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➜ "he hasn't been eating or anything since the visit, i don't know what to do anymore (y/n)." nanako sighed as she sat next to you.

her hair was messy and her eye bags were the worst they had been in weeks, it was safe to say that osamu's condition was taking a toll on everyone at this point. it was the end of the week now and the two of you practically had to drag atsumu to school.

he was doing better than the day of the visit of course but was still overall bad, the guilt was eating him alive and you had to admit you did indeed feel sorry for the guy.

"i think for now you've just gotta let him be, you've tried everything and there's nothing more we can do nanako." you consulted her.

"yeah." she sighed. "i guess you're right."

"it's good to know that the two of you have started talking again though." you added.

"yeah, for the sake of his brother that is. it'll still take a while for things to go back to normal, and even then i won't know if i'm ready to get back into a relationship with him." nanako shrugged.

"that's understandable- oh hey tsumu.. it's good to see you in school today." you grinned at him.

"morning (y/n), hey nanako." he gave a lazy smile to the two of you. he looked a lot better and you figured that he'd realised that he wouldn't gain anything from moping around all day.

"have i missed anything?" he took a seat on the bench opposite you both.

"nah, we were just talking about you actually- how do you feel?"

"better." he rubbed the back of his head. "samu's condition seems to be improving and he should be home in around a week, i never thought i'd say this but i really do miss the guy."

"cutie, i always knew you loved him." you chuckled.

atsumu looked away, his cheeks flashing red in embarrassment. "yeah whatever, stop making it gay (y/n)."

the three of you burst out laughing and you had to admit it felt good, this was the first you had heard the both of them laugh like this in weeks. you never would've thought you'd be able to have fun with your friends despite suna not being here.

you were thankful to have these type of people in your life.

"and then she tried to deny it but we all knew the truth already." you laughed.

it was now the evening and you were currently on the phone to suna in your room, explaining all that had gone on throughout the day. since he moved this was a thing that the two of you had implemented so you found it unusual that he was acting pretty off.

"mm." suna hummed.

you stayed silent for a moment. "are you okay?"

"yeah, just tired." he replied.

"oh." you paused. "what about you? how did school go today?"

"i didn't go." suna said.

"how comes?"

"just didn't feel like it."

"oh, okay."

the call fell silent again and you honestly didn't know what to say. the suna right now was reminding you of the old suna who didn't like to communicate but perhaps he really was just having an off day.

you didn't wanna overthink it too much.


"i've gotta go (y/n)." he suddenly interrupted. "i'll talk to you tomorrow."

"okay, goodbye suna."

"bye (y/n)."

the call ended and you looked up at the ceiling for a few seconds, rethinking what had just happened. things were going so well so you had no reason to be feeling this way.

deep down you just hoped that your gut feeling would prove you wrong.

and so you continued to scroll through other social media apps on your phone before proceeding to get on with your night routine. usually you would be excited to just conk out and go to sleep for the day but tonight you just couldn't find that feeling.

you hated that you didn't know exactly what suna was thinking.

in the end, you finally put your phone on charge and were contemplating on texting him before deciding not to and turning your phone off.

you just hoped tomorrow would be better.

it was currently saturday afternoon and you had decided to just chill at nanako's place since you had nothing to do and wanted to spend time with her. for the past hour or so the two of you had just been comfortably sat in silence on your phones until nanako suddenly broke the silence.

"would you believe me if i told you oikawa asked to meet up yesterday so we could 'talk'?" nanako scoffed.

"oh god, please tell me you said no?" you asked.

"of course i did, he probably found out that me and tsumu are taking a break right now and you know how boys are."

you yawned. "i'm surprised he's even still in contact with you."

"i blocked his number as well as all the other boys from aoba johsai the moment i transferred, i have no idea how or why he's still in contact with me." she replied.

"good to hear, don't entertain their bullshit.. they don't deserve you." you reassured her.

"thanks (y/n)." she smiled. "although me and tsumu aren't together right now he's been the only one to ever show me what true love feels like."

"as he should, you deserve it nanako honestly."

"thank you babe. so how are things going between you and suna?" she changed the subject.

"alright i guess." you smiled faintly. "him living out of the prefecture has just made everything a lot harder."

"i can tell but you've both gotta push through, i see this more as a test to see whether he'll stay loyal or not." nanako replied.

she noticed the look on your face and instantly regretted what she said.

"i mean im sure he will but you know every relationship needs a test." she quickly continued.

"yeah." you mumbled, suddenly feeling tears prickle in your eyes.

"hey.. (y/n), don't cry-" nanako immediately got up and consoled you, feeling guilty for the words that had just left her mouth. "i'm sure everything will be fine." she hugged you.

"i'm not crying at what you said." you heaved,

"i'm just scared something will happen that'll break us apart again."

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