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➜ you furrowed your brows in confusion at his text for a second until it finally hit you, suna had most likely witnessed the events which had occurred tonight and you felt beyond guilty for what you'd done.

and so you headed to rinko's instagram and tapped on the story button, to your remorse she had posted the entire 12 second clip of yours and terushima's tongues down each other's throats with the caption 'high school lovers? 👀'

it pissed you off to think that she could be so sneaky but at the end of the day suna had seen it and judging by atsumu's text you could tell he wasn't in the brightest mood, you would confront rinko about it another time but for now you had to find suna.

do you know where he is right now?

tsumu <3
back at his place but i wouldn't recommend going over there
not now at least

could you please come pick me up?
i'm at miyu's place a few miles from the school
i'll send you the address

tsumu <3
i'll be there in 20

thank you so much
damn it.
i fucked up didn't i?

tsumu <3
you know for once (y/n), i can agree that you really did.

"he was planning to surprise you with a date tonight, you know?" atsumu told you, eyes still on the road as he sped through the highway.

"wait he what?"

"you heard me, he'd been planning the whole thing for just over a month and had even hired a violinist because he knows how much you love contemporary."

"fuck." you groaned, the guilt you felt was heart wrenching. suna already had trust issues as it was so it would take a while to patch things up with him after tonight.

"i hate myself."

"don't hate yourself, suna may be pissed but he won't cut you off- he's just hurt is all." atsumu replied.

you immediately felt your stomach churn, it was already late but it wouldn't hurt to try right? you wouldn't be able to sleep tonight knowing that things were left like this, knowing that suna was mad at you.

"take me to his place." you said.

"(y/n).. i already told you now isn't the right ti-"

"i don't care, i wanna see him."

"alright." atsumu sighed. "but don't say i didn't warn you."

the rest of the car ride was silent as atsumu drove to suna's house. the least suna deserved was an apology and whether he accepted it or not was fine, you just wanted him to know that you were sorry.

you arrived there a few minutes later, atsumu stayed in the car as you made your way towards suna's front door. it was late and you figured that his family was asleep so you decided to call him first, only for his phone to go straight to voicemail.

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