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➜ it was now after school and as usual, you had stayed behind to watch the boys' practice match against nekoma. things had been awkward between you and suna today and you didn't like it. it felt like he was hiding something from you.

"heads!" one of the boys abruptly yelled but it was too late.

the ball came hurtling towards you, instantly making contact with your face. you immediately held your cheek in pain whilst a loud ringing sound chimed through your ears, this was so fucking embarrassing.

"shit- is she good?" kenma ran over and held an arm out to help you up. "i'll take her to the nurses office." he insisted.

"nah you stay, i'll go." suna interrupted, slapping his hand out of the way.

"damn ok."

you stood to your feet, hand still over one side of your face whilst suna escorted you out. he didn't even hesitate to throw an arm over your shoulder, making it known to the opposing team that you were off limits.

in all honesty it annoyed you how suna hadn't really made an effort today up until now.

you waited until the two of you were out of view before shrugging him off your shoulder. "get off me, i can go by myself."

"what the hell has gotten into you?" suna sighed, pausing in the middle of hallway.

"nothing." you mumbled, continuing to walk towards the nurses office. "i just don't wanna talk to you right now."

you expected suna to walk away but were instead surprised to see that he went after you, to be honest you were just conflicted with your emotions right now. suna attempted to grab you but you resisted.

it wasn't until he grabbed both of your wrists and pinned you to a locker however that you stopped, his grip was firm yet so gentle at the same time. suna's stare was intense, you could practically feel his gaze burning through to your soul.

"let go of me-" you fought and struggled but suna didn't budge, he instead waited until you calmed down before speaking once more.

"you done?"

you nodded slowly, refusing to make eye contact.

"good, now stop acting like a fucking kid and tell me what's wrong."

suna was right, you would get nowhere by acting immature like this. it was better you told him what was really bothering you rather than just trying to pick an argument.

"i don't know, i'm just really bothered about not going to the formal with you and i know it isn't your fault which is what makes me feel worse." you mumbled.

suna let out a sigh. "i know i can't go with you and i'm sorry (y/n), but i'll make it up to you and that's a promise." he held your hand.

all you could really do was nod, one thing about suna is that he always kept his word regardless of the circumstance. you really just had to trust him on this one to be honest.

"okay rintarou."

suna placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before pulling you into a hug, you plopped your head onto his shoulder as he rubbed your back. his back rubs always made you feel a type of way and you lived for them, you'd be lying if you said you weren't smiling like an idiot right now.

"yo, you ok- ow.. what the fuck!?" aran groaned when atsumu slapped his neck. behind him stood the rest of the team, they had made a group effort to check up on you and aran just so happened to ruin yours and suna's moment.

you immediately grew warm at their sudden appearance, whenever it came to suna you had nothing to hide but the boys had definitely caught you off guard with this one.

"so, when's the wedding!?" tsumu yelled, cupping his hands to appear louder.

suna didn't reply, you instead heard him let out a sigh before he pulled away and grabbed your arm. the two of you started to walk again but as you looked up at him however, you couldn't help but notice his slightly flustered expression which made you chuckle to yourself.

suna pulled a middle finger up to the boys behind him before throwing his arm around your waist to pull you close, maybe you were just over reacting and rin wasn't as apathetic as you thought he was after all.

"now let's get this pretty face of yours checked out."

"no i don't want a horse and carriage, my date is picking me up." you replied to your mother.

as predicted, she was being awfully persistent about the whole formal thing. you had barely gotten home and she was already rubbing you off in the wrong direction. your mother always wanted you to stand out but you just weren't about that life, if there was one thing you hated most it was definitely standing out.

"you have a date!?" your mom gawked. "my baby is all grown up!" she smiled to herself, hand resting on her chest in the process.

"well yeah, i was always gonna grow up." you chuckled to yourself.

"so what's this boyfriend of yours like? is he handsome? is he tall? does he do-"

"he's not my boyfriend mom, we're just going as friends."

no matter how many times she denied it, she would always still be a gossip girl. that inner teenager within herself would thrive with whichever chance it got, it was safe to say that she would just never grow old.

"ah i see, well in that case i'll hire the best make up artist out there so you can show out for your friend then."

everyone presumed atsumu was a playboy but from what you had seen, he was the biggest simp you knew. whenever the two of you were alone together he would often speak about how much he adored nanako and her personality, you had never seen him act this fond over a girl before so you could tell he really liked her.

"yeah that would be nice, thanks again." you said whilst heading towards the staircase with a bowl of chicken nuggets in your hand.

"oh one last thing- me and your father are going out tonight just so you're aware, we'll be back early tomorrow morning." she spoke.

"okay, enjoy." you nodded whilst instantly reaching for your phone, feeling the butterflies swell up in your stomach as you texted your crush back.

So is that a yes?

mhm, my parents are out tonight

Cool, i'll be there soon.

a/n : please vote if you enjoyed the chapter :)

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