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➜ "well if it isn't the street fighter herself, welcome back (y/n)." osamu chuckled to himself as you entered the room. all eyes were on you as you made your way to your seat, baffled as to how you could return so nonchalantly.

"street fighter?" you raised a brow whilst laughing. "is that what they're calling me now?"

"well yeah.. if i'm being honest, you did fuck her up pretty bad (y/n)." atsumu added.

"call me heartless but i couldn't care less, i was getting sick of her shit anyway." you yawned.

"she hasn't shown face since last week.. neither has miyu now that i think of it." samu spoke.

"good, they know not to."

"if you could please take your seats." the teacher announced, forcing you all to look to the front.

you looked to where suna usually sat and he was nowhere in sight, you furrowed your brows and looked to atsumu who already knew what you were thinking. he shrugged his shoulders and you faced the front again, rin hadn't texted you this morning like he usually did either so you had no idea what was going on.

"now." the teacher cleared her throat. "this may come as a shock to you all but we have an exchange student all the way from france coming to stay with us for the next few months."

the moment her sentence ended the door opened and to your demise you saw suna stood next to her, the girl was mixed and had coily brown back length hair. you already knew the guys would be thirsting over her at first sight.

"she doesn't speak english very well so please make her feel welcome." the teacher stood to the side, allowing the girl to stand at the front.

from there suna made his way back to his seat behind you, smiling upon realising that you were finally back from your suspension.

"hello everyone, i go by the name clarisse juliette and hope to get to know you all over these next few months." she bowed.

you'd be lying if you said her accent wasn't attractive, she looked to be a nice girl and unlike miyu and rinko you wouldn't judge her at first sight like they did to nanako.

as she made her way to her seat you exchanged glances and smiled at her, she did the same back and the moment she sat down you turned to look back at suna. his expression was stoic but broke the moment you made eye contact with him.

"so, aren't you gonna say hi?"

"no actually, i wasn't." he rolled his eyes.

"i should've known you were cheating on me, i wasn't even gone 2 weeks rin!" you dramatically threw your head into the desk.

"for one, we're not officially together yet and shut up... i was just playing with you." suna laughed as he took your hand and kissed it. "you know i'd never cheat on you, baby."

"i don't believe you." you pulled your hand away. "not until you explain what the deal between you and that exchange student is!" you crossed your arms.

"nothing, i'm her host family for the time that she's here so she'll be staying at my place for a bit and that's all there is to it." he shrugged.

"wait what?" you gulped. you knew it was all fun and games at first but was he really being serious right now?

"why did you get chosen to be her host family?"

"i don't know.. ask her, she was the one who chose me." suna replied.

ah shit, here we go again.

"oh okay."

"i know what you're thinking and no, i have no interest in her- you're the only one i'll ever have my eye on (y/n) and you know that."

"yes of course, i trust you rin." you replied.

"good, now give me a kiss." he demanded.

you playfully rolled your eyes before giving him a peck, maybe you were overthinking things and really had nothing to worry about. suna had your trust and that's all there was to it.

"suna sure has been spending a lot of time with that clarisse girl, we've hardly spoken to him today." atsumu said before shoving a sandwich into his mouth.

you looked over and saw that he was sat with her on another lunch table. they looked to be conversing and in all honesty you didn't wanna be the annoying girl who couldn't trust her significant other, but something about this didn't sit right with you.

"yeah, looks like they're having fun." you spoke, not even looking up from your food.

"someone's jealous." osamu mumbled.

"shut the fuck up, there's nothing to be jealous about."

"well it is understandable, if a male french exchange student moved in with nanako for a few months i wouldn't be too happy either." atsumu said.

maybe they were right, it's not that you were jealous but were more worried since you didn't know the girl at all.

"you know what, i'll go over to them right now." you stood to your feet and headed towards their table.

"hey you guys, what's up?" you beamed sitting opposite them.

"oh bonjour, sorry i didn't get to speak to you earlier." the girl smiled. "you're very pretty by the way."

"thanks clarrise, i could say the same to you.. how has your day been going so far?"

"it's been a struggle i'm not gonna lie but suna showing me around has made things a tad bit easier." she smiled.

"she left with me this morning so i'll be driving to and from school to drop and pick her up from now on." suna said.

you had to hide your frustration, not only did this mean that you couldn't spend time with suna after school like you used to but he also wouldn't be able to pick you up in the mornings like he sometimes did anymore.

"ah, alright." you nodded. "well that's just me checking, i'm gonna put my stuff away now- i'll see you guys later."

the two waved as you bit the inside of your cheek, it hadn't even been a full day and you were already struggling to cope with these adjustments.

you honestly just hoped that this clarisse girl knew how to behave herself.

a/n : what do you guys think is gonna happen next? 🤭

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