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warning : sexual content

➜ "oh my gosh.. no way!" nanako held her arms out and immediately embraced you in a hug, your face was warm from how nervous you were but you were honestly glad that their reaction was positive since it meant you could finally be at peace now.

"yeah, she's due in december." you smiled.

ayane, a friend whom you'd made during your first year of college hugged you too. the three of you had grown to make an amazing trio and the fact that she had started dating samu made it all the more better.

your friend group of 6 was finally complete.

"daddy suna hm? i always knew you'd be the first of us three to step it up a notch." tsumu rubbed his back.

"don't say that again, you sound zesty as hell." samu said with a chuckle.

"shut the fuck up." he retorted. "who would've thought our favourite couple would turn out to be parents."

"no seriously." nanako continued. "you two have come so far."

suna looked at you and smiled, from the very moment your situationship with him began he'd always known that you'd be locked in regardless of what happened. he was just glad that now his dream had finally turned into a reality.

"it means a lot to have you guys by our side, really." he spoke. "but if i'm being honest, this next year is about be hard as fuck."

"we're your friends for a reason." ayane replied. "if you ever need help just text the group chat."

atsumu couldn't contain his amusement. "oh shit- i can already imagine it."

3:17 am

baddies 😈💯🔥 + atsumu

who's up?


sup rinnie

i am

so we're all up now hm?

i need help


how the hell do i change natsumi's nappy?
* attachment: 1 image *

😂😂😂😂😂😂 what?

you went 9 months preparing for a baby only to not know how to change her nappy?

🤣🤣🤣 you never fail to amaze me

isn't (y/n) there with you?

yea but she's asleep rn, natsumi's kept her up the majority of this week

good grief.
so you start off by removing the dirty nappy

the six of you roared with laughter. the thing that made it so funny was how true it was, suna would much rather text the group chat than have to wake you up since he knew how much you valued your beauty sleep.

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