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➜ "oh and the new girl in our class is like so weird.. she even watches anime!" miyu joked, her friend rinko practically in tears by her side. you just stared at them, unable to believe what you were hearing right now.

"is this nanako you're speaking about?" you interrupted.

"yeah, she's such a creep." rinko replied

you hardly knew nanako but she was still your friend and you refused to let anyone speak about her in such a way, especially because you knew she was nothing like the way these girls were describing her.

"what do you mean creep? you don't even know her." you snapped.

the girls stared at you, almost confused at the words that had just left your mouth. they were baffled as to how their closest friend could even think to defend someone they hardly even knew.

"woah (y/n).. what's gotten into you?" rinko chuckled.

"nothing, i don't know what nanako has done to you both but talking shit isn't gonna resolve the issue- leave the girl alone."

the two of them suddenly fell silent and for a moment you thought they'd actually acknowledged what you had said. however you were proven wrong the very moment they burst out laughing, instantly striking a nerve.

you couldn't believe them right now.

"oh (y/n) babe." miyu slapped your shoulder. "don't tell me you're actually friends with that freak!?"

they were drawing an awful lot of attention considering it was only 8 in the morning, all you could really do was firm the weird glares from your onlooking peers and keep it moving.

"grow the fuck up, you both claim to be so mature yet you're picking on a girl who's done nothing wrong." you shrugged her off your shoulder before walking away from them both, leaving them stunned at your actions.

they didn't even attempt chase after you which said a lot.

nonetheless you didn't care, you simply couldn't hang around people who spoke shit about your friends. especially because you knew nanako had nothing but good intentions. with that you proceeded your short but awkward walk to your locker, making sure to be as quick as possible.

you had gathered your equipment for the day and were ready to head to the classroom until you were stopped by the girl herself.

"morning (y/n), you doing okay?" nanako smiled.

"hey babe." you turned and hugged her, she was so sweet and you couldn't possibly understand how anyone could despise her. "i'm alright, what about you- are you okay?"

"mhm! just got done rejecting a few boys to the winter formal actually." she chuckled. "i hardly even know anyone here, you're the only friend i really have."

something about being around her just made you so comfortable, her aura was radiant and you honestly felt like you could tell her practically anything despite the both of you having met literally 24 hours ago.

"they've asked you to be their date already?" you gawked. "these boys really don't rest do they?"

"right, i don't even plan on going.. i've never really been a party girl, plus i have a bad feeling about the whole thing."

"what makes you say that?"

"dunno, just my instincts i guess." she shrugged. "but enough about me, what about you? who's the lucky guy taking you out to the formal?" the brunette grinned.

in actuality, you didn't even know the answer to that question yourself.

"it's a surprise that im saving for the day. " you said proudly, though deep down you had no clue who you were gonna show up with.

"oh okay that sounds great! i just know you'll look ten times prettier than you already do right now."

"thank you so much, you're making me excited already." you rejoiced, grinning so hard now that your cheeks had started to ache.

"well, i'll catch you later since classes are about to begin- goodbye (y/n)!" nanako waved.

"see you nanako." you retorted.

"she sure is nice ain't she?" a voice suddenly spoke from behind you, making you jump. you quickly turned and saw that it was osamu, lazy smirk on his face as he watched nanako walk away into the distance.

"shit, you fucking scared me samu."

"yeah, that was my intention." he scoffed before knocking your head with his knuckle.

you attempted to hit him back but were stopped when he grabbed your arm, osamu was a lot more reserved than his twin brother so he never usually came up to you in the mornings unless something was up.

"the formal." you both said in unison.

it was almost scary how similar the two of you were, osamu hardly ever spoke around people he wasn't familiar with unless it came to calling out his brother, it was safe to say that he was just the male version of you.

"suna.. you ask him out yet?" he raised a brow with his arms crossed.

"i did last night actually, but you see.. things didn't go exactly as planned." you mumbled.


you had decided to just tell him the truth.

"he said he had something to do on the day which kinda hurt since i really wanted to go with him and to make matters worse i already told miyu and rinko that i had a date which was meant to be suna but he can't make it and now i'm about to look stupid in front of everyone."

you hadn't realised how fast you were speaking until you observed samu's facial expressions.

"sorry." you chuckled. "i'll start from the begi-"

"no you're good, i've got it." he hummed. "so what you're saying is he said no because he had plans huh?"

"more or less."

"weird, that addict never goes out." samu chuckled to himself.

"yeah, he said it was a private matter too so i'm guessing it must be something serious."

"mm, we'll figure something out- i'll get tsumu to take you so even though you're not going with suna you still technically didn't lie about having a date." he suggested.

"goodness, why hadn't i thought of that to begin with?" you slapped your forehead. "but that doesn't sound like a bad idea, as annoying as he is he'll still behave for the formal i guess." you paused.

"but what about you? aren't you going too?"

"nah, i'd much rather train than be in a room of people that i don't like." he replied calmly.

"fair enough, you'll be missing out though." you playfully punched his arm but he side eyed you in response which made you laugh.

and with that the bell rang, sending the two of you off to your classes and ready to start the day.

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