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atsumu's pov

➜ you stood back after ringing the doorbell, taking a deep breath as you adjusted the tie of your suit. it had been a while since you'd shown up to nanako's door but tonight would be the night that you'd make everything up to her.

the fact that you weren't together anymore was slowly eating you alive inside and although you still had feelings for the girl, there was no telling exactly how she felt about you and so you figured that treating her was the only way to show her that you truly cared.

the door slowly opened a few moments later, revealing nanako in a burgundy red body-con dress with silver heels. her make up had been done and you had to admit, you missed this sight of her dearly.

nanako smiled as she noticed the lavender flowers in your hand, her favourite. the two of you then hugged one another as you handed them to her.

"you look beautiful." you spoke, still taking in her appearance.

"thanks tsumu, you don't look too bad yourself." she retorted.

"i hate wearing suits, i think they make me look dumb." you smiled whilst awkwardly rubbing the back of your head.

nanako chuckled at your words. "i think it suits you, makes you look more mature." she then approached you and reached up to adjust your tie once more, it felt so natural but you couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"shit, my bad." you mumbled as she undid the whole thing, it made you feel good that although you weren't together she still took care of you as if you were.

that was only one of the many things that you loved about her.

"don't sweat it." she grinned. "wouldn't want your tie all messed up for tonight's occasion, it is a fancy restaurant we're going to after all."

"yeah, thanks." you said, trying not to lose it. she was insanely close to you right now to the point where you could smell her dior perfume lingering in your nostrils.

you found it crazy how out of all the flings you'd had in your life, she was the only girl to ever make you nervous.

"all done." she patted your chest. "now let's get going."

"i've heard of this restaurant but never would've thought it'd look so luxurious inside." nanako spoke, still looking around in astonishment.

to be honest you had outdone yourself and considering you were paying for both yourself and her, you knew your pockets would be rinsed by the end of tonight but it would all be worth it.

you just wanted her to be happy.

"yeah, i heard that their service and food is tt here." you replied.

"tsumu.. i know i've said this a lot tonight but you really didn't have to go all out for me like this." nanako smiled. "the least you could do is let me pay my side of the bill."

"nah, you deserve it. consider this a gift for always holding me down whenever i needed you most." you replied.

"well okay." she let out a playful sigh whilst picking up the menu. "guess you wouldn't mind if i ordered myself some kobe beef then."

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