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(one month later)

➜ today marked two weeks since you graduated and officially moved in with the miya twins and you had to say, it hadn't been easy. since you were still so used to being an only child you hadn't expected the dynamics of this house to be as chaotic as they were.

however given that they were teenage boys and their parents were hardly ever home, it only made sense.

"jheeze do you guys ever do laundry in this house?" you asked, picking up a pile of clothes and dumping them into the laundry basket.

"i do." samu shrugged. "can't say the same for him though." he looked at tsumu.

tsumu scowled at him, it was hard for him to deny it given how disorganised his room looked at the moment but he tried to back himself regardless. "i do the laundry every once in a while, it's hard keeping tabs on these kinda chores when a volleyball scholarship takes up 90% of your time."

osamu scoffed. "that's disgusting. it's not a chore, it's basic hygiene."

"shut the hell up, i wasn't talking to you." the setter retorted.

"alright that's enough- both of you.. maybe it was a good idea that your parents let me move, since now i get to teach you basic home skills." you grinned.

"what kind of home skills?" samu asked.

"you'll see."

"HOLY SHIT TSUMU PUT THE FIRE OUT!" you yelled over the alarm as smoke overcame the entire kitchen.

you thought it would be a good idea to teach the boys how to cook mac and cheese but you were clearly wrong, turns out the temperature at which they put it in the oven was way too high and they'd left it in there for way too long.

typical miya twins.

"damn it i'm trying!" he retorted, grabbing the fire extinguisher.

you should've known that things would end this way. samu on the other hand was stood back, resting against the door frame as you and his brother battled to put the fire out.

"i told you to turn the temperature down." he chuckled. "now look what's happened."

"nows not the time now get over here and help us!" atsumu shouted.

osamu rolled his eyes before making his way, opening the window even wider to get rid of the remainder of the smoke. this wasn't how you imagined this evening to go at all. eventually you managed to put out the fire, leaving nothing but burnt food and a slightly stained wall.

"i guess that was a bad idea." you mumbled, breaking the silence.

"yeah- it was going so well too." tsumu wiped the sweat off his forehead before sitting down.

"it's fine, i'll think of a much simpler recipe to show you two another day."

"sounds good."

it fell silent again for a moment until your belly's began to growl. it was nearing night and the three of you had barely eaten today, and so you figured eating at a fast food diner would satisfy your hungry stomachs instead.

before you knew it you were sat in the front seat of atsumu's car as he drove you all to the nearest wendy's. you were currently all laughing with one another, thinking back to your high school days and when suna was still around.

"suna's always been a good guy, i remember when he first told us he was starting to catch feelings for you." tsumu smiled. "thinking back, you really did drive him insane."

"i did?" you asked. "how?"

(the last day of summer before 12th grade)

suna's pov

"so, how'd it go?" samu spoke. "did you finally confess?"

you groaned to yourself, thinking back to how you had specifically asked to smoke with her this evening to tell her how you really felt but ended up fingering and fucking her senseless for the first time instead.

way to go rintarou.

"well you see.. i-"

"god damn it suna, don't tell me you wasted yet another opportunity.. we've been planning this one for weeks." tsumu sighed.

"i know, i know." you paused.

"but we did kiss if that counts."

the twins' eyes practically lit up at that sentence.

however, after a few seconds samu's eyes narrowed. "wait hold on, kiss because you told her or-"

"kiss because we had sex." you finished which earned a disappointed look from them both, you honestly thought you'd have the guts to do it tonight but clearly not. it was way easier said than done.

you just couldn't help it. with how beautiful she looked whilst cross faded on your bed, it was impossible not to touch her. you did ask for permission of course and presumed that her giving you the green flag was an indication that she felt a type of way towards you too.

"you do realise that you're no longer just friends now right?" tsumu said.

"yeah and i don't mind that." you shrugged.

"guess we'll just have to be friends with benefits till one of us folds."

your pov

"so he really has been in love with me all this time huh?" you smiled to yourself.

"mhm, it was a pain having to keep it from you both since we knew how you felt towards one another." samu spoke.

"god i love and hate you both so much." you let out an exasperated sigh. "do you know how much heartache you could've saved me if you'd just told me all this from the very beginning?"

"trust me when i say we wanted to but it just wouldn't feel right." tsumu laughed as he pulled into the drive through. "hearing suna confess it himself would've been way better."

"yeah, whatever." you mumbled looking out the window. "i miss him though."

"you'll get to see him sooner or later."

and so the three of you proceeded to order your meals and eat in the parked car, all whilst laughing till your stomachs ached and singing till your voices cracked. who would've thought that living with the twins would change your life completely.

however as atsumu pulled out of the parking lot, you couldn't help but notice that he was driving in the complete opposite way that you came from.

"hey." you spoke up. "isn't the house the other way?" you pointed to the right.

"oh don't worry, i know it is." he grinned. "there's just a special place we wanna take you first."

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