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➜ this was the first time you had seen suna in about a month and you'd never seen him look so pissed. akaashi walked past you and out the front door to approach suna, you could also make out atsumu sat in the car seat with the door open in case things got out of hand.

your heart beat only increased as you feared the worst. but sadly when it came to suna being mad, not even you could stop him.

"for starters i'm not here to waste time." suna spoke. "now answer me this, what the fuck were you doing inside my girlfriends home?"

"guessing you acquired memory loss during your time away." akaashi scoffed. "i was comforting her after she found out you cheated."

"i would never cheat on (y/n)." suna spat.

"then explain the video she received."

"that video was from two years ago, why would i cheat on a girl that i devoted a part of my life to?"

your mind was still disoriented from the weed but you had somewhat grasped onto what was going on. right now you didn't know who to believe and it was tearing you apart.

"tell that to her, not me." akaashi shrugged.

suna then turned to face you, a look of plead in his eyes before he faced akaashi again. "and how about you explain the video you sent of her to me?"

you immediately felt your stomach churn. not only had akaashi recorded you without your knowledge but suna now knew that the two of you had sex this evening, right now you were both agitated and confused.

"oh of (y/n) giving me head?" he smiled. "that mouth of hers really is something special."

poor suna looked mortified, after seeing him like this in person you honestly regretted everything you'd done within the past few hours.

akaashi then approached suna, this time mere inches away to whisper into his ear.

"but her pussy was even better." he chuckled.

that very sentence was suna's breaking point.

the fury suna felt bubbling within him was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, if there was one thing he wouldn't let go it was you. so the moment he swung a heavy punch at akaashi's jaw, you knew it was over.

akaashi stumbled a couple of steps, groaning in pain and wiping the blood that had fallen from his mouth. not long after he launched at suna, you watched in horror as the two of them fought for their lives. you thought of doing something but there was no point, even atsumu was struggling to get between the two of them.

before you knew it the fist fight had reached the street and both of them were bloodied up, not even the passer-by pedestrians could stop them from fighting.

your chest felt heavy as the guilt of what you had caused finally hit.

soon after your heart rate started to pick up once again and you could hear it pumping in your head. you crouched down and held your chest whilst breathing heavily, the last thing you remember seeing before everything started to spin was atsumu running towards you in a panic.

and before you knew it, everything went black.

you were awoken to the feeling of an oxygen mask around your face, your first initial instinct was to find suna however upon sitting up you saw your parents in the chair opposite you. it was only now that you realised how fucked you were about to be.

you took the mask off and faced your parents, they looked more angry than concerned if anything.

"ah, you're awake." your mother cleared her throat. "the doctors did an examination on your body and found high levels of THC and viagra in your blood, hence the reason why you passed out."

"what?" your brows raised. you knew about the weed but the viagra was a shock to you, there was no way akaashi could've drugged you.

"believe it or not, as your parents we're incredibly disappointed in you." your father spoke. "not only have you broken our rules for dating suna but you've gone behind our backs and taken not one, but two drugs."

"dad i-"

"i don't wanna hear it young lady." your mother cut you off. "you've embarrassed us plenty of times before but this was the last straw, it's obvious that grounding and restricting social media no longer works with you so we've decided to take things to the next level."

"wait, what do you mean?" you asked, your voice cracking a little.

"we've decided that when you graduate, you're to move out immediately as neither me or your father can keep up or have the energy for your ruthless behaviour anymore."

you looked at them with tears brimming in your eyes but neither one of them seemed to care, even your dad who was usually more lenient when it came to these types of situations wasn't budging.

"but you haven't even given me a chance to explain myself." you whimpered.

"say what you want, our decision is final." your father replied.

you knew your parents were strict but this was just another level, you never would've imagined things to go this far. you had initially planned to move out after graduating high school anyways but since suna didn't life in the prefecture anymore, you practically had nowhere to go.

it broke your heart that although you had gotten yourself into this situation, your parents clearly cared about their reputation more than their daughters own health.

"suna and akaashi got into a fight and i panicked, they were literally at each others throats- i have no idea how viagra got into my system." you proclaimed.

"is that so?" your mother said. "so i'm assuming you invited suna over to the house in our absence to smoke the cannabis then?"

"no! of course not."

"then why is there THC in your system?"

you let out a deep sigh, not wanting to risk getting yourself or the others into any more trouble. "i don't know mom."

"then i'm sorry (y/n), but our final decision stands."

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