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➜ "(y/n)!" the voice said a final time before you felt two hands on your shoulders, your eyes opened and you were baffled by your surroundings. a bead of sweat trickled down your forehead and your breathing was still abnormally heavy.

"samu!?" you immediately sat up.

"you good?" he raised a brow in concern whilst sitting on the edge of the bed. "it looks like you were having a nightmare."

it was then it hit you and you couldn't be more thankful.

"where's suna!?" you blurted out, not realising that tears were now streaming down your cheeks.

"hey calm down, what's got you all worked up?" osamu panicked, thinking he was the reason for your sudden outburst. "you just had a bad dream."

"i don't care, i wanna see him." you persisted.

nothing felt real right now and you wouldn't believe suna was alive until you saw him with your own two eyes, regardless of whether you were dreaming or not. you didn't know what kind of 'dream' that was but it was something you never wanted to experience again.

"fine.. fine, i'll call him right now." samu eventually gave in, leaving the room to dial his number.

it took you a while to remember that you were at osamu's apartment, though you couldn't remember why. your head was pounding right now and as you reached for your phone, you saw that it was sunday evening which made your heart drop.

for the next few minutes or so you took the time to calm yourself down, steadying your breathing until osamu came back in a little later holding an ice pack for your forehead.

"he said he's on his way now, you guys were gonna meet akaashi right? well your morning sickness got so bad that he decided to drop you off and go alone and next thing you know you blacked out." he handed the ice pack to you.

your eyes widened. "fuck.. did anything happen?" you paused. "anything bad?"

"nah, suna had tsumu and nanako go with him instead just in case things got ugly but in the end akaashi ended up paying him a whole sum of money as a 'sorry for fucking your life up, i'll leave you two alone now' gift. osamu shrugged. "i don't know, maybe he really has changed."

"how much money are we talking?"

"about 700 thousand yen." osamu spoke.

"shit. what the fuck." you gawked.

"that was my exact reaction too, i can't believe this is the same akaashi who almost tried to kill suna a few years back."

"is she awake now?" you suddenly heard ayane ask, poking her head into the room.

you made eye contact with her and her worried expression instantly faded into a smile, relieved that you were doing better. she then sat next to you and immediately brought you into a hug, holding you firmly before pulling away.

"you need to start looking after yourself more (y/n), we were worried sick about you." she said.

"i know, i know." you sighed whilst rubbing the side of your head. "i've just been really stressed out lately."

"you do realise you're putting both yourself and the baby at risk right? we wouldn't want anything bad happening to either one of you." osamu added.

"yes father and mother, but morning sickness isn't exactly something i can control you know?" you replied sarcastically.

"it's one thing to throw up but passing out is just something else." ayane retorted. "we'll call every once in a while from now to make sure you're getting the right nutrients in."

you nodded at them and it wasn't long before suna, atsumu and nanako made it to the apartment. you had calmed down already but something about seeing suna again immediately sent tears running down your cheeks again.

you wasted no time getting up from the bed and clinging onto him tightly, suna was surprised by your actions but hugged you back nonetheless. he laughed at first but his face quickly dropped when he realised you were crying.

"hey baby, what's wrong?" he pulled you away and had you look up into his eyes. "we were only apart for a couple hours, i'm here- don't worry."

you just shook your head and cried into his chest some more, suna look at the others and signalled for them to go into the main room so you could be left with him alone. he then took your hand and led you back to the spare bedroom, sitting you down on the bed whilst he grabbed a chair and sat opposite you.

"tell me why you're crying." suna spoke.

"i had a bad dream but it all felt so real, we were at the diner and had just finished the talk that akaashi initiated. we left on civil turns but since you were in a rush to leave you went to start the car whilst i went to use the restroom, but by the time i was done i saw a big ball of flames only to realise that it was your car and you were burning inside of it." the water works came the more you spoke causing suna's expression to soften.

he had never seen you this upset before.

you finally took a deep breath. "i thought i lost you rin, i really did."

suna didn't say anything for a few seconds, instead he sat beside you wrapped his arm around your shoulder before pulling you close.

"i'll never leave you (y/n) no matter what happens and i need you to understand that." suna suddenly got up and crouched down in front of you, holding both of your hands in his and staring deep into your eyes.

"my love for you isn't even something my own family has experienced, even if something bad does to me i will fight if it means that i'm making you happy."

you couldn't help but smile at his last sentence which caused him to smile also, suna really was your other half and you didn't know if you'd be able to function without him standing right by your side.

"i don't know how else to repay you for all the joy you've brought me these past few years."

"you don't need to repay me." suna kissed your forehead. "your presence is all i'll ever need as a thank you (y/n)."

gotcha 🤭

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