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warning : sexual content

➜ "oh fuck!" you moaned out when kenma threw your leg over his shoulder, making his strokes go impossibly deeper than they already were. his thumb rubbed along your clit, only drawing your 6th orgasm of the night closer.

"just one more, i know you can do it pretty." kenma groaned.

his hips were stuttering and thrusts were starting to get sloppier. the two of you had been going on for what felt like forever and you honestly didn't know how kenma had this much stamina left in him.

your boyfriend wasn't joking when he said he'd slut you the fuck out.

"ah- ngh! i'm cumming!" your back arched off the bed and kenma fell forward, pulling you into his chest as he too reached his peak.

kenma moaned into your ear as his release filled you up, it just felt too good to pull out. the both of you stayed that way for the next ten seconds or so until your heart rates slowed down, kenma laid down beside you whilst you sat up.

you took a deep breath and sighed to yourself, you thighs ached dearly and you'd honestly be lying if you said that wasn't one of the best hook up sessions that you'd ever had.

"i think i'm gonna go on birth control." you spoke.

"are you sure?" kenma replied. "i heard it takes a huge toll on your body."

"don't worry i'll be able to handle it, i just don't wanna risk falling pregnant next time even if you do wear a condom or pull out."

kenma nodded and pulled you close so he could kiss your forehead. "alright, whatever makes you happy." he stood to his feet.

"i'll get you a towel." he said but just as he was about to leave the sound of a sudden thud caught his attention, kenma turned around and to his surprise there you were laid on the floor.

"oh shit." you laughed. "my legs just gave out!"

kenma chuckled to himself. "good to know that i was hitting it right at least."

"shut the hell up."

and with that, kenma eventually guided you to the toilet so you could pee. from there you took a bath and quickly settled into bed, it was past 3am by the time you both went to sleep but it was the holidays now so you didn't care.

this had without a doubt been one of the best nights of your life.

kenma's pov

you slowly crept out of bed and put the covers over (y/n)'s frail body, she was still snoozing despite it being 11 in the morning. two years back you could only dream to even socialise her and now she was fast asleep in your bed.

perhaps good things really do come to those who wait.

you threw a hoodie and some sweaters on before grabbing your keys and leaving the house, with her aching legs (y/n) was in no shape to go out just yet so you had decided to go to the pharmacy to purchase some birth control pills for her yourself.

the walk to the pharmacy wasn't long and before you knew it you were already at the check out register, however because the pills weren't yours you had to register your girlfriends name in with the practice.

"what's the young ladies name?" the pharmacist asked.

"(y/n) (l/n)." you responded.

"could you please spell it out for me."

you proceeded to spell out her name and went along with the purchase, however the moment you turned you were caught by surprise at who you saw.

his brow was raised as he looked at the plastic bag in your hand. "birth control pills for (y/n) hm? god she really has turned into a whore hasn't she? first suna and now you-"

his sentence was immediately cut short when you sent a punch to his face, no way on earth were you just about to sit back whilst this excuse of a male insulted your girlfriend like that. terushima stumbled a few steps and held onto his jaw, chuckling at your sudden outburst.

"you shut the fuck up, whatever (y/n) chooses to do with her body is none of your business." you snapped.

terushima laughed. "what's with all the aggression? what, is she your girlfriend or something?" he scoffed.

"actually, yes she is." you took a step forward. "so you better watch your mouth."

terushima didn't say anything back, chances are he was in shock. of all the people in japan he never would've thought (y/n) would even glance in your direction but he was wrong, the thought of you and him being in the same league pissed him off and you could see that.

on the way home you figured that (y/n) would be hungry so you stopped by at the local bakery to buy some pastries for her, the store wasn't too packed thankfully but there were still a few people here and there.

as you waited in line however you couldn't help but overhear a conversation going on between a group of girls behind you.

"he hasn't been speaking to me at all this morning and i don't understand why, everything was going just fine a few days ago- we even had shower sex for crying out loud." a girl mumbled.

"honestly clarisse just ditch him, i know it's hard since you live together and all but it was obvious from the beginning that he just wanted to fuck- i mean isn't that what you wanted too?" her friend replied.

there was a sudden pause. "yeah but i don't know, i thought we had a little something there but clearly not- it's obvious that he's still head over heels for (y/n).. i mean, have you seen the way he looks at her?"

your eyes widened at the mention of her name, it all made sense now. the person these girls were speaking about was suna and now that you thought of it, you were sure you'd seen two of them at one of your practise matches before.

"mhm but it doesn't seem like they're on talking terms as of now though and i wonder why, i guess time will tell." the third girl added.

"yeah." she sighed. "it'll only be a matter of time before they start fucking about again."

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