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➜ "hey rin, where did you say you wanted me to put your sports stuff again?" you asked your boyfriend.

"in the box with my name on it behind you." he replied.

it was currently the morning of suna's move and you were helping him pack a few final things before he left for good. you'd be lying if you said you felt okay, this was probably the saddest you had been in years.

"okay." you responded whilst moving his stuff. as you cleared the rest of his drawer however you couldn't help but notice an opened envelope at the back of it, it was pink and read 'to rintarou' on the front of it.

out of curiosity you opened it, seeing it read 'happy valentines baby' followed by a big paragraph below it from a few years ago. the name at the bottom read 'akari' to which you didn't recognise, so you presumed she was most likely an ex or something.

"cute letter." you said out loud which caught his attention. suna immediately turned and took the letter from your hand, almost ashamed that you of all people had found it.

"fuck i haven't seen this shit in so long."

"why do you still have it?"

"it was from my ex- back when i was with her i would read it every once in a while whenever i got pissed or upset over something." he sighed. "guess i forgot to throw it out."

as much as you didn't like that he was speaking about his ex, you still found it cute that suna had a soft side whenever it came to the people that he loved.

"that's adorable." you smiled. "i'm surprised it's still in good condition."

"yeah, i was obsessed with the damn thing." he came up and hugged you from behind before slowly bending you over. "but now i'm obsessed with you."

"rin!" you gasped as held your hips and gave you a few playful thrusts, the feeling of his length rubbing against your clothed cunt.

it was safe to say that you and suna were at a point where you could trust each other with anything so a conversation like this about his ex didn't raise any concern, after all it's not like he was still in contact with her or anything.

suddenly you both heard the bedroom door close, causing him to back away immediately. mrs suna was outside helping pack the van which could only mean one thing.

"fuck- do you think she saw us?"

"who reiko?" suna scoffed. "she definitely did."

"i feel like shit." you mumbled.

"it's you so it's fine, anyone else and she would've beaten my ass." he laughed.

"oh gosh." you sighed. "i'm gonna miss her too."

it was now later in the afternoon and you were at a local diner with samu and nanako. they'd both agreed to meet up with you to help you feel better about suna leaving, atsumu said he would've came but had a few things to deal with so right now it was just the three of you.

"it'll be fine (y/n), we're all graduating soon so you could just move in with him once you start college." osamu reassured you.

"my parents would never allow that." you sighed. "they don't even like suna."

"well they can't control your life forever." nanako said. "eventually you'll be able to make your own decisions."

"true, i may aswell start saving up now." you paused. "but first i need a job."

"i heard that the fast food place downtown is hiring, you could start there if that helps." samu suggested.

"or you could try the nail salon at the mall, i heard the pay there is good." nanako added.

"alright, i'll take a look there after school tomorrow- thanks you guys.. really."

"no problem babe." nanako stood to her feet. "i'm gonna go use the restroom quickly, i'll be right back you guys." she smiled.

"sure go ahead."

the second nanako was out of view osamu sat forward and made eye contact with you, you'd never seen this look on his face before so you could tell something had happened but couldn't quite pinpoint what.

"(y/n).. there's something i need to tell you." he spoke up.

you felt your heart drop, osamu was unpredictable when it came to these types of conversations so you really didn't know what to expect.

"what's up?" you asked.

"it's about nanako so i'll explain after we leave the diner."

"oh okay, is it good or bad?"

"real bad." osamu mumbled. "i fucked up big time."

"alright." you nodded. "we'll talk once she leaves."

for the next hour or so that the three of you were there, all you could think about was what samu had to tell you and now that you thought of it you did notice that he wasn't acting like his usual self so you presumed whatever he had to say would explain why.

however, nothing could prepare you for the severity of what he was about to tell you.

"you what?" you asked osamu a second time.

"i fucked her in my bed." he confessed.

"so you mean to tell me she cheated on tsumu?"

"well not exactly which is where i fucked up. she was high so the whole time we did it, she thought i was tsumu."

"what the fuck?" you rubbed your temples before looking back up at him. "do you realise how fucked up that is osamu?"

"i know it is which is why i thought to tell you, there's no excuse for what i did but at the time i just couldn't resist- she touched me first." he replied.

"that doesn't mean anything, she clearly wasn't in the right state of mind and you still could've told her from the beginning that you weren't atsumu." you proclaimed, feeling yourself grow more and more annoyed.

"i honestly don't even know what to tell you samu."

"i understand and know that it was wrong, i was gonna tell the both of them today but now- i really don't know what to expect."

you were genuinely gobsmacked, not only had he fucked his brothers girlfriend but the girl wasn't even aware of it. there was no doubt that what samu did was messed up and you were genuinely scared for tsumu's reaction to it.

"well the quicker you tell them the better but i'll be honest and say that i can't guarantee that things will end well." you spoke.

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