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➜ you had practically searched the whole first floor of the house but couldn't find them anywhere. tanaka had restricted anyone from going up to the second floor but knowing nanako and tsumu, they had probably broken that rule.

"hey samu, i'll be back." you whispered into his ear before slowly creeping up the stairs.

"sure but just don't take to long." he nodded before joining the others in the living room.

and so you proceeded your way up the stairs, making sure to be cautious with every step you took. the lights were slightly dimmed on the second floor but you didn't think too much of it, with the music downstairs it would be impossible to hear anyone and you couldn't risk yelling their names so you'd get caught.

your only option was to check every room individually.

you made your way past the first 3 doors successfully, there was no one in those rooms but it wasn't until you reached the third one however that your brows raised. to your demise were the moans of what you thought to have come from a familiar voice.

"don't stop- teru! fuck!" all you could do was roll your eyes, of course your ex had come to this party just to fuck.

nonetheless you continued, there were just 2 doors left and at this point you were certain they weren't here but were still gonna check anyway just to be sure. and so you knocked on the door and waited, there was no response but just as you turned to walk away the door opened.

you would be lying if you said you weren't scared but poked your head in nonetheless. "nanako.. tsumu? are you guys in he- hey what the fuck!?"

"shhh." the person held their hand over your mouth and dragged you in, shutting the door in the process. you fought and struggled but to no avail. "someone's coming, be quiet for a second."

the lights were off so you couldn't see who it was but it was obvious, you could smell suna's cologne from a mile away.

you trusted his words either way and fortunately for you the moment you fell silent was when you heard knocking on the door that you just so happened walked past. tanaka was obviously pissed that his so called friends were doing the deed in his parents room so it came as no surprise when you heard him yelling at them to leave the house immediately.

both you and suna waited for a few minutes until the murmuring died down, the moment you were sure the coast was clear you broke from his grip and immediately turned to face him.

"what the hell are you doing up here?"

"was looking for atsumu, what're you doing up here?" he replied.

"i was looking for nanako and atsumu too, was just about to go back downstairs until you dragged me in here."

"better make our way back down then-" suna tugged at the door but was startled the moment he felt the door handle come off.

"shit- what the fuck?" he held it in his hand.

"you've gotta be kidding me." you sighed.

he immediately reached into his pocket to grab his phone but it was dead, the worst possible case scenario was happening right now and at this point you couldn't help but wonder if you had been put under a curse or not.

you couldn't even turn on the light because you'd get caught, for the time being all you could do was wait and hope that osamu's instincts would sense that you and suna were missing right now.

"guess we're stuck up here for the time being then." he groaned.

"why're you the one groaning?" you scoffed. "do you really think i wanna be locked in here with you right now?"

"never said that, i actually don't mind to be honest."

you could already see the smirk on his face, despite it being dark right now you had learned to predict suna's facial expressions just by the things he said.

you let out a sigh before taking a seat on the bed, the only form of lighting visible was a ray of moonlight peaking through the curtains.

"so are we gonna find a way out or?"

"nah." suna took a seat beside you. "i wanna chill here for a bit, feels just like old times don't you think?"

you let out a sigh. "you've got a point, i guess we could wait here just for a little while."

"yeah." he paused. "i miss you (y/n).. so fucking much."

"i miss you too suna but as a friend, you really did mean a lot to me." you responded.

suna face palmed himself and ran his fingers through his hair, just by looking at him he appeared to be distressed but you couldn't tell for sure.

"i fucked up, i really did- but i'm in love with you and no matter how hard i try.. my feelings just won't go away."

it was sad to see this side of him, if suna had just confessed his feelings a few days prior then things would be different. with your feelings towards him it was difficult not to give in, and you knew that what you were about to say next would get you into trouble.

"do you wanna hear the truth from me suna?" you spoke.


"although i'm with kenma right now, i still do have feelings for you and i hate myself for getting him involved with this- i really don't know what to do anymore." you mumbled.

"break up with him." suna told you.


"i'm not forcing you to do anything but it would be best to break up with him whilst you figure yourself out." he said.

"i don't wanna hurt his feelings though-"

"you still having feelings for me whilst being in a relationship is already hurting him (y/n), whether he's aware of it or not."

your thoughts were running wild right now, it was like no matter how hard you tried to ignore it you would still always have feelings for suna. him confessing to you wasn't making things any easier and at the end of the day, you had to do what was best for you.

so the moment you climbed onto suna's lap and grabbed his cheeks, you knew there was no turning back. "i'm tired of acting like im over you when i'm not, i don't know why but i just cant let go suna."

suna chuckled to himself. "then don't." was the last thing he said before leaning in, gripping your waist in the process.

"it'll always be me and you (y/n)." he pulled away. "right until the very end."

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