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➜ suna eventually did reply to your message a few hours later to which you ignored, after witnessing that you didn't want anything to do with him. he clearly saw something in clarisse that he didn't see in you to have postponed his response to your message for that long.

it had been 4 days since you last spoke to each other and to be honest, you were surprised that suna was also allowing the whole incident to be dragged along like this.

but if this was how he was gonna act then so be it.

it was now after school and nanako had agreed to watch inarizaki and nekoma's final practice match until nationals with you. deep down you were excited, because for the first time you were gonna see a certain someone since agreeing to getting to know him.

"did kenma say he was coming today?" nanako asked, sitting back on the bleacher.

"yeah, he is their setter after all.. it wouldn't make sense for him not to." you replied.

after some digging from nanako, kenma had admitted that he'd had an eye on you for some time now but didn't wanna make it known since he always saw how you and suna acted around each other.

you weren't actually dating or going out with rin so you didn't see why you had to restrict yourself from talking to others for his sake.

"oh wait-" nanako looked. "here they come."

the nekoma team walked in and kenma immediately locked eyes with you, smiling. you smiled back and stood to your feet, inarizaki weren't in the gymnasium at the moment so you thought to make the most of the time you had.

"go get em tiger." nanako joked as she gave you a light shove.

you made your way down the bleachers and kenma approached you, pulling you into a hug. his hands wrapped round your waist and you could tell how desperately he wanted to embrace you just by how tight it was.

"hi kozume, good luck today." you spoke.

"thanks pretty, we're gonna need it- your school isn't easy to beat i'll tell you that." he eventually pulled away and looked down at you.

"yeah well you're a setter, just put your fingers to good use and you'll be fine." you chuckled.

"yeah." kenma sighed. "but i hope to put them to better use some time soon." he patted your lower back before walking away.

it took you a second to realise what he meant by that and by the time you did, the inarizaki team had already walked in leaving you flustered and confused.

"hey stupid, you're on the court ya know!" atsumu yelled out before throwing the volleyball at you.

you caught it thankfully and launched it right back at him. "whatever, i was just leaving." you rolled your eyes.

you looked over at suna and saw that he was staring at you, suna didn't look away and you weren't about to back down either so the two of you ended up having a staring competition until you eventually got back to the bleachers to which you finally broke eye contact.

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