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➜ "(y/n) (l/n)." suna cleared his throat and stood to his feet, he was holding a piece of what looked to be a letter that he'd hand written himself. the two of you had finished your meals and it was obvious that suna had a lot more to say than first anticipated.

the length of the paper was somewhat long and you felt like your heart was about to melt just by how warm it made you feel. all you could do was look up at suna and smile as he prepared himself for his mini speech.

"a year ago today i never would've imagined myself to be in this position right now, these past few months with you have been filled with nothing but regret, happiness and various other emotions that i'd rather not mention." he looked up and eyed you which made you laugh.

"after my last relationship, i didn't think i'd have any guts left in me to open up to anyone the way i have to you and i'd be lying if i said you haven't made me feel a type of way that words can't even describe. i love everything about you, from how perfectly you've treated me to the way you look at me through teary eyes whenever we have sex high."

suna paused and took a deep breath before speaking a final time. "but what i'm actually trying to say is i really can't imagine my life without you and although i've made some mistakes in the past, i can assure you that everything im saying to you right now is genuine and i promise to make you the happiest girl alive."

"so.." he came towards you and took something out of his pocket. suna then opened the box which revealed what looked to be a promise ring, you covered your face with both palms, unable to believe what was happening right now.

"(y/n) (m/n) (l/n), will you do me the honours of officially becoming my girlfriend?"

you removed your palms and stared at him, he looked so happy, as if he truly meant every word he'd just said. suna had gone above and beyond with this speech and to be honest, with how well everything was going between you both who were you to say no?

"yes rin, i would love to be your girlfriend." you nodded and held your hand out, allowing suna to slip the ring on.

he then stood to his feet and the first thing he did was pull you in for a hug, it was tight and for whatever reason he didn't wanna let go.

"thank you (y/n)." he told you.

"thank me?" you asked in a confused tone. "what for?"

"for making me the happiest man on earth."

suna pulled away and before you knew it his lips were on yours, you could taste the faint flavour of wine on his lips and suna's arm quickly scooped you up to carry you bridal style.

"rin!" you gasped in shock whilst laughing.

"what the hell are you doing?"

"i'm about to change your life, baby."

warning : sexual content

"yeah? you like that pretty girl?" suna taunted as you clenched around his digits, he had laid you down on the table just like he said he would.

the two of you weren't even fully naked yet, suna wanted to ruin you right in the little dress you had so prettily worn just for him. all you could do was nod profusely as suna's pace only increased, he could feel your walls fluttering and just as you were about to cum he pulled his fingers out.

you sighed in frustration before looking up at him, your walls clenching around nothing. "why the hell are you so mean all the time?"

suna took his digits into his mouth to taste your arousal whilst looking down at you, all you could do was stare in annoyance as he spread your legs out even wider for him. he rested a finger on your clit before rubbing it in small circles.

"all the time?" suna scoffed. "oh come on baby, i've given you plenty of life changing orgasms before."

"yeah but you always edge me, and it's fucking annoying." you rolled your eyes.

"yeah?" suna smirked. "well if you want it that badly, then i guess i could make an exception."

"please.." you gasped and that's all it took for suna to get on his knees and latch his mouth onto your clit. it would be rude of him not to make some sort of negotiation, you did deserve it after all you had prepared for him tonight.

suna slipped his fingers back into your fluttering cunt, from there he proceeded to suck on your clit which forced your eyes to roll back almost instantly. the sounds that left your lips were nothing short of pornographic and suna was living for them.

"right in my mouth baby, that's it." suna mumbled, pulling you closer.

"oh my fucking god rin! don't stop!" you screamed as you came, forcing your legs to clamp around suna's head from the pleasurable feeling. suna didn't let up nor did he pull away, you practically almost fell off the table from how violently your legs were trembling.

your soul felt like it had just left your body and suna hadn't even used his cock yet, this was without a doubt gonna be a long night.

"you happy now?" suna pulled away revealing his lips coated with your cum to which he licked off, he then stood to his feet and helped you sit up.

"never felt better." you smiled to yourself.

"sounds like you two were having fun." you suddenly heard osamu's voice which made your heart drop, you had completely forgotten that your friends were here.

"holy shit." your eyes widened. "don't tell me you guys-"

"mhm, every single second of it." nanako smiled at you.

you were burning up inside, you had never experienced such embarrassment before in your life.

"she sounds amazing doesn't she?" suna threw his arm around your shoulder and looked down at you.

"suna!" you hit him whilst wailing in humiliation.

the four of them laughed at you and all you could do was smile awkwardly. "well we're heading out now, it feels good to know that our favourite couple are officially together and i'm gonna assume the two of you are gonna have a lot more fun once we leave."

"thank you guys for helping out, really- i couldn't have done this without you." you told them.

"no problem babe, make sure to make the most of your night and we'll talk to you guys tomorrow." nanako waved and headed towards the door, the twins following shortly after.

once you and suna finally finished dismissing them you looked at him and already know what was coming, there was no denying that he would fuck you until all you became was his brain dead dick obsessed whore.

"upstairs, now." was all he said.

you grinned and headed up the stairs, unbeknownst to the news that would come tearing your world apart in just a few hours.

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