the door closed atsumu immediately sat on his brothers bed and held his hand, it was cold to the touch but at least it was something.

"i'm sorry samu." atsumu muttered. "please pull through.. i know you're stronger than this."

"he'll make it." nanako spoke. "i know he will."

those next few minutes went by faster than you could count and before you knew it, it was time to leave already. you would come back to visit osamu over the next few days and even after he woke up.

for the sake of your own good, you had to make sure he was okay mentally before stepping back into the real world.

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