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➜ nanako ended up taking you out to eat later that afternoon and to be honest you felt a lot better, it was now the evening and the two of you had just been going in and out of shops at the mall to try stuff on or joke around.

you were laughing so hard that you had completely forgotten about the suna situation until you randomly received a text from your phone.

the smile on your face instantly vanished when you saw that it was a message and attachment from an unknown number.



UNKNOWN: might wanna collect your bf 🤭


the mention of suna's name was already enough to make you throw up but the moment you clicked the video and watched it you felt like going into cardiac arrest. nanako realised that you weren't being yourself and quickly clocked onto what you were watching.

the 15 second video was more than enough to make anyone sick, including her.

"what the fuck?" she gasped, immediately clasping her mouth in horror.

it was indeed suna eating out another girl, the camera was angled the exact same way he had told you so it was like you were watching from her pov and he appeared to be sober considering his eyes weren't red.

the girl was breathlessly moaning in the background and her thighs were gradually clamping around suna's head, it was obvious by the sounds she was making and the slick on suna's lips that he was overstimulating her.

the video ended with suna finally pulling away and standing to his feet before beginning to stroke his shaft with the sound of the girl letting out a shaky sigh in the background.

your breathing quickly picked up and before you knew it you were hyperventilating, nanako instantly snatched your phone and threw her arm around your shoulder to take you to a more private and secluded area so you could calm down.

you had no words and it didn't take long for the dam to break, everything made sense now.

why suna was being so off with you, why he hadn't even bothered to text or call you today which was especially upsetting considering it was a saturday. this whole time he was cheating behind your back.

what made things worse was that he had promised you not even 3 months ago that he would never leave no matter how hard things got, you should've known that it was too good to be true.

"i'm just tired nanako, i don't know how much more of this i can take." you sobbed in her arms.

"i know it's hard baby but he's a douche bag and doesn't know what he's thinking, please try not to let him get to you anymore." nanako hugged you tighter.

you couldn't even respond to her because of how much you were crying, it was just such a shame that things had to end like this since after last time there was no way in hell that you'd take him back again.

a few seconds passed and you noticed nanako started whimpering too, the both of you had been through so much within such a short period of time so you didn't blame her and you honestly found it beautiful that she was comforting you in this way.

nanako pulled away from the hug. "i won't let you go through this alone."

you didn't end up going back home last night and had instead slept over at nanako's place, there was no way you could show your face to your parents in such a state when you weren't even supposed to be dating suna in the first place.

you were even supposed to work today but didn't have the courage to get up since your heart had practically been broken. apparently suna had attempted to call you in the middle of the night but you were so caught up in your slumber that you slept through all 4 of them.

not that you would pick up anyways, suna was the last person on earth that you wanted to speak to right now.

"hey, how are you feeling now?" nanako sat up from the couch, she had let you sleep on her bed since she knew you needed it most and she wanted to give you that space.

"like shit." you sighed reaching for your phone, only to see that it had died so you put it on charge.

"i guess it'll be like that for a while." nanako paused. "i still can't believe he'd do that and we don't even know who the girl is."

"yeah." you sighed. "as much as i love the boy, after the clarisse situation it was pretty obvious that he would get attention for his looks no matter where he went and him moving schools has only made things worse."

"i can't believe he let you down like that, damn it." the brunette gritted her teeth.

"it's life i guess."

you would be lying if you said you were numb to the feeling but considering that this wasn't the first time something like this had happened you didn't feel as bad as you should've if that made sense, almost as if because you had experienced this feeling before it didn't hurt too much now.

your phone eventually turned on only to see a series of missed calls from akaashi, atsumu and suna.

you ignored suna's and decided to read atsumu's first and you had to admit, it did make you feel a little better reading what he had to tell you.


tsumu <3
he's finally awake (y/n)!!!!
i can't believe this
i'm crying right now
never would've thought i would be this happy to see him again
thanks to you and nanako for helping me get through this ❤️ i love you both.

i'm so glad and can't wait to visit him tsumu :)
we love you too 💕💗💓

next was akaashi's message and to be honest you hadn't expected him to text you at all, especially not about work of all things.


Hey you didn't show up to work today, is everything alright?
I'll stop by at your place later if I can since it's not like you to just not show up without saying anything.

Hope you're good.

sorry for not calling in, i wasn't feeling myself.
i'm not home right now but will let you know when i am

akaashi responded just a few minutes later.

Cool, just checking :)

you put your phone down and sighed whilst looking up at the ceiling, you had no idea how you were supposed to explain all this to him later.

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