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➜ it was now friday evening and you and nanako were currently out strolling through the local mall, you didn't intend on buying anything until you came across something that instantly caught your eye through a shop window.

"oh my gosh." you paused, causing nanako to bump into you.

"what is it- holy shit." she gasped too, only now realising why you'd stopped.

before you sat the most beautiful lingerie sets that you'd ever seen in your entire life, you didn't remember seeing this store the last time you came so you figured that it was new here.

"why welcome to the store ladies." a woman came out and smiled at you both. "care to take a look inside?"

you looked at nanako and she looked at you, both of your jaws still wide open at the breath-taking view before eventually nodding and taking a step inside. before you were all different types of lingeries, even some that you'd never seen before.

you had no idea why this store didn't have more customers.

"hey (y/n) check this out, this lingerie would look perfect on you!"

you turned, only to see nanako holding a burgundy corset with stockings. just the thought of it on you alone made you throb, no one would be prepared if they ever saw you wear such a set.

"you think?" you took it from her hand and held it out in front of you. "holy shit, you're right!"

"when am i ever not?" she joked before coming up behind you and pushing you towards the changing room. "quick, go try it on."

"alright." you laughed. "i'm going!" was the last you said before closing the curtains.

after a few minutes you managed to put the whole set on. it looked beautiful and as you were admiring yourself in the mirror you were interrupted by nanako tugging on the curtains slightly.

"are you done?" she called out from outside.

"yeah!" you replied. "you can open it."

and so she did, revealing herself in her own matching lingerie except it was baby blue. it complemented her tanned skin perfectly and you'd be lying if you said she didn't look insanely hot right now.

"fuck, you look so good." you beamed.

"but you look even better, turn around." she demanded.

you did as she said and were surprised to feel her hand land a harsh slap on your ass, the sound of it resonating through the room.

"nanako!" you gasped.

"(y/n)!" she mimicked you.

"you're so gay." you chuckled. "why am i not surprised."

"only for you." she winked. "i mean, look at the sight of you right now."

she was right, but it was the exact same on her end. both of you were undeniably pretty, too bad atsumu and suna weren't here to see.

"the sight of me?" you scoffed. "have you seen yourself? we're definitely buying these and going back to my place after this."

"oh really?" she smirked. "and what'll we do there hmm?"

"oh come on nanako." you laughed and took a step towards her whilst locking eye contact.

"you already know where this is headed."

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